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2024/2/28 9:28:33  阅读:31 发布者:


首先Response Letter是有固定的套路的,你需要对评审专家的提问进行逐一回复,叫做“item-by-item response”或者“point-to-point response”。其中有几个要点:






ReviewerThe writing level is not up to the requirements and needs to be improved. (写作水平不够并需要改进)

这时候我们就可以在response letter中这样回复

[Suggestion]:  The writing level is not up to the requirements and needs to be improved. (一定要把问题再写一遍,一次revision的时间可能审稿人都忘了他提了什么意见,不要让他再回去翻)

[Reply]:  Thanks for your suggestions(感谢他), the writing skill has been improved. (告诉结果)We have discussed the writing problems with a professional English supervisor, he gave us several suggestions, which have all been adopted and accordingly adjusted in the manuscript. We feel sorry for causing you unnecessary troubles in reviewing, we hope that the revised version may meet your expectations.

这个例子是审稿人提出的语言问题,回复难度较低,从这个例子可以看出我们的response letter一定要写的很详细但是不要给审稿人带来不必要的麻烦。


ReviewerThe authors may want to explain the reason why they have chosen to mention some of the methods at the beginning of Section 3.2 rather than mentioning them in subsections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2?

这时候我们就可以在response letter中这样回复

[Suggestion]:  The authors may want to explain the reason why they have chosen to mention some of the methods at the beginning of Section 3.2 rather than mentioning them in subsections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2? (把问题再写一遍)

[Reply]:  Thank you for pointing out this problem in the manuscript(感谢他). We have restructured Section 3 in the revised manuscript. (告诉结果) Some methods mentioned at the beginning of subsection 3.2 have been moved to another subsection. In the revised manuscript, subsection 3.1 is dedicated to describing methods of using unsupervised learning for descriptors. Consequently, the descriptions of methods [63], [65], [69], [70], [71] have been moved to subsection 3.1. Subsection 3.2 focuses on the extraction of sequence features. The descriptions of methods [74], [75] remainin subsection 3.2.




ReviewerThe problem of the fixed-length input sequence (for protein sequences or for compound SMILES sequences) for the deep neural network models is not mentioned at all.

这时候我们就可以在response letter中这样回复

[Suggestion]:  The problem of the fixed-length input sequence (for protein sequences or for compound SMILES sequences) for the deep neural network models is not mentioned at all. (把问题再写一遍)

[Reply]:  Thank you for the above suggestion. (表示感谢) Following your suggestion, we have added a new subsection called Fixed-length sizein Section 6 to describe the problem of the fixed-length input sequence for the deep neural network models. (告诉结果)


示例小编就不再一一列举了,原则就是语气要客气、诚恳。另外,再告诉大家一个小技巧哦,小编在看 nature 的子刊 nature communications 收录的文章时,发现主页的最后会附上 Peer review file(审稿意见和作者回复),当然不是每一篇文章都有的(需要作者同意),小伙伴们也可以去看看别人是如何回复的,学习下别人的回复技巧哦~



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