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2024/4/1 15:59:53  阅读:26 发布者:


1. 悬垂分词

●Using our method toestablish bi-level optimization model of robust designthe preferencesof f and Δf aregiven in Table 1.

●Referring toEq.(12)and Eq.(14)the overall power output from batteries Pb can be shown as follows.

两句中的现在分词UsingReferring的主语指人(作者),与句子的主语preferencesoutput不是同指,形成悬垂分词修饰。句一可改为:Using ourmethod to establish bi-level optimization model of robust designwe give thepreferences of  f and Δf in Table 1. 句二可改为:Referring to Eq.(12)and Eq.(14)we can express theoverall power output from batteries Pbas follows.

●Comparing to ant colonyoptimization(ACO)max-min ant system(MMAS) has three differences as follows.

此句中的现在分词Comparing为悬垂分词,若改为过去分词Compared,则分词的主语与句子的主语max-minant system就一致了,避免了悬垂分词修饰。

●When confronted with theselimitationsthe experimentswere discontinued.

此句中的过去分词confronted的主语指人,与句子的主语experiments不是同指,形成悬垂分词修饰。可改为:When confrontedwith these limitationswediscontinued the experiments.

 “based on”是英文表达中常用的短语,使用不当会出现悬垂分词修饰。例如:

●Based on fastcorrespondingageneralrequirement modeling method is proposed.

此句虽不存在悬垂修饰,但based on使用不当。此短语只限于修饰与其紧邻的先行词,故此句表示成了“based on…”修饰“…method”,即“…method based on…”,与本意“basedon…”修饰“…is proposed”相违背。可改为:On the basis of fastcorrespondingageneralrequirement modeling method is proposed. 或改为:Ageneralrequirement modeling method is proposed based on fastcorresponding.

●So based on constitutiveequationstheinvestigation of lead-free soldered joints properties underthermal loading become a major concern.

此句错将“basedon…”表示成修饰“the investigation…”,与本意修饰“become”相违背)。可改为:Soon the basis ofconstitutive equationstheinvestigation of lead-free soldered joints properties under thermal loading becomea major concern. 但不可改为:So the investigation of lead-freesoldered joints properties under thermal loading become a major concern basedon constitutive equations. 这样修改后,“based on…”就修饰concern了。

●Based on customerrequirementswe makethe modularization configurationestablish the semantic networkdescription of configuration knowledge and gain the product structure tree thatsatisfies the customer requirements.

此句based on的主语与句子的主语we不一致,形成悬垂分词修饰,可将basedon改为Basingour decision on.

●Based on the fuzzinessof design processtheopen-loop rigidity reasoning systems that are primarily logic reasoning areexpanded to the recursive close-loop flexible reasoning systems to revise thereasoning results based on practical instance.

此句第一个Based on使用不当,改为Onthe basis of即可。

2. 悬垂不定式

2. 悬垂不定式

2. 悬垂不定式

●To demonstrate the proposed methodthe designof the two-bar structure acted by concentrated load is presented.

●To overcome the deficiencies in the methods of gaining anddescribing the requirement informationa requirementinformation cell(RIC) method for describing general requirementinformation is investigated.

两句中不定式短语“Todemonstrate…”“To overcome…”分别修饰句子的主语designmethod,但demonstrateovercome的逻辑主语应该是人,而不是designmethod,都形成悬垂不定式修饰。第一句可改为:Todemonstrate the proposed methodwe presentedthe design of the two-bar structure acted by concentrated load. 第二句可改为:Toovercomethe deficiencies in the methods of gaining and describing the requirementinformationwe investigateda requirement information cell(RIC) method for describing generalrequirement information.

3. 悬垂动名词

2. 悬垂不定式

2. 悬垂不定式

●After determining the mapping of Ai from L1 to Lpthe next array dimensioncan be processed in the same way.

此句介词After引导的是带有动名词determining的修饰性短语,此短语的主语应是句子的主语dimension,但dimension无法执行determining这个行为,形成悬垂动名词修饰。可改为:Afterdetermining the mapping of Aifrom L1 to Lpwe canprocess the next array dimension in the same way.

4. 悬垂省略主语的从句

2. 悬垂不定式

2. 悬垂不定式

●When developing a new productright knowledge maybe got from repository or expert by designers.

此句逗号前面的部分为省略主语designers的从句,被省略的这个主语与逗号后面的主句的主语rightknowledge不一致,形成悬垂省略主语的从句修饰。可改为:When developinga new productdesigners can getright knowledge from repository or expert. 或改为:When designersdevelop a new productthey can getright knowledge from repository or expert. 或改为:When designersdevelop a new productrightknowledgecan be gotten from repository or expert.

●When simplewe cansolve this type of problem quickly using the direct method.

此句的When simple是省略主语thistype of problem的从句,被省略的这个主语与主句的主语we不一致,形成悬垂省略主语的从句修饰。可改为:When simplethis type of problem canbe solved quickly by using the direct method.

5. 独立结构成分


2. 悬垂不定式

2. 悬垂不定式

●When necessarythe solutionswere deaerated by bubbling nitrogen.

●Judging from the spectral changesexhaustivephotolysis of compound 4 had occurred.

●Assuming that distance d is induced by the normM is asymmetrical and positively defined matrix.



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