2019年睡眠障碍与神经心理学国际研讨会(CSDN 2019)
发布时间:2019/1/29 17:16:46 作者:akame 阅读:920
2019年睡眠障碍与神经心理学国际研讨会(CSDN 2019) The International Conference on Sleep Disorders and Neuropsychology (CSDN 2019) 大会官网:http://www.confjune.org/conference/CSDN2019/ 大会时间:2019年6月1-3日 大会地点:中国昆明 在线投稿链接:http://www.confjune.org/RegistrationSubmission/default.aspx?ConferenceID=1119 邮箱投稿: confws6@163.com 录用通知:论文投稿后1周左右 △. 会议简介 CSDN 2019旨在为业内专家学者分享技术进步和业务经验,聚焦睡眠障碍与神经心理学相关领域的前沿研究,提供一个交流的平台。会议将集聚来自世界各地的科研人员、工程师、学者及业界专家,展示他们在睡眠障碍与神经心理学相关领域的最新研究成果及活动进展。诚邀您同聚昆明,共襄盛会。 △.投稿须知: 论文应具有学术或实用价值,未在国内外学术期刊或会议发表过。 论文排版格式以及投稿方式详见网站说明。 审稿流程:本次会议采用先投稿,先送专家评审的方式进行,审稿周期约1周。 △. 大会咨询 联系人:张老师((Rolin) 邮箱: confws6@163.com QQ: 3025797047 电话: +86-151 7247 9625 △. 本次会议征稿主题但不限于: Acquired Brain Injury ADHD/Attentional Functions Applied sleep psychology Autism Spectrum Disorders Behavioral Neurology/Cerebral Lateralization/Callosal Studies Business in Sleep Medicine Cognitive, behavioral and non‐medication interventions for sleep disorders Dementia (Alzheimer's Disease) Dementia (Non-AD) Electrophysiology/EEG/ERP Emotional Processes Forensic Neuropsychology Hypersomnolence Insomnia Language and Speech Functions/Aphasia Learning Disabilities/Academic Skills MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) Memory Functions Mental and Physical Causes of Insomnia Mental Health Disorders Related to Sleep Multiple Sclerosis/ALS/Demyelinating Disorders Neurostimulation/Neuromodulation Normal and disordered sleep Obstructive Sleep Apnea during Pregnancy Pediatric Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment Psychopathology/Neuropsychiatry (Including Schizophrenia) Sleep changes related to age Sleep cycles Sleep Disorders Sleep deprivation Sleep physiology Sleep regulation Sleep Therapy Approaches Sleep, the Heart and the Brain The effects of sleep medications on the brain The neuropsychology of sleep and dreaming Treatment monitoring Trends in Sleep medicine and therapy Visuopatial Functions/Neglect/Agnosia