Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment《教育心理测评杂志》(一年8期). Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment (JPA) provides psychologists current information on psychological and educational assessment practices and instrumentation. JPA is known internationally for quality of assessment-related research, theory and position papers, practice applications, and book and test reviews. JPAs topics include "best practices" in assessment, cross-cultural assessment, differential diagnoses, psychometric properties of instruments, and more. This journal is a member of COPE.
Learning and Individual Differences《学习与个体差异》(一年8期). Learning and Individual Differences is a research journal devoted to publishing articles of individual differences as they relate to learning within an educational context. The Journal focuses on original empirical studies of high theoretical and methodological rigor that that make a substantial scientific contribution. Learning and Individual Differences publishes original research. Manuscripts should be no longer than 7500 words of primary text (not including tables, figures, references).
Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht《教育与授课心理学》(季刊). Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht ist eine psychologische Fachzeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis. Zu ihrer Zielsetzung gehört die Vermittlung von Ergebnissen und Erkenntnissen der Psychologie für alle Aufgaben im Bereich von Erziehung, Beratung und Instruktion. Die Zeitschrift veröffentlicht Beiträge zu psychologischen Aspekten der familiären und vorschulischen Erziehung, der Ausbildung in Schule und Hochschule, der Weiterbildung sowie der psychologischen Diagnostik, der Beratung und Intervention im Kindes-, Jugend- und Erwachsenenalter.
Revista de Psicodidáctica《心理教学杂志》(半年刊). Revista de Psicodidáctica is a six-monthly journal for teachers and researchers, published since 1996, founded and directed by Alfredo Goñi Grandmontagne for twelve years. The journal was first published on-line in 2010. Over recent years it has gradually increased its impact factor in various databases, both in the Spanish and in the international scopes. The Journal publishes scientific works conducted in accordance with the strictest scientific principles which contribute to the advance of scientific knowledge in the field in which psychology and didactics meet and overlap. In particular, it focuses on the meeting of educational psychology and the didactics of different subjects (language, literature, mathematics, social science, experimental science, physical expression, musical expression and plastic expression, etc.).
Psychology in the Schools《学校心理学》(月刊). Psychology in the Schools is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to research, opinion, and practice. The journal, which is published ten times per year, welcomes theoretical and applied manuscripts, focusing on the issues confronting school psychologists, teachers, counselors, administrators, and other personnel workers in schools and colleges, public and private organizations. Preference will be given to manuscripts that clearly describe implications for the practitioner in the schools.
School Psychology《学校心理学》(双月刊). School Psychology publishes empirical studies and literature reviews of the psychology of education and services for children in school settings, encompassing a full range of methodologies and orientations, including educational, cognitive, social, cognitive behavioral, preventive, cross-cultural, and developmental perspectives.
School Psychology International《国际学校心理学》(双月刊). Published six times a year, School Psychology International highlights the concerns of those who provide quality mental health, educational, therapeutic and support services to schools and their communities throughout the world. It offers articles reflecting high quality academic research in the field as well as examples of proven best practice.
School Psychology Review《学校心理学评论》(双月刊). School Psychology Review (SPR) is a refereed journal published quarterly by NASP. Its primary purpose is to provide a means for communicating scholarly advances in research, training, and practice related to psychology and education, and specifically to school psychology. Of particular interest are articles presenting original, data-based research that can contribute to the development of innovative intervention and prevention strategies and the evaluation of these approaches.
Social Psychology of Education《教育社会心理学》(双月刊). The field of social psychology spans the boundary between the disciplines of psychology and sociology and has traditionally been associated with empirical research. Many studies of human behaviour in education are conducted by persons who identify with social psychology or whose work falls into the social psychological ambit. Several textbooks have been published and a variety of courses are being offered on the `social psychology of education, but no journal has hitherto appeared to cover the field.
Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie《发展心理学与心理学杂志》(季刊). Die Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie ist ein anerkanntes Forum für zwei große Gebiete der Psychologie, einem eher grundlagenorientierten und einem vorwiegend anwendungsorientierten. Durch die Verbindung dieser beiden Gebiete versucht die Zeitschrift, den in der letzten Zeit zunehmend zu beobachtenden Separierungstendenzen der Fächer entgegenzusteuern. Die ZEPP richtet sich sowohl an Wissenschaftler*innen als auch an Praktiker*innen. Die Zeitschrift veröffentlicht deutsch- und englischsprachige Originalarbeiten, Kurzartikel und kritische Übersichtsreferate aus dem gesamten Gebiet der Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogischen Psychologie. Als Originalarbeiten und Kurzartikel kommen vor allem theoriegeleitete empirische Forschungsbeiträge in Frage, in besonderen Fällen aber auch Beiträge zur Methodenentwicklung, Evaluation und zur Theoriebildung einschließlich Computermodellierung. Unter einer besonderen Rubrik werden kurze Berichte und Mitteilungen aus Forschung, Lehre und Berufspraxis veröffentlicht. Die Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (ISSN 0049-8637) erscheint seit 1969 vierteljährlich.