University of Toronto Quarterly《多伦多大学季刊》(季刊). Acclaimed as one of the finest journals focused on the humanities, the University of Toronto Quarterly publishes interdisciplinary articles and review essays of international repute. Often the best insights in one field of knowledge come through cross-fertilization, where authors can apply another disciplines ideas, concepts, and paradigms to their own disciplines. UTQ is not a journal where one philosopher speaks to another, but a place where a philosopher can; speak to specialists and general readers in many other fields. This interdisciplinary approach provides a depth and quality to the journal that attracts both general readers and specialists from across the humanities. UTQ publishes works of literature, philosophy, fine arts, music, the history of ideas, cultural studies, and much more!
Utopian Studies《乌托邦研究》(一年3期). Utopian Studies publishes scholarly articles on a wide range of subjects related to utopias, utopianism, utopian literature, utopian theory, and intentional communities. Contributing authors come from a diverse range of fields, including American studies, architecture, the arts, classics, cultural studies, economics, engineering, environmental studies, gender studies, history, languages and literatures, philosophy, political science, psychology, sociology and urban planning. Each issue also includes dozens of reviews of recent books.
Victorian Studies《维多利亚时代研究》(季刊). For more than half a century, Victorian Studies has been devoted to the study of British culture of the Victorian age. It regularly includes interdisciplinary articles on comparative literature, social and political history, and the histories of education, philosophy, fine arts, economics, law, and science, as well as review essays and an extensive book review section.
Visual Studies《视觉研究》(一年5期). Visual Studies is a is a leading international peer-reviewed journal published on behalf of the International Visual Sociology Association. The journal publishes visually-oriented articles across a range of disciplines, and represents a long-standing commitment to empirical visual research, studies of visual and material culture, the development of visual research methods and the exploration of visual means of communication about social and cultural worlds. Visual Studies is a key resource for all disciplines that engage with images, society and culture, and aims to set the standard for the scholarly use of visual material.
Womens Studies《女性研究》(一年8期). Women’s Studies provides a forum for the presentation of scholarship and criticism about women in the fields of literature, history, art, sociology, law, political science, economics, anthropology and the sciences. It also publishes poetry, film and book reviews.
Zeitschrift für Semiotik《符号学期刊》(季刊). Die Zeitschrift für Semiotik erscheint seit 1979. Sie ist das Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Semiotik und wird in Kooperation mit der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Semiotik (SGS/ASS) herausgegeben. Die Zeitschrift für Semiotik soll allen deutschsprachigen Semiotikerinnen und Semiotikern, gleich welcher Disziplin, die Möglichkeit zu gegenseitiger Information, zur Publikation und Diskussion semiotischer Forschungsergebnisse bieten.