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International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine《国际整骨医学杂志》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/7/7 15:10:17 来源:官网信息 阅读:878 发布者:

International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine

Information for Authors

The Editors of the Journal welcome contributions for publication from the following categories: Letters to the Editor and Editorials, Reviews and Original Research articles, Protocols, Commentaries, Education, Clinical and Practice articles (Case Studies)

The Guidelines are separated into the following sections:

A Online Submission

B Types of Contributions

C General Guidance

D Preparation of the Manuscript

E Specific Guidance for Original Research Articles

F Specific Guidance for Protocols

G Post Acceptance

Types of contributions

For all the following types of contributions authors are requested to consider the international readership of the journal and to be aware of the need to explain local contexts or define terminology where these are likely not to be commonly understood internationally. Word limits exclude tables, figures and reference list.

Letters to the Editor (up to 1,000 words)

As is common in biomedical journals the Editorial Board welcomes critical responses to any aspect of the journal. In particular, letters that point out deficiencies and that add to, or further clarify points made in a recently published work, are welcomed. The Editorial Board reserves the right to offer authors of papers the right of rebuttal, which may be published alongside the letter.

Reviews and Original Articles (2,000 - 5,000 words)

Authors should select "Review Article" or "Full Length Article" at the submission stage when submitting either a Review or an Original Research article.

These should be either (i) reports of new findings related to osteopathic medicine that are supported by research evidence. These should be original, previously unpublished works; or (ii) a critical or systematic review that seeks to summarise or draw conclusions from the established literature on a topic relevant to osteopathic medicine.

Please see specific guidance below for original research articles and the requirement to submit a checklist from the appropriate reporting guideline together with your paper as a guide to the editors and reviewers of your paper. The checklists for each reporting guideline can be found on the EQUATOR website. Checklists should be uploaded at submission as "Checklist" file types.

Short review (1,500-3,000 words)

The drawing together of present knowledge in a subject area, in order to provide a background for the reader not currently versed in the literature of a particular topic. Shorter in length than and not intended to be as comprehensive as that of the critical or systematic review paper. These papers typically place more emphasis on outlining areas of deficit in the current literature that warrant further investigation.

Research Note (up to 1,500 words)

Authors should select "Research Paper" at submission stage when submitting a Research Note.

Findings of interest arising from a larger study but not the primary aim of the research endeavour, for example short experiments aimed at establishing the reliability of new equipment used in the primary experiment or other incidental findings of interest, arising from, but not the topic of the primary research. Includes further clarification of an experimental protocol after addition of further controls, or statistical reassessment of raw data.

Preliminary Findings (1,500-2,500 words)

Authors should select "Preliminary Report" at submission stage when submitting a Preliminary Findings paper.

Presentation of results from pilot studies which may establish a solid basis for further investigations. Format similar to original research report but with more emphasis in discussion of future studies and hypotheses arising from pilot study.

Professional Commentaries (up to 2,000 words)

Includes articles that do not fit into the above criteria as original research. Includes commentaries and essays especially in regards to history, professional identity, clinical scope and development, and political and legal aspects of osteopathic medicine.

Clinical Practice

Authors should select the article type "Clinical Commentary" when submitting a Clinical Practice paper - there will be an option within the submission process to further select the type of format as below.

Authors are encouraged to submit papers in one of the following formats: Case Report, Case Problem, and Evidence in Practice.

i. Case Reports - usually document the management of one patient, with an emphasis on presentations that are unusual, rare or where there was an unexpected response to treatment (e.g. an unexpected side effect or adverse reaction). Authors may also wish to present a case series where multiple occurrences of a similar phenomenon are documented. Preference will be given to reports that are prospective in their planning and utilise Single System Designs, including objective measures.

ii. The aim of the Case Problem is to provide a more thorough discussion of the differential diagnosis of a clinical problem. The emphasis is on the clinical reasoning and logic employed in the diagnostic process.

iii. The purpose of the Evidence in Practice report is to provide an account of the application of the recognised Evidence Based Medicine process to a real clinical problem. The paper should be written with reference to each of the following five steps: 1. Developing an answerable clinical question. 2. The processes employed in searching the literature for evidence. 3. The appraisal of evidence for usefulness and applicability. 4. Integrating the critical appraisal with existing clinical expertise and with the patient's unique biology, values, and circumstances. 5. Reflect on the process (steps 1-4), evaluating effectiveness, and identifying deficiencies.

Please note for Case Reports there is a requirement to submit a checklist from the CARE reporting guideline together with your paper as a guide to the editors and reviewers of your paper. The checklists for each reporting guideline can be found on the EQUATOR website

Protocols (1,500 - 2,000 words)

Authors should select "Method Article" at submission stage when submitting a Protocol.

The IJOM accepts the submission of protocols of randomised interventions, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, observational studies, and selected phase I and II studies (novel intervention for a novel indication; a strong or unexpected beneficial or adverse response; or a novel mechanism of action), with the overall aim to encourage good principles in clinical research design.

The editors are looking for studies that will appeal to a wide general readership. The question being addressed and the planned design and analysis will need to be as original as possible, topical, and valid. All protocols will be subject to the journal's usual peer review process.


Authors should select "Feature Article" at submission stage when submitting a Masterclass.

The purpose of the Masterclass section is to describe in detail clinical aspects of osteopathic medicine or topics relevant to osteopathic clinicians. This may focus on specific treatment techniques, a particular management approach, management of a specific clinical entity, or topics such as understanding research design, use of measurement in practice, and professional issues such as clinical governance and audit. The majority of Masterclasses are commissioned by the Editors, but if you wish submit an idea for a Masterclass for consideration of publication please contact Oliver Thomson (O.Thomson@bso.ac.uk) or David Evans (dwe@backpainclinic.co.uk).

The article should be between 3500-4000 words in length excluding references.

A short summary should precede the main body of the article overviewing the contents.

The introduction should review the relevant literature and put the subject matter into context.

The main body of the text will describe the technique or approach in detail.

Illustrations are considered an essential part of the Masterclass in order to fully inform the reader and a minimum of six photographs or line drawings are required.

In addition, authors may wish to include supplementary material which would be available online only. This may include, for example, podcasts, videoclips, animation sequences, high-resolution colour images, author reflections on the Masterclass, and background datasets. Authors are invited to refer to previously published Masterclasses as examples.

New section - Osteopathic Education:

This new section of the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine provides accounts of new teaching and learning methods, curriculum development and implementation, and assessment strategies in undergraduate and post-qualifying osteopathic education, and continuous professional development initiatives. It also serves as a forum for communication between osteopathic educators, policy developers and those involved in clinical practice. Papers which focus on osteopathic education in both classroom and clinical/practice environments are welcomed for this new section of the journal. It is essential that the evidence-base to osteopathic education is developed and this is reflected in papers submitted for publication. In alignment with the journal's overall Aims and Scope, papers submitted for consideration of publication should be relevant to an international audience, even if they are national in scale of study. The editorial team wish to encourage submission of papers that demonstrate:

Innovation and development of education

Creativity in teaching and learning and assessment strategies

Evaluation and quality assurance of academic standards

Advancement of practice-based education

Collaborative interdisciplinary education initiatives

Delivery and evaluation of education within osteopathic and related services.

If your submission constitutes original research or is in the form of a review, please see Specific guidance below for original research articles and the requirement to submit a checklist from the appropriate reporting guideline together with your paper as a guide to the editors and reviewers of your paper. The checklists for each reporting guideline can be found on the EQUATOR website.

When submitting a paper for the Education Section authors will be asked to select the option "Education" during the submission process. Authors are first asked to identify the type of paper they are submitting (ie. Review Article, Full Length Article) before being asked to confirm whether it is to be considered for the Education Section.

Author Enquiries

For enquiries relating to the submission of articles (including electronic submission where available) please visit this journal's homepage at https://www.elsevier.com/ijosm. You can track accepted articles at https://www.elsevier.com/trackarticle and set up e-mail alerts to inform you of when an articles status has changed. Also accessible from here is information on copyright, frequently asked questions and more.

Contact details for questions arising after acceptance of an article, especially those relating to proofs, will be provided by the publisher.

Submission checklist

You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Please check the relevant section in this Guide for Authors for more details.

Ensure that the following items are present:

One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details:

E-mail address

Full postal address

All necessary files have been uploaded:


Include keywords

All figures (include relevant captions)

All tables (including titles, description, footnotes)

Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided

Indicate clearly if color should be used for any figures in print

Graphical Abstracts / Highlights files (where applicable)

Supplemental files (where applicable)

Cover Letter

Conflict of Interest Statement

Author agreement

Further considerations

Manuscript has been 'spell checked' and 'grammar checked'

All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa

Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet)

Relevant declarations of interest have been made

Journal policies detailed in this guide have been reviewed

Referee suggestions and contact details provided, based on journal requirements




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