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2021/5/20 9:51:49 来源:官网信息 阅读:546 发布者:

International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism

Author Guidelines

Prior to submission, please carefully read and follow the submission guidelines detailed below. Authors must submit their manuscripts through the journal’s ScholarOne online submission system. To submit, click the button below:

Submit a Manuscript


Authorship Guidelines

The Journals Division at Human Kinetics adheres to the criteria for authorship as outlined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors*:

Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content. Authorship credit should be based only on substantial contributions to:

a. Conception and design, or analysis and interpretation of data; and

b. Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and

c. Final approval of the version to be published.

Conditions a, b, and c must all be met. Individuals who do not meet the above criteria may be listed in the acknowledgments section of the manuscript. *Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. (1991). New England Journal of Medicine, 324, 424–428.

Open Access

Human Kinetics is pleased to allow our authors the option of having their articles published Open Access. In order for an article to be published Open Access, authors must complete and return the Request for Open Access form and provide payment for this option. To learn more and request Open Access, click here.

Manuscript Instructions

The International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism (IJSNEM) publishes a range of different types of papers, including original research investigations, rapid communications, case studies, scholarly reviews, methodology reviews, and 10 questions; 10 experts. The common goal is to promote new and high-impact insights into sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, as well as the application of the principles of biochemistry, physiology, and nutrition to sport and exercise. Original research with human subjects will be emphasized, although relevant research with animal models may be published. Case studies that demonstrate systematic, rather than casual, observations made with appropriate instrumentation, as well as articles with clinical application, will be included. Please see the guidelines for each type of article. Note that even when papers are commissioned, each will undergo peer review and, unless prior authorization has been provided by the Editor or Special Projects Editor, all papers must conform to the submission guidelines.

Author Toolbox

The PRESENT 2020 Checklist

The Proper Reporting of Evidence in Sport & Exercise Nutrition Trials (PRESENT) 2020 checklist was developed to improve reporting of research in sport nutrition and exercise metabolism–providing submitting authors the opportunity to quickly verify that all relevant information is included in their manuscript. An expanded explanation of each item can be found in the associated editorial, "PRESENT 2020: Text Expanding on the Checklist for Proper Reporting of Evidence in Sport and Exercise Nutrition Trials". Submitting authors should carefully consider each item on the checklist and then simply either note "Y" (yes) and then enter page/line numbers if relevant, or mark that item "N/A" if not applicable. A Spanish translation of the (PRESENT) 2020 checklist was published in Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte, and may be viewed here.

Time Series Response Analyser

Authors are encouraged to make use of IJSNEM's Time Series Response Analyser in order to calculate summary statistics, such as incremental area under the curve. The calculations used can then be easily identified in the paper and readers can be assured that standardized methods were consistently and accurately applied by citation of the methods paper associated with that tool (Narang et al. 2020).

Manuscript Submission Template

Authors are welcome to make use of this manuscript template to help ensure that their submission is consistent with IJSNEM's formatting and reporting guidelines. However, this is not a requirement and authors are free not to use the template if that is preferred.

General Instructions

All manuscripts must be written in English, with attention to concise language, a logical structure and flow of information, and correct grammatical style. We appreciate that many of our authors do not speak English as their first language and may need assistance to reach the standards required by the journal. In addition, some younger authors may not be experienced in scientific writing styles. Since manuscripts that fail to meet the journal’s writing standards will not be sent out for review, such authors should ensure that they seek assistance from native English speakers and/or experienced colleagues prior to submitting their paper. Many journals acknowledge the existence of companies which offer professional editing services. An example of such a service can be found at www.aje.com/; this information does not constitute endorsement of this service. Use of an editorial service is at the discretion and cost of the authors, and will not guarantee acceptance for publication in IJSNEM.

All manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word or another comparable word processing software program. Manuscripts should be double-spaced and include continuous line numbers in the text. Pages should be numbered in the upper right corner. Each table and figure should be presented on a separate page; headings should be included with each table, while figure legends should be aggregated on a separate page at the conclusion of references. Manuscripts should include the following elements in the order indicated: (1) title page; (2) abstract and keywords; (3) text; (4) acknowledgments, authorships, declarations of funding sources, and conflicts of interest; (5) references; (6) tables; (7) figure legends; and (8) figures.

Title Page

The manuscript must have a separate title page including title of article, name(s) of author(s), institutional affiliation(s), running head, and e-mail address and full contact details for the corresponding author. The title of the paper should be limited to 25 words. The running title (an abbreviated version of the title that is printed at the top of the page in the formatted journal version) should be limited to 8 words.

Abstract and Keywords

The abstract should be a maximum of 250 words and be written in one continuous paragraph without subheadings. Abstracts should showcase the new information presented in the paper, either in the form of original research data or as a novel insight into an established issue. Abstracts reporting original research must include sufficient data to support any conclusion reached. It is not satisfactory to simply describe what was found (such as, "the treatment group improved more than the control group") nor to say simply that “the results will be discussed”. References should not be included. Include three keywords or phrases not included in the manuscript title.


Manuscripts should be double-spaced and should include continuous line numbers in the text. Pages should be numbered in the upper right corner. Statistical analysis: Papers submitted to the journal may be sent for review to a statistician if the Editor is not satisfied that appropriate procedures have been followed. When data sets are normally distributed, variance should be given as the SD rather than SEM. Nonparametric statistical analysis should be used when data sets are not normally distributed.

Methods in sport nutrition research: To assist with the design, implementation, and interpretation of studies in sport nutrition, IJSNEM has commenced the publication of a series of reviews on methodologies in sport nutrition research. These articles provide commentary from experts in a variety of fields on optimum ways to conduct and report studies on aspects of sport nutrition research. They can be downloaded from the IJSNEM Website, and we recommend that all authors read these reviews before submitting manuscripts to the journal. Although the ultimate goal of these review papers is to promote better standards of sport nutrition research and help researchers enhance their outputs, they will also be used as a benchmark for reviewing papers sent to this journal. When submitted manuscripts describe methods that have been clearly shown to be inappropriate or fail to provide adequate description of methods according to recommendations in these methodology reviews, this is likely to result in rejection of the manuscript.

Acknowledgment, Authorships, Declarations

All funding sources and potential conflicts of interest should be declared at the end of the text. These include:

The role of each author. The author list of papers submitted to IJSNEM should conform to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines. Therefore, to qualify for authorship, the following general criteria should be observed:

Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND

Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND

Final approval of the version to be published; AND

Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

(n.b. those fulfilling the first criterion are usually expected have an opportunity to contribute to the others).

A short paragraph should therefore be included at the end of the manuscript to identify each author by their initials and then list their specific contributions under the following headings, consistent with the Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT; https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/leap.1210): conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, funding acquisition, investigation, methodology, project administration, resources, software, supervision, validation, visualization, writing - original draft, writing - review and editing. Other contributors not meeting the above criteria can be acknowledged in this section but should not be included in the author list. All included authors should be aware and approve of the submission and it is the responsibility of the submitting author to ensure that all co-authors remain informed of subsequent revisions.

Use of human and animal subjects: IJSNEM requires that all submitted studies using human or animal subjects conform to the policies established by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and the American Physiological Society. Manuscripts should include a clear statement to the effect that studies had prior approval from a formally constituted ethics review board in the case of human studies and that informed consent was obtained in writing from participants (or guardians for participants under the age of 18 years), or that they adhered to current animal welfare legislation in the case of animal studies.

Studies using commercial products: IJSNEM recognizes the importance of studies that address the efficacy and safety of commercially-available products, including specialist sports foods, sports drinks, and dietary supplements. Such studies should, when relevant, include independent verification of the composition of the product under investigation. In the case of dietary supplements, this might reasonably include an analysis of the product to verify the content of the active ingredient and to exclude the presence of undeclared/doping substances that might affect the outcome of the study. As with all studies, the inclusion of appropriate control groups or trials is important to the interpretation of any findings.


IJSNEM follows a modified version of the style laid out in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th ed. Please consult the APA manual. References should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the text and should be cited in the text using author name(s) and date of publication. In the case of in-text citations, where there are more than two authors, the first author’s name can be followed by “et al.” Example: “Burke, Clooney, Pitt, and Riewoldt (2009) found that supplementation achieved positive outcomes” can be replaced by “Supplementation was found to achieve positive outcomes (Burke et al., 2009).” References should not be numbered in the reference list. Examples of the three most common forms of references are shown below. For other variations, please consult the APA manual.

Burke, L. M., Clooney, G., Pitt, B., & Riewoldt, N. (2009). Cacao supplementation does not affect sprint performance in elite team sport players. Journal of Clinical Inspiration, 67, 1966–1971.

Wadler, G.I., & Hainline, B. (1989). Drugs and the athlete. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.

Haymes, E. Proteins, vitamins, and iron. (1983). In M.H. Williams (Ed.), Ergogenic aids in sport (pp. 27–55). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.


When tabular material is necessary, it should not duplicate the text. Tables should be formatted using the table function of the word processing program rather than by aligning columns in text with tabs and spaces or using text boxes. Tables should be double-spaced on separate sheets and each should include a brief title and a legend that highlights any statistically significant findings.

Figures Legends and Figures

Figures should be professional in appearance and have clean, crisp lines. Hand drawings and hand lettering are not acceptable. Color is not permitted: figures should use black and white or gray shading only. Labels should be proportionate with the size of the figures on the journal page. Digital photos should be 300 dpi at full size, and digital line art should be 600 dpi. Figures can be submitted electronically in TIFF, PDF or JPEG file formats. Authors are encouraged to submit illustrations rather than tables.

Following are additional guidelines based on specific manuscript type.

Original Research


Original Research papers should cover topics of novelty and high impact in relation to sport nutrition or exercise metabolism. Even in cases where research has been conducted carefully and has been appropriately written up, a manuscript may be rejected if it is deemed to be of insufficient interest and quality to attract attention.


Where possible, the title should be brief but instructive of the outcome of the study. Example: “Caffeine fails to improve 200 m swimming time in elite swimmers” is preferred to “Effect of caffeine on swimming performance in elite swimmers”


Target of 3,000 words with an absolute maximum of 4,000 words (excludes title page, abstract, acknowledgments, references, figures, tables). Almost all articles should be able to be adequately reported in 3,000 words.


Sections include Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion; each of these sections should follow the standard processes. Where appropriate, the text should conclude with two brief statements: a novelty statement (one or two sentences should sum up the new information that has been gained as a result of the study) and a practical application statement (one or two sentences should sum up the way that this information could be put into practice). These statements can be included in the Discussion section or in a Conclusion section.


Note that the contribution of each author to the paper should be outlined.


A maximum of 40 references can be cited.

Figures and Tables

A total of six figures and/or tables may be used to illustrate the data in this study. The total of six assumes no more than one page for each figure. If a figure has multiple panels requiring more than one page, the total number of figures should be reduced accordingly. If you feel that additional panels or figures are needed, please be sure to address this in your cover letter.

Rapid Communication


IJSNEM offers the opportunity for highly novel research data to receive an expedited publication process. Authors are required to produce succinct manuscripts of abbreviated length (see instructions below) and to outline the key reasons that their work should receive special attention. The Editor or Special Projects Editor will assess the merits of this case. The work will be subjected to peer review with a rapid turnaround (2-week maximum period for each stage) and authors will need to be willing to attend to any revisions or proofing within a similar timeframe. On acceptance of publication, Rapid Communication papers will be granted epub status and will immediately be moved into production for full publication in the next journal issue.


The title should be brief but promote the novel outcomes of the study. Example: “Caffeine fails to improve 200 m swimming time in elite swimmers” is preferred to “Effect of caffeine on swimming performance in elite swimmers”


2,000 words (excludes title page, abstract, acknowledgments, references, figures, tables)


Sections include Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion; each of these sections should follow the standard processes. Where appropriate, the text should conclude with two brief statements: a novelty statement (one or two sentences should sum up the new information that has been gained as a result of the study) and a practical application statement (one or two sentences should sum up the way that this information could be put into practice). These statements can be included in the Discussion section or in a Conclusion section.


Note that the contribution of each author to the paper should be outlined.


A maximum of 25 references can be cited.

Figures and Tables

A total of four figures and/or tables may be used to illustrate the data in this study. The total of four assumes no more than one page for each figure. If a figure has multiple panels requiring more than one page, the total number of figures should be reduced accordingly. If you feel that additional panels or figures are needed, please be sure to address this in your cover letter.

Case Study


The case study should present a novel situation in which a sport nutrition practitioner has observed a nutrition challenge in sport or assisted in the implementation of a nutrition plan to overcome such a challenge. The aim of a case study publication is to present a brief but insightful summary of a unique situation in sport nutrition. Authors should note the requirement that all material maintain the anonymity of the subject(s). The subject(s) should have the opportunity to read the case study in its entirety before giving their written permission for publication to the authors; authors should provide a copy of this written permission to IJSNEM (download consent form here). When the authors’ institutions require approval from their own human ethics committees for the presentation of such a case study, it should be documented that this was sought and granted.


The title should begin with “Case study” and provide an informative description of the issue that is covered. Example: “Case study: cyclist with multiple food intolerances completes 3 week Grand tour event (Giro D’Italia)”


2,000 words (excludes title page, abstract, acknowledgments, references, figures, tables); authors are encouraged to write objectively in presenting the background, assessments, and nutrition plan involved in the case but may present their reflections in an active or first-person form.


The following sections are recommended:

Background to issue

Summary of the topic/sport/context in which the athlete’s nutritional challenge has emerged

Examples: Overview of an event or sport, an issue in a sport (e.g., making weight), or a clinical nutrition issue (e.g., celiac disease, type 1 diabetes)

Presentation of athlete/subject

Confidential presentation of the subject of the case study.

A statement that the subject has provided written permission for publication of the case study after having read the paper. Where applicable, there should also be a statement that the paper has been approved by a human ethics committee of the authors’ institution(s).

Details of the situation that led to the involvement of the subject and author(s) in the observation, project, or collaboration.

Athlete/subject assessment

Personal and sporting history

Physique and physiological characteristics (as applicable)

Medical or clinical history (if relevant)

Nutritional assessment and history (as applicable)

Overview of nutrition plan/intervention

Details of the recommended plan with scientific/nutritional support for this approach

Outcome of the implementation of the plan



Note that the contribution of each author to the paper should be outlined.


A maximum of 25 references can be cited.

Figures and Tables

A total of four figures and/or tables may be used to illustrate the data in this study. The total of four assumes no more than one page for each figure. If a figure has multiple panels requiring more than one page, the total number of figures should be reduced accordingly. If you feel that additional panels or figures are needed, please be sure to address this in your cover letter.

Scholarly Review


IJSNEM publishes scholarly reviews including narrative reviews and meta-analyses that offer a new summary or insight into a topic of interest.


The title should be brief but instructive. Example: “Dairy protein promotes superior muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise: a meta-analysis” is preferred to “The effect of dairy protein on muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise”


5,000 words (excludes title page, abstract, acknowledgments, references, figures, tables)


Sections headings should be set according to the topic. Where appropriate, the text should conclude with two brief statements: a novelty statement (one or two sentences should sum up the new information that has been gained as a result of the review) and a practical application statement (one or two sentences should sum up the way that this information could be put into practice). These statements can be included in the Discussion section or in a Conclusion section.


Note that the contribution of each author to the paper should be outlined.


A maximum of 75 references can be cited.

Figures and Tables

A total of eight figures and/or tables may be used to illustrate the data in this study. The total of eight assumes no more than one page for each figure. If a figure has multiple panels requiring more than one page, the total number of figures should be reduced accordingly. If you feel that additional panels or figures are needed, please be sure to address this in your cover letter.

Methodology Review


IJSNEM publishes reviews regarding methodologies in sport nutrition research to assist with the design, implementation, and interpretation of studies in sport nutrition. These articles will generally be commissioned from experts in the field, and will provide a commentary on optimum ways to conduct and report on aspects of sport nutrition research. All such reviews will undergo the usual peer review process. The Special Projects Editor can be contacted to discuss potential topics of interest. Methodology Reviews will be made accessible to readers by open access status on PubMed. They can also be downloaded from the IJSNEM Website.


The title should be brief but instructive and include the words Methodology Review in the title.


The remaining formatting characteristics for Methodology Reviews will follow the instructions for Scholarly Reviews above.

10 Questions; 10 Experts


This publication will summarize the outcomes of symposia delivered at major sports medicine and sport nutrition conferences following the 10 Questions; 10 Experts format in which a topic of interest is divided into 10 separate questions with a brief answer being provided by an expert in the field. Publication will require each expert to present their response within a limit of 300 words plus three citations. The summary will be edited with a brief introduction and summary provided by the chairperson(s) and the sequential presentation of each expert’s response. The full manuscript will be subject to peer review prior to final acceptance, and acknowledgment of the symposium will be included in the paper. The Special Projects Editor should be contacted to discuss the potential publication of such a symposium.


The title should contain the 10 Questions; 10 Experts brief. Example: “10 Questions; 10 Experts: Timing, type and doses of protein intake to optimize the benefits of resistance training”


4,000 words (excludes title page, abstract, acknowledgments, references, figures, tables); where possible, the 10 questions should be outlined in the 250 word abstract.


Introduction, ten 300-word expert responses (with the three additional references immediately following), and Summary.


The authors should be listed in the order of their presentation, with the chairperson(s) or organizer of the publication being acknowledged as primary author.

Figures and Tables

A total of six figures and/or tables may be used, but may not be considered necessary for this type of presentation. The total of six assumes no more than one page for each figure. If a figure has multiple panels requiring more than one page, the total number of figures should be reduced accordingly. If authors feel that additional panels or figures are needed, this should be addressed in the cover letter.


From time to time, IJSNEM will publish other types of papers, including invited editorials and special reviews from conference presentations. In most cases, these pieces will be commissioned and specific instructions will be provided to authors for their preparation. All articles will still be submitted to a peer review process. The Editor or Special Projects Editor can be contacted regarding such papers.

Review Process

Manuscripts are read by an editor and two reviewers; reviews will not be blind. Authors are required to provide the names and email addresses of a minimum of two potential peer reviewers when they submit their manuscripts. The review process should not take more than ~6-8 weeks.

Copyright Transfer

Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication are required to transfer copyright to Human Kinetics, Inc. This transfer of copyright form will be provided to authors.



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