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2022/5/11 16:06:06  阅读:191 发布者:


南京医科大学沈洪兵院士团队在Frontiers of Medicine发表研究论文《基于系统功能基因组学注释解析肺腺癌与肺鳞癌的遗传异质性》(Comprehensive functional annotation of susceptibility variants identifies genetic heterogeneity between lung adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma)。南京医科大学秦娜博士后和李远程博士为本研究的共同第一作者,沈洪兵院士和马红霞教授为本研究的共同通讯作者。




1 研究设计流程图


全基因组关联研究已鉴定出一系列肺癌的遗传易感变异,然而这些变异的生物学功能尚不明确。为了系统解析肺癌易感变异的功能并揭示其影响肺癌发生的潜在易感机制,该研究首先基于27 120例非小细胞肺癌和27 355例健康对照的基因型数据进行荟萃分析,筛选肺癌易感性相关的遗传变异;随后,获取GTExTCGAENCODERoadmapFANTOM5等数据库的基因组、转录组和表观基因组数据,并整合六种生物信息学预测算法,分别对非编码区和编码区的遗传变异进行功能评价。

该研究共纳入3064个易感变异进行分析,其中,39个(1.27%)位于基因的编码区域;3025个位于非编码区域,且在启动子和增强子相关的组蛋白修饰区域以及DNase I超敏位点区域存在显著富集。组织病理学亚型特异的转录因子富集分析结果显示,肺腺癌特有的易感变异在转录因子USF1结合区域富集,而肺鳞癌特有的易感变异则在CREB1结合区域富集。变异的功能注释共定位到803个肺癌的潜在致病基因,包括274个肺腺癌特异和123个肺鳞癌特异的基因,提示两者的遗传易感机制存在区别。进一步的通路富集分析结果显示,肺腺癌和鳞癌共有的易感基因在尼古丁胆碱受体相关的通路富集,而腺癌和鳞癌特异的易感基因则分别在免疫和同源重组修复相关的通路富集。







Comprehensive functional annotation of susceptibility variants identifies genetic heterogeneity between lung adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma




Na Qin, Yuancheng Li, Cheng Wang, Meng Zhu, Juncheng Dai, Tongtong Hong, Demetrius Albanes, Stephen Lam, Adonina Tardon, Chu Chen, Gary Goodman, Stig E. Bojesen, Maria Teresa Landi, Mattias Johansson, Angela Risch, H-Erich Wichmann, Heike Bickeboller, Gadi Rennert, Susanne Arnold, Paul Brennan, John K. Field, Sanjay Shete, Loic Le Marchand, Olle Melander, Hans Brunnstrom, Geoffrey Liu, Rayjean J. Hung, Angeline Andrew, Lambertus A. Kiemeney, Shan Zienolddiny, Kjell Grankvist, Mikael Johansson, Neil Caporaso, Penella Woll, Philip Lazarus, Matthew B. Schabath, Melinda C. Aldrich, Victoria L. Stevens, Guangfu Jin, David C. Christiani, Zhibin Hu, Christopher I. Amos, Hongxia Ma, Hongbing Shen




1. Department of Epidemiology, Center for Global Health, School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 211166, China


2. State Key Laboratory of Reproductive Medicine, Center for Global Health, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 211166, China


3. Department of Bioinformatics, School of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 211166, China


4. Jiangsu Key Lab of Cancer Biomarkers, Prevention and Treatment, Collaborative Innovation Center for Cancer Medicine, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 211166, China


5. China International Cooperation Center for Environment and Human Health, School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 211166, China


6. Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 20892-9304, USA


7. Department of Integrative Oncology, British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1L3, Canada


8. Faculty of Medicine, University of Oviedo and CIBERESP, Oviedo 33006, Spain


9. Program in Epidemiology, Public Health Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA 98109-1024, USA


10. Public Health Sciences Division, Swedish Cancer Institute, Seattle, WA 98026, USA


11. Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen DK-1017, Denmark


12. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 20892-9304, USA


13. Genetic Epidemiology Group, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon 69372, France


14. Cancer Center Cluster Salzburg at PLUS, Department of Molecular Biology, University of Salzburg, Heidelberg 5020, Austria


15. Institute of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, Chair of Epidemiology, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Bavaria 80539, Germany


16. Department of Genetic Epidemiology, University Medical Center Goettingen, Goettingen 37075, Germany


17. Technion Faculty of Medicine, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa 3448516, Israel


18. Markey Cancer Center, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0054, USA


19. Department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine, Roy Castle Lung Cancer Research Programme, The University of Liverpool Institute of Translational Medicine, Liverpool L69 7ZX, UK


20. Department of Epidemiology, The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77079, USA


21. Department of Epidemiology, University of Hawaii Cancer Center, Honolulu, HI 96813, USA


22. Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, BMC F12, 221 84, Sweden


23. Epidemiology Division, Princess Margaret Cancer Center, Toronto, ON M4Y 2H8, Canada


24. Epidemiology Division, Lunenfeld-Tanenbuaum Research Institute, Sinai Health System, Toronto, ON M5G 1X5, Canada


25. Department of Neurology, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH 03756, USA


26. Department of Health Evidence, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen 9101 6500 HB, Germany


27. National Institute of Occupational Health (STAMI), Oslo Pb 5330, Norway


28. Department of Medical Biosciences, Umeå University, Umea 901 87, Sweden


29. Department of Radiation Sciences, Umeå University, Umea 901 87, Sweden


30. Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Rockville, MD 20850, USA


31. Academic Unit of Clinical Oncology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK


32. College of Pharmacy, Washington State University, Spokane, WA 99210, USA


33. Department of Cancer Epidemiology, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, FL 12902, USA


34. Department of Thoracic Surgery, Division of Epidemiology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 37232, USA


35. Department of Epidemiology Research Program, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA


36. Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02115, USA


37. Baylor College of Medicine, Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, Houston, TX 21202, USA


Corresponding Authors Hongxia Ma and Hongbing Shen


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Na Qin, Yuancheng Li, Cheng Wang, Meng Zhu, Juncheng Dai, Tongtong Hong, Demetrius Albanes, Stephen Lam, Adonina Tardon, Chu Chen, Gary Goodman, Stig E. Bojesen, Maria Teresa Landi, Mattias Johansson, Angela Risch, H-Erich Wichmann, Heike Bickeboller, Gadi Rennert, Susanne Arnold, Paul Brennan, John K. Field, Sanjay Shete, Loic Le Marchand, Olle Melander, Hans Brunnstrom, Geoffrey Liu, Rayjean J. Hung, Angeline Andrew, Lambertus A. Kiemeney, Shan Zienolddiny, Kjell Grankvist, Mikael Johansson, Neil Caporaso, Penella Woll, Philip Lazarus, Matthew B. Schabath, Melinda C. Aldrich, Victoria L. Stevens, Guangfu Jin, David C. Christiani, Zhibin Hu, Christopher I. Amos, Hongxia Ma, Hongbing Shen. Comprehensive functional annotation of susceptibility variants identifies genetic heterogeneity between lung adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Front. Med., 2021, 15(2): 275‒291 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11684-020-0779-4





转自:科研圈 2022-05-10 12:33




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