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2024/5/27 15:21:52  阅读:25 发布者:

今天小帕给大家分享的是医学 SCI 论文写作常用句式——结果部分以及引言部分。

对一篇医学 SCI 论文来说,除了创新性和意义,最重要的就是展现论文的结果了。而针对不同的统计方法,结果描述也有所不同。如果您还只停留在一种句式,那样不仅会使文章显得死板,还会显得我们的英语非常匮乏。这里跟大家总结一下针对不同医学统计方法如何生动的描述结果。




a,...is higher/lower/increase/decrease...in/by/withor after the administration of A than/compared with B

b,Significantlyincreased/decreased...was observed in A compared with B

c,significant differencesin...were observed/witnessed between A and B

d,Enhanced/Decreased...inresponse to A/B was observed...;

e,A showedsignificant/better effect on ...than/compared with B;

f, Asignificantly decreased/increase/improve ...


a, A similartrend was observed in...;

b, A compared toC additionally trended to...

c, ...tend to...in Acompared with B

d, A tendencytowards higher/lower...was seen in...


a, No impact ofA/B/(A and B) on...was demonstrated in the presented experiment

b, No effect on...occurredwith or after the administration of A/B/(A and B)

c, No differencein...was observed/witnessed between A and B

d, There was nodifference in...

e, ...in A and Bdid not differ

f, ...was notsignificantly altered by ...-treatment...

g, ...was similarin all (between) groups and ranged from ...to...


a, A treatment ×period interaction/An interaction of treatment × week was observed for...as... (描述指标随时间变化);

b, There was an interactionof treatment × time for...


a,...in A and Bdid not differ, but ... tended to be higher/lower with/in A/B

b,...remained at arelatively low level, although a trend was observed for the increase/decreasein A/B incomparison with B/A

c,A/B were not foundto affect/have no effect on..., but tendency to...was observed in B/A

d,Despite/Inspite of no effect on..., A/B significantly in creased/improved...

e,Similartendencies, albeit not confirmed statistically/although not statisticallysignificant, were observed in the remaining groups in which patients were...

f,A negativeeffect of...on...and a positive effect on...were observed


a, ...is verynegative significant correlated with ...

b, There is asignificant negative correlation between...and...

c, Rises in...paralleledincrease in...

d, ...revealed asignificant correlation with...

e, There was aninteraction between...and...


a, Survival curvesaccording to Kaplan-Meier showed: 1. Survival at...years is...%, with 95% CIbetween...

and... ; 2. Survival estimate is...% at ... years

b, Theoverall...-, ...- and ...-year survival rates of...were...%, ...% and...%, respectively;

c,The overallsurvival rates of...were calculated by the Kaplan-Meier, with...%, ...% and...% at..., ...and...years, respectively

d,The survivorshipanalysis (Kaplan-Meier) showed a...% survival of...after...years.


a,ROC analysis of .....determined that the cut-off valueof...yielded a sensitivity of...%, specificity of ...%,... of ...%, and...of...%

b,A cut-off value of...resulted in a sensitivity,specificity, ...and...of...%,...%,...% and...%, respectively


引言部分其中一个重要功能就是说明本文的重要性,阐述本文的创新性及意义。我们可以用 However 等转折关联词来引导前人研究的不足,提出一种新方法或新方向。

如:However, little information/attention/work/data/research...(or few studies/investigations/researchers/attempts...) (or no/none of these studies) has (have) been done on/focused on/attempted to/conducted/investigated/studied (with respect to)...

Previous research/studies/records has/have failed toconsider/ignored/misinterpreted/neglected to/overestimated/underestimated/misleaded....Thus, these previous results are inconclisive/misleading/unsatisfactory/questionable/controversial.

Their studies may be more reasonable if they had...consideredthis situation.

Their results could be better convinced if they...

Their conclusion may remain some uncertainties


However, data is still scarce/rare/less accurate, we needto/aim to/have to provide more documents/data/records/studies/increase thedataset. Further studies are still necessary/essential...

In the current study we tested the hypothesis that a policy of active management of nulliparous labour

would: 1. reduce the rate of caesarean section, 2. reduce the rate of prolonged labour; 3. not influence

maternal satisfaction with the birth experience

This study aim to/This paper reports on/This paper provides results/This paperextends the method/This

paper focus on...

The purpose of this paper is to...

Furthermore/Moreover/In addition, we will also discuss...


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