Konsthistorisk tidskrift《艺术史杂志》(季刊). As the leading peer-reviewed journal of art history in the Nordic countries, the journal welcomes original research from all fields of art history, architecture, design and visual culture covering a broad variety of methodological and theoretical approaches. The journal also publishes reviews of books and larger exhibitions and accepts submissions written in the Scandinavian languages as well as in French, German and English.
Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi《艺术研究》(季刊). Ajakiri seab oma sihiks toetada ja ärgitada eesti kunsti, arhitektuuri, disaini ning tervikliku visuaalkeskkonna uurimist. "Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi" on selles vallas keskne teadusmõtte avaldamise ja vahetamise foorum Eestis. Erinumbrid kajastavad kitsamaid aktuaalseid teemasid. Tänaseks on ilmunud realismi, elukeskkonna sotsiaalset determineeritust, pildi ja verbaalse keele ning eseme ja miljöö suhteid vaaginud erinumbrid. Mõttevahetuse rubriigis ilmuvad eriala eneserefleksiooni − metoodikat, probleeme ja arenguid − vaatlevad kirjutised.
Metropolitan Museum Journal《大都会博物馆杂志》(年刊). Founded in 1968, the Metropolitan Museum Journal is a blind, peer-reviewed scholarly journal published annually that features original research on the history, interpretation, conservation, and scientific examination of works of art in the Museum’s collection. Its scope encompasses the diversity of artistic practice from antiquity to the present day. The Journal encourages contributions offering critical and innovative approaches that will further our understanding of works of art.
METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART BULLETIN《大都会艺术博物馆公报》(季刊)。The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin is a quarterly publication, geared to a general audience, that focuses on works in The Mets collection or exhibitions displayed at the Museum.
Život umjetnosti《生活艺术》(半年刊). Život umjetnosti is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published twice a year in a bilingual edition (Croatian and English). It conforms to the normative criteria for scholarly publications and nurtures the tradition of continuous publication since 1966. Dedicated to the fields of modern and contemporary art, urbanism, architecture and design, the journal covers a wide range of topics from addressing specific phenomena to deliberating on relevant issues at a theoretical level.
The Journal of Modern Craft《现代工艺杂志》(一年3期). The Journal of Modern Craft is the first peer-reviewed academic journal to provide an interdisciplinary and international forum in its subject area. It addresses all forms of making that self-consciously set themselves apart from mass production—whether in the making of designed objects, artworks, buildings, or other artefacts.
Museum International《国际博物馆》(半年刊). Museum International is the International Council of Museum’s peer-reviewed journal, which is committed to fostering knowledge sharing within the international museum community. The journal aims to provoke debate in the museum and heritage fields by publishing multidisciplinary, international research articles, case studies, reports and reviews. Museum International favours a thematic approach, with each issue dedicated to a specific theme selected by an international editorial board. The editorial board ensures that the journal reflects contemporary issues in the museum field and the diversity of the international museum community.
Museum Management and Curatorship《博物馆管理和策展》(双月刊). Museum Management and Curatorship (MMC) is a peer-reviewed, international journal for museum professionals, scholars, students, educators and consultants that examines current issues in depth, and provides up-to-date research, analysis and commentary on developments in museum practice. It is published five times a year and all submitted manuscripts will undergo double-blind review. The journal encourages a continuous reassessment of collections management, administration, archives, communications, conservation, diversity, ethics, globalization, governance, interpretation, leadership, management, purpose/mission, public service, new technology and social responsibility.
NETHERLANDS YEARBOOK FOR HISTORY OF ART-NEDERLANDS KUNSTHISTORISCH JAARBOEK《荷兰艺术史年鉴》(年刊)。Founded in 1947 the The Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art/Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek (NKJ) is a peer-reviewed annual, which has established an international reputation for publishing outstanding articles that reflect the variety and diversity of approaches to the study of Netherlandish art and culture. The NKJ aims to foster traditional art historical scholarship and to open up the field to innovative cross disciplinary developments. The NKJ is ranked in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) as an International 1 (INT1) journal and is listed in the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (Thomson Reuters).