Active Learning in Higher Education《高等教育主动学习》(一年3期). Active Learning in Higher Education is an international, refereed publication for all those who teach and support learning in higher education and those who undertake or use research into effective learning, teaching and assessment in universities and colleges. The journal has an objective of improving the status of teaching and learning support as professional activity and so looks at academic theory and practice applicable in/to all disciplines and contexts/countries in higher education.
Adult Education Quarterly《成人教育季刊》(季刊). The Adult Education Quarterly (AEQ) is an international, scholarly, refereed journal committed to advancing the understanding and practice of adult and continuing education. The journal strives to be inclusive in scope, addressing topics and issues of significance to scholars and practitioners concerned with diverse aspects of adult and continuing education across the globe. AEQ publishes research employing a variety of methods and approaches, including (but not limited to) survey research, experimental designs, case studies, ethnographic observations and interviews, grounded theory, phenomenology, historical investigations, and narrative inquiry as well as articles that address theoretical and philosophical issues pertinent to adult and continuing education.
AERA OPEN《美国教育研究协会开放期刊》(一年1卷). AERA OPEN is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by the American Educational Research Association (AERA). AERA Open aims to advance knowledge related to education and learning through rigorous empirical and theoretical study, conducted in a wide range of academic disciplines. AERA Openpublishes studies of education and learning in various contexts, such as early childhood, after-school, primary and secondary, and post-secondary education.
American Educational Research Journal《美国教育研究杂志》(双月刊). The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ) is the flagship journal of AERA, with articles that advance the empirical, theoretical, and methodological understanding of education and learning. It publishes original peer-reviewed analyses spanning the field of education research across all subfields and disciplines and all levels of analysis, all levels of education throughout the life span and all forms of learning.Submissions reflect the highest quality in a wide range of perspectives, topics, contexts, and methods.
American Journal of Education《美国教育杂志》(季刊). The American Journal of Education seeks to bridge and integrate the intellectual, methodological, and substantive diversity of educational scholarship and to encourage a vigorous dialogue between educational scholars and policy makers. It publishes empirical research, from a wide range of traditions, that contributes to the development of knowledge across the broad field of education.
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher《亚太教育研究者》(双月刊). The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (TAPER) is an international refereed journal of original and innovative research in education. It provides a venue for the publication of empirical and theoretical studies in education, with emphasis on the experiences of successful educational systems in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Asia Pacific Education Review《亚太教育评论》(季刊). The Asia Pacific Education Review (APER) covers all areas of educational research, with a focus on cross-cultural, comparative and other studies with a broad Asia-Pacific context. It aims to stimulate research, encourage academic exchange, and enhance the professional development of scholars and other researchers who are interested in educational and cultural issues in the Asia Pacific region.
Asia Pacific Journal of Education《亚太教育杂志》(季刊). Asia Pacific Journal of Education focuses on education policy and governance, curriculum and pedagogy, and the everyday lives and practices of school leaders/management, educators and students with relevance to Asia and the Pacific region. We feature new empirical and theoretical work, as well as critical and exploratory essays that focus on key 21st century issues, such as those pertaining but not limited to globalization and geopolitics, postmodernity, information technology, and education for sustainability.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education《亚太教师教育杂志》(一年5期). This journal promotes rigorous research that makes a significant contribution to advancing knowledge in teacher education across early childhood, primary, secondary, vocational education and training, and higher education. The journal editors invite for peer review theoretically informed papers - including, but not limited to, empirically grounded research.
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education《高等教育评估与评价》(一年8期). Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education is an established international peer-reviewed journal which publishes papers and reports on all aspects of assessment and evaluation within higher education. Its purpose is to advance understanding of assessment and evaluation practices and processes, particularly the contribution that these make to student learning and to course, staff and institutional development.