叶子尘 在 2023/2/14 22:18:45 进行点评 我要回应
- 审稿时间:3个月
- 稿件字数:4000字
- 是否录用:尚无回复
- 有无课题:无
- 有无回复:有自动回复
- 投稿难度:难
我的点评:写了一篇国内某知名二次元游戏的文化考据,投稿第二天编辑回邮件让删除了Main Document中的个人信息,现在等初审意见,先标记一下。
szh2567 于 2023/4/16 1:12:44 回应:
读书呀 在 2021/5/12 10:37:11 进行点评 我要回应
- 审稿时间:15天
- 稿件字数:5000字
- 我的学历:在读博士
- 是否录用:拒稿
- 见刊周期:其他
As there is a high volume of high-quality manuscripts submitted to Games and Culture, we must often turn away papers that might be publishable but which we do not have sufficient space for. We wish you good luck and hope you will find a suitable home for your paper. The paper is interesting but it is more suited to a conference proceedings than the journal, where we are looking for more robust and culminatory papers that will have high impact on the field.