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2024/2/19 14:31:10  阅读:41 发布者:



Comment 1

The way they present the results can be confusing. I'll present an example:

Page 8, lines 11-14: NT-proBNP, which one is A group and which one is the B group. Glucose, which one is A group and which one is the B group. Cholesterol, same question.

By looking at the table, one can realize which group they refer to, but please, for consistency, present the same order of results for each category, otherwise is difficult to follow, and our readers shouldn't have to put extra effort on reading the results

比如: a b NT-proBNP更高(aNT-proBNP vs. bNT-proBNP, P=xxx,不能写成

a b NT-proBNP更高(bNT-proBNP vs. aNT-proBNP, P=xxx


比如,a b NT-proBNP更高(a vs. b :aNT-proBNP vs. bNT-proBNP, P=xxx


Response: Thank you for your constructive comment. I completely agree with your suggestion to present the same order of results for each category to improve consistency and make it easier for readers to follow. We presented the results in a consistent order for each category (Page 8, Line 12-18; Page 9, Line 5-14; Page 11, Line 11-13). For example,具体改正的例子


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