This page explains how to prepare your manuscript for submission to the journal Ecography, a Nordic Society Oikos publication. Before submitting, please make sure that your article fits within the journal’s aims and scope.
Ecography is published by the Nordic Society Oikos (NSO). The NSO editorial and publishing policies regarding conflict of interest, authorship, roles of editors, copyright and licensing and open access conditions are compiled in the ethics and policies page. Please carefully read this information before submitting.
To make science more just, we ask our authors to declare whether the conduct of their study considers equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) when they submit their papers. An EDI statement for the NSO journals can be found here.
Ecography is a full gold open access journal. The NSO charges an article publication charge (= APC) to cover the cost of publishing. There are no submission charges.
Papers submitted to NSO journals are evaluated using double-blind peer review. This has implications for manuscript formatting (see quick checklist below). Further information about double blind review can be found here.
Ecography is participating in a pilot on Peer Review Transparency. During the submission process, authors will be asked if they consent to having the reviewer reports, the responses to the reviewers, and the editor’s decision letter linked from the published article to where they appear on Publons in the case that the article is accepted. Authors who do not wish to participate can opt-out from transparent Peer review.
Original research papers present research focused on ecological and geographical patterns in space and time. Theoretically oriented papers are expected to synthesize and move beyond previous knowledge, preferably by suggesting new conceptual or methodological approaches to well-established problems. Among empirical studies, those that explore or test clearly stated hypotheses or theoretical predictions and attempt to generalize results to other systems are welcomed. Regular articles should be maximum 5000 words in length (main text) and maximum 6 figures, tables or boxes.
Forum papers are short empirical, conceptual, or theoretical papers about new and exciting ideas at the forefront of ecology and biogeography. Intellectually challenging papers taking original approaches, pushing or exploring the limits of the field, are favoured. Short papers taking a multidisciplinary approach are specially encouraged. Contributions in this category will be solicited by the editors. However, unsolicited submissions will also be considered and sent for pre-submission assessment by Forum editors. Forum articles should be maximum 3500 words in length (main text) and maximum 4 figures, tables or boxes.
Review and synthesis papers provide a critical assessment of the literature with emphasis on current topics in which rapid and significant advances are occurring. Items in this category should be more focused than the broad, topical reviews typically published elsewhere, developing a synthesis that inspires new hypotheses or new methods. Contributions in this category will be solicited by the editors. However, unsolicited submissions will also be considered and sent for pre-submission assessment by Review & Synthesis editors. Review articles should be maximum 7500 words in length (main text) and maximum 10 figures, tables or boxes.
Software notes announce new software or software already in use but not previously published in a peer-reviewed journal for the study of spatial and temporal patterns in ecology. Software Notes should provide a summary of the software that describes its benefits and potential application(s). Software Notes are published with high priority and the section is intended as an outlet for the very best software tools in spatiotemporal ecology. Products that are available only on a commercial basis will not be considered. Software note articles should be maximum 4000 words in length (main text) and maximum 2 figures, tables or boxes. Specific instructions for software notes can be found here.
News and Views are comments on recent exciting original research in Ecography. Most items in these sections are commissioned by editors among the reviewers of an accepted article, but unsolicited contributions are possible providing they have been accepted by the EiC. The writing style should be light and constructive, and the "News and Views" should be written with a minimum of technical language and jargon. "News and Views" should not exceed 1500 words including text, author details, figure/table legends, and references, and will have a maximum of 15 references. 1-2 figure/table items are allowed. Contributed News and Views will be subject to streamlined peer review. News and Views articles are not technical comments or rebuttals. Rather, they should provide scholarly comments on recent research that emphasise the importance of the specific findings and the topic at large.
Brevia concisely present important new research results of broad significance. Brevia items should be written in a clear and accessible manner and the use of jargon and abbreviations should be avoided wherever possible. Brevia articles consist of a continuous main text without any sections or subheadings. They do not have have abstracts per se, but the first paragraph should comprise a short statement of the problem and a brief summary of the most important conclusions. Brevia have up to 1000 words including references, notes and captions, 1 figure or table, and no more than 15 references. Material and methods should be included in the Supporting information, which should also include information needed to support the paper's conclusions.
To make the submission process easier, we differentiate between initial and revised submissions.
All manuscripts must be submitted through the ScholarOne submission system. For initial submissions, we do not require journal-specific formatting and manuscripts can be submitted in any file format. LaTeX users do not have to translate their manuscripts into MSWord, but may upload them as PDF files. Please read the information below regarding formatting of initial submissions and the different parts of the manuscript.