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2024/2/19 14:23:18  阅读:32 发布者:

1.     审稿意见回复流程

2.     审稿意见回复格式

3.     审稿人提的常见问题



3) 不理解的审稿意见

4) 加统计分析

5) 补数据


审稿意见(大修)—修改全文—提交revisionresponse to reviewer—审稿意见(小修)—修改全文—接受—校对



Dear editors and reviewers,

We would like to thank you for your valuable comments in this review, which have greatly improved the readability of the manuscript. We would like to inform you that we have edited the manuscript according to the very constructive suggestions from the reviewers.

Below, please find a list of revisions and a response to each of the reviewers comments. We have highlighted all changes in the manuscript in yellow. We hope that the revisions in the manuscript and our accompanying responses will meet editorsand reviewerscriteria.

We shall look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

The authors

Reviewer Comments:

Reviewer #1:

Comment #1:审稿意见1

Response: Thank you for your constructive suggestions.解答1

Comment #2:审稿意见2

Response: Thank you for your constructive suggestions.解答2

Reviewer #2:

Comment #1:审稿意见1

Response: Thank you for your constructive suggestions.解答1

Comment #2:审稿意见2

Response: Thank you for your constructive suggestions.解答2




审稿意见例1Please, improve the description of study conclusions and underline the clinical implication of the study.



审稿意见例2this statement on medicine is too strong in my view and goes beyond your data. Would suggest to tone down.

Response: Thank you for your constructive suggestions. We have rephrase the sentence xxx(Page xx; Line 90-93)


审稿意见例3: the statement regarding xx is quite a jump/untested assumption; recommend remove this sentence.

Response: Thank you for your constructive suggestions. We have deleted the sentence xxx(Page xx; Line 90-93)

4)文中语气过强的表达,如文中使用the first 的这样的字眼

审稿意见例4If you must claim to be 'the first,' be sure to qualify this by saying you are the first you are aware of



审稿意见例5In order to discuss the previously described points, important references are needed to be added, such as: reference 1reference 2

1) 与文章内容相关:建议加

Response: Thank you for your constructive suggestions. We read the suggested references carefully and added them in Introduction (Page xx; Line 90-93)

2) 与文章内容关系不大:根据文章前后内容决定是否加。如果不加审稿人建议的参考文献,建议充分说明理由。

Response: Thank you for your constructive suggestions. We read the suggested references carefully and the reference was concerning…… we prefer not to add the reference.


查阅文献,看能否找到答案,如果怀疑审稿人的表述有问题,可以说明我们的理解是xx, 询问审稿人理解是否正确。实在不能理解的,说明充分查阅文献之后仍然不能回答,希望审稿人进一步解释。

审稿意见例6Please, add the most important xx values.

Response: Thank you for your constructive suggestions. We have not heard xx value before. We did not find tutorials about xx value in literature search. Could you kindly give us a more detailed description of xx value for us? We would actively add it in table 1.


文章中有ROC , 审稿人通常会让补充灵敏度,特异度。





审稿意见例6It would be interesting to include this parameter / predictor and see how it compares.

Response: the data were not available. We hope the reviewer could understand our difficulty and grant us a chance to present our findings to the scientific community.


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