Quarterly Journal of Political Science《政治学季刊》(季刊). The Quarterly Journal of Political Science will solicit, review, and publish the highest quality manuscripts in positive political science and contemporary political economy. The substantive content of the journal will be broad and eclectic, including cutting-edge research on any aspect of private, local, national, comparative, or international politics. The methodological approach will be analytical, focusing on positive political theories, empirical tests of those theories, and the measurement of causal relationships. In their commitment to making the Journal the premier interdisciplinary publication of scientific research on politics, the editors welcome submissions not only from political scientists but also from scholars in cognate disciplines such as economics, business, and law.
Presidential Studies Quarterly《总统研究季刊》(季刊). Presidential Studies Quarterly (PSQ) is the only scholarly journal that focuses on the most powerful political figure in the world - the president of the United States. An indispensable resource for understanding the US presidency, Presidential Studies Quarterly offers articles, features, review essays, and book reviews covering the operations of the White House; presidential decision making; presidential relations with Congress, the courts, the bureaucracy, the public, and the press; and the presidents involvement in public policy issues in both the domestic and international arenas.
Problems of Post-Communism《后共产主义问题》(双月刊). The post-communist countries are the most rapidly changing societies of Europe and Asia. For insight into this twenty-first century revolution, there is no better source than Problems of Post-Communism . Emphasis is placed on timely research covering current economic, political, security, and international developments and trends in Russia and China, Central Europe and Central Asia, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. Clarity and readability make the articles fully accessible to researchers, policy makers, and students alike.
PS: Political Science & Politics《政治科学与政治学》(季刊). PS: Political Science & Politics provides critical analyses of contemporary political phenomena and is the journal of record for the discipline of political science reporting on research, teaching, and professional development. PS, begun in 1968, is the only quarterly professional news and commentary journal in the field and is the prime source of information on political scientists achievements and professional concerns.
Revista de Ciencia Política《政治学杂志》(一年3期). RCP publica manuscritos que contribuyen de forma sustantiva al desarrollo de la ciencia política en sus diferentes áreas. Todos los artículos publicados han sido sometidos a doble arbitraje ciego especializado. RCP recibe manuscritos en las diferentes áreas de la ciencia política: teoría política, política comparada, relaciones internacionales, metodología de investigación y políticas públicas. Los trabajos publicados en RCP son de acceso gratuito. Asimismo, el envío y la publicación de manuscritos no supone ningún tipo de costo monetario para los autores.
Revista de estudios políticos《政治学研究杂志》(季刊). La Revista de Estudios Políticos (REP) publica trabajos de investigación inéditos sobre teoría de la Constitución, teoría del Estado, ciencia política, historia política e historia del pensamiento político, todo ello desde una perspectiva amplia y multidisciplinar, y con el objetivo de acoger los mejores trabajos de su ámbito académico.
Romanian Journal of Political Science《罗马尼亚政治学杂志》(半年刊). POLSCI (The Romanian Journal of Political Science) este un jurnal de stiinte politice indexat ISI (SSCI), cu evaluari inter pares si publicat de doua ori pe an de catre Societatea Academica din Romania (SAR). Jurnalul publica o gama diversa de articole stiintifice, din specialitati precum politica comparata, politici publice, economie politica si psihologie politica, acoperind probleme romanesti si din Europa Centrala si de Sud-Est. Articolele sunt bazate pe teorie si cuprind o proportie importanta de cercetare empirica. Printre contributorii la editiile trecute enumeram pe Francis Fukuyama, Larry Diamond or Philippe Schmitter, precum si un numar semnificativ de cercetatori tineri.
Scandinavian Political Studies《斯堪的纳维亚政治研究》(季刊). Scandinavian Political Studies (SPS) is the leading journal on politics and public administration in the Nordic countries, and is an indispensable source for research and teaching on Nordic politics at the national, supranational, regional and local level. Covering new scholarship in all areas of political science and public administration, the journal publishes widely on political and administrative decision-making, public policies, electoral issues, political institutions and public administration. SPS welcomes contributions that draw on Nordic data, or that have clear relevance for the politics of Nordic countries.
State Politics & Policy Quarterly《国家政治学与政策季刊》(季刊). State Politics & Policy Quarterly (SPPQ), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, is the premier publication outlet for original research on state politics and policy. The official publication of the State Politics and Policy Section of the American Political Science Association, SPPQ publishes high quality academic studies that develop and test general hypotheses of political behavior and policymaking, exploiting the unique advantages of the states.
Studies in American Political Development《美洲政治发展研究》(半年刊). Studies in American Political Development (SAPD) publishes scholarship on political change and institutional development in the United States from a variety of theoretical viewpoints. Articles focus on governmental institutions over time and on their social, economic and cultural setting. In-depth presentation in a longer format allows contributors to elaborate on the complex patterns of state-society relations. SAPD encourages an interdisciplinary approach and recognizes the value of comparative perspectives.