FIDDLEHEAD《无厘头》(季刊). The Fiddlehead is published four times a year at the University of New Brunswick, with the generous assistance of the university, the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Province of New Brunswick. First published in 1945, The Fiddlehead is known as a WHOS WHO in Can.
The Hudson Review《哈德逊评论》(季刊). The Hudson Review publishes fiction, poetry, essays, book reviews; criticism of literature, art, theatre, dance, film, and music; and articles on contemporary cultural developments.
Critical Quarterly《评论季刊》(季刊). Critical Quarterly is internationally renowned for its unique blend of literary criticism, cultural studies, poetry and fiction. The journal addresses the whole range of cultural forms so that discussions of, for example, cinema and television can appear alongside analyses of the accepted literary canon. It is a necessary condition of debate in these areas that it should involve as many and as varied voices as possible, and Critical Quarterly welcomes submissions from new researchers and writers as well as more established contributors.
Critical Survey《评论集》(季刊). Critical Survey addresses central issues of critical practice and literary theory in a language that is clear, concise, and accessible, with a primary focus on Renaissance and Modern writing and culture. The journal combines criticism with creative writing, including poetry, providing an essential resource for everyone involved in the field of literary studies.
Critique《评论》(月刊). Critique provides a forum for graduate and undergraduate students of politics to express and exchange diverse ideas and to imagine new possibilities for democracy and justice. The electronic format of Critique provides an alternative venue that expands political debate by creating space for the emergence of new ideas. Such a medium broadens the horizon for undergraduate and graduate publications and serves to lift typically unheard voices in academia.
Critique-Studies in Contemporary Fiction《评论:当代小说研究》(一年5期). Since its inception in the 1950s, Critique has consistently identified the most notable novelists of our time. In the pages of Critique appeared the first authoritative discussions of Bellow and Malamud in the 50s, Barth and Hawkes in the 60s, Pynchon, Elkin, Vonnegut, and Coover in the 70s; DeLillo, Atwood, Morrison, and García Márquez in the 80s; Auster, Amy Tan, David Foster Wallace, and Nurrudin Farah in the 90s; and Lorrie Moore and Mark Danielewski in the new century. Readers go to Critique for critical essays on new authors with emerging reputations, but the general focus of the journal is fiction after 1950 from any country. Critique is published five times a year.
Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos《西班牙拉丁美洲杂志》(月刊).
The Dalhousie Review《达尔豪西评论》(一年3期). The Dalhousie Review was founded in 1921 and has been in continuous operation ever since. During the early years it published scholarly essays by notable political thinkers, historians, literary scholars, poets and novelists. In the second half of the twentieth century TDR also began to publish short fiction and poetry, including the work of Norman Ward, George Woodcock, Mavor Moore, Owen Barfield, Miriam Waddington, Alden Nowlan, Malcolm Lowry, Chinua Achebe, Nadine Gordimer, Margaret Atwood and Guy Vanderhaeghe. TDR is thus one of the oldest and most prestigious literary journals in Atlantic Canada, and it has developed an international reputation for publishing consistently high-quality work by established and emerging writers in Canada and around the world.
The Kenyon Review《凯尼恩评论》(双月刊). Building on a tradition of excellence dating back to 1939, the Kenyon Review has evolved from a distinguished literary magazine to a pre-eminent arts organization. Today, KR is devoted to nurturing, publishing, and celebrating the best in contemporary writing. We’re expanding the community of diverse readers and writers, across the globe, at every stage of their lives.
LIBERTE《自由》(季刊). La revue Liberté se préoccupe de littérature, de théâtre, de cinéma, de philosophie, bref de tout ce qui relève de la réflexion et de la beauté, ce qui n’est en rien contradictoire avec le désir de s’arrimer au politique dans son sens le plus large. L’art est ainsi pour la revue une condition du politique; un lieu de parole plutôt qu’une spécialisation. Liberté se veut une véritable agora, en dehors de toute sphère d’influence, un lieu de débats aiguillonné par une urgence: la nécessité de faire acte de résistance tant au bavardage médiatique qu’au murmure marchand ambiant.