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The World Journal of Men's Health(或WORLD JOURNAL OF MENS HEALTH)《世界男性健康杂志》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《世界男性健康杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率2.30%
  • 主要研究方向医学-ANDROLOGY 男科学;UROLOGY & NEPHROLOGY 泌尿学与肾脏学



The World Journal of Mens Health《世界男性健康杂志》(季刊). he World Journal of Mens Health (print ISSN 2287-4208; online ISSN 2287-4690) is&n...[显示全部]













Information for Authors

Manuscripts for submission to The World Journal of Men's Health should be prepared according to the following instructions. To maintain rapid peer review and publication, manuscripts that do not adhere to the following instructions will be returned to the corresponding author for technical revision before undergoing peer review.


The World Journal of Men's Health (print ISSN 2287-4208; online ISSN 2287-4690) is an international, peer-reviewed openaccess journal of the Korean Society for Sexual Medicine and Andrology. Affiliated societies are the Asian Society for Men's Health and Aging, Korean Society for Men's Health and Aging, and Asian Society of Penile Surgery. This journal is published quarterly on the first day of January, April, July, and October.

The official abbreviated journal name is World J Mens Health, although in this and other internal documents, we use WJMH. Material submitted for publication should be the result of a recent investigation, should be scientifically sound, and should be well organized theoretically. Manuscripts are considered for publication with the understanding that they have not been published previously and are not under consideration by another journal. WJMH follows Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (http://www.icmje.org/) in cases not described otherwise below.


WJMH seeks to publish outstanding basic, translational, and clinical research articles that advance our knowledge and understanding of sexual medicine and andrology. WJMH publishes Original Articles, Review Articles, Editorials, Case Reports, and Letters to the Editor, with a focus on the following areas of interest:

Male sexual health and dysfunction

Male reproductive health and infertility

Hormonal regulation of male reproduction and hypogonadism

Prostate diseases and male voiding dysfunctions

Healthy aging and anti-aging treatments

Metabolic syndrome and related conditions

Health promotion, disease prevention, and lifestyle

Healthcare system issues impacting men's health


Authors should submit manuscripts via the electronic manuscript management system, https://www.editorialmanager.com/wjmh. Please log in first as a member of the system, and then follow the directions. Any revised manuscripts should be submitted through the same web system under the same identification numbers.

Questions regarding manuscript submission may be sent to WJMH Editorial Office

Editorial Office

Editor-in-Chief: Hyun Jun Park, M.D., Ph.D.

E-mail: eic.wjmh@gmail.com

Tel: +82-51-240-7347, Fax: +82-51-247-5443

Address: Department of Urology, Pusan National University Hospital, 179 Gudeok-ro, Seo-gu, Busan 49241, Korea.


For policies on research and publication ethics that are not covered in this instruction, see the “Research and Publication Ethics” guide for this journal.


WJMH article types include original articles, review articles, case reports, editorials, and letters to the editor. All materials must be written in proper and clear American English.

Article formats (See expanded descriptions following table.)

Any article longer than these limits should be discussed with the editor.

aMaximum number of words is exclusive of the abstract, references, and figure legends.

1. Original Articles

Original articles should contain the results of clinical or basic research and should be sufficiently well documented to be acceptable to critical readers. The length of the manuscript should not exceed 3,000 words, not counting the abstract, references, tables, and legends to figures and illustrations, if possible, and references should not exceed 30. Original articles should be arranged in the following order: (1) title page; (2) abstract and keywords; (3) introduction; (4) materials and methods; (5) results; (6) discussion; (7) conclusions; (8) acknowledgments (if necessary); (9) references; (10) figure legends; (11) figures; and (12) tables.

For systematic reviews, authors must adhere to the PRISMA guidelines (http://www.prisma-statement.org/documents/PRISMA%202009%20checklist.pdf) and AMSTAR 2 Check list (https://amstar.ca/docs/AMSTAR-2.pdf). The length of the systematic reviews and meta-analyses should not exceed 5,000 words.

2. Review Articles

Reviews are comprehensive analyses of specific topics. They are submitted upon invitation by the Editor. Unsolicited proposals for reviews may be submitted; however, in this case, authors should only send an outline of the proposed paper for initial consideration. Both solicited and unsolicited review articles will undergo peer review prior to acceptance. The length of the manuscript should not exceed 5,000 words.

3. Case Reports

Case reports shall cover states of diseases that have not been previously reported or have been rarely seen; those that have been already reported but are distinctively different from the previous reports can also be published in this journal. The manuscript should not exceed 1,500 words, not counting the cover, tables, figures, and references, with 10 or fewer reference works. Its abstract, unlike those for original articles, shall have only one paragraph within 150 words. Case reports should be organized in the following order: (1) title page; (2) abstract and keywords; (3) introduction; (4) case report(s); (5) discussion; (6) acknowledgments (if necessary); (7) reference; (8) tables; (9) figures and photos; and (10) legends.

The keywords should be in accordance with those for original articles. The introduction shall briefly describe general backgrounds and significances related to the relevant case, without using a title “Introduction.” Its discussion shall focus on what the case report emphasizes, and the conclusion shall be summarized at the end without establishing a separate section for the conclusion.

4. Editorials

Editorials are solicited by the Editor and should not be submitted without prior invitation. An abstract is not required. The length of the manuscript should not exceed 1,500 words, and references should not exceed 7.

5. Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor should be useful to practitioners. Opinions from readers can be published at the discretion of the editors. The length should not exceed 500 words. Only letters concerning articles published in the journal within one year are considered. A maximum of 3 authors and 5 references are allowed. Neither tables nor figures are allowed. If accepted, the “author reply” of the paper being discussed could be published at the same time as the letter.


1.Title Page

The title page should contain the following information: (1) title, which should be concise but informative; (2) all authors’ names (first name, middle name or initial, and surname), affiliation, city, country; (3) running title, not exceeding 50 characters; (4) word count of text (not including the abstract), word count of abstract; (5) corresponding author’s name, ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), affiliation, address, city, postcode, country, e-mail, Tel and Fax number; (6) funding information, acknowledgments, and disclosures; (7) author contribution statement; (8) all authors’ ORCIDs; and (9) ethics statement.

Please download the title page template of WJMH from the website and use it

2.Abstract and Keywords

An abstract should be concise and should not exceed 250 words for original and review articles or 150 words for case reports. A structured abstract should consist of Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusions (not structured for review articles). List 4 to 6 keywords below the abstract (in alphabetical order, separated by semicolons) as follows: Benign prostatic hyperplasia; Doxazosin; Lower urinary tract symptoms. For the selection of keywords, refer to the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) in PubMed (https://meshb.nlm.nih.gov/search).


A brief background, references to the most pertinent papers general enough to inform readers, and the relevant findings of others should be included. The specific question that the authors’ particular investigation studied should also be stated.

4.Materials and Methods

The explanation of the experimental methods should be concise and sufficient to allow repetition by other qualified investigators. Procedures that have been published previously should not be described in detail. However, new or significant modifications of previously published procedures need full descriptions. In cases of clinical studies or experiments using laboratory animals or pathogens, this section should contain approval of the studies by relevant committees. The sources of special chemicals or preparations should be given, along with their location (name of company, city, state, and country). Methods of statistical analyses used and the criteria for determining significance levels should be described. An ethics statement should be included here when the studies are performed using clinical samples or data, or animals. An example is shown below:

•Ethics Statement:

- Example for clinical study

- The present study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board of ### National University College of Medicine (approval No. 2021001). Informed consent was obtained by all subjects when they were enrolled.

- Example for animal study

- The procedures used and the care of animals were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) in xxx University (approval No. 2021002).

- Example for clinical trials

- This is a randomized clinical trial on the second phase, registered at NIH ClinicalTrials.gov (https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/), number NCT 2019003. Manuscripts reporting interventional clinical trial should include data sharing plan following the ICMJE statement by referring to the ICMJE Statement on Data Sharing (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/publishing-and-editorial-issues/clinical-trial-registration.html).

•Description of participants:

- Ensure correct use of the terms sex (when reporting biological factors) and gender (identity, psychosocial or cultural factors), and, unless inappropriate, report the sex and/or gender of study participants, the sex of animals or cells, and describe the methods used to determine sex and gender. If the study was done involving an exclusive population, for example in only one sex, authors should justify why, except in obvious cases (e.g., prostate cancer). Authors should define how they determined race or ethnicity and justify their relevance.


This section should include a concise textual description of the data presented in any tables and figures, in the same order as they appear in the Materials and Methods section. Excessive elaboration or rote repetition of data already given in tables and figures should be avoided. The results obtained from subject analysis such as age and gender distribution are not mentioned in this section. The tense should be in the past form.


In this section, the data should be interpreted concisely without repeating material already presented in the Results section. The logical answers to the questions stated in the Introduction section should be proposed. The content should be limited to new and important information related to the study results.


The conclusions or opinions by the author(s) drawn from the Results and Discussion sections and befitting the purpose(s) of the study should be described comprehensively, while avoiding a simple summary or redundant information. Future study direction or expected effects are also best avoided.


The persons or institutes that contributed to the work but were not included as co-authors may be acknowledged. Any financial or technical support should also be stated.

9.Author Contribution

Enter all author contributions in the submission system during submission. The contributions of all authors must be described using the CRediT Taxonomy of author roles. Read the policy.

To qualify for authorship, all contributors must meet at least one of the seven core contributions (conceptualization, methodology, software, validation, formal analysis, investigation, and data curation), as well as at least one of the writing contributions (original draft preparation, review, and editing). Authors may also satisfy the other remaining contributions; however, these alone will not qualify them for authorship.

Contributions will be published with the final article, and they should accurately reflect contributions to the work. The submitting author is responsible for completing this information at submission, and it is expected that all authors will have reviewed, discussed, and agreed to their individual contributions prior to manuscript submission.

Example of author contributions:

- Conceptualization: ***, ***. Data curation: ***, ***. Formal analysis: ***, ***. Funding acquisition: ***, ***. Investigation: ***, ***. Methodology: ***, ***. Project administration: ***, ***. Resources: ***, ***. Software: ***, ***. Supervision: ***, ***. Validation: ***, ***. Visualization: ***, ***. Writing – original draft: ***, ***. Writing – review & editing: ***, ***.


References should be numbered serially in the order of appearance in the text, with reference numbers in brackets ([xx]). If referring to more than two sequential references, list all numbers ([1,2], [1-3], or [1,3-5]).

References should be listed on a separate sheet at the end of the article in the order of citation. Reference format should conform to the NLM style (The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 2nd edition, 2007. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7256/). Journal abbreviations should also conform to the NLM style (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7256/). List all authors when there are six or fewer; when there are seven or more, list six and add “et al”.

•Journal article: Surname and initials of author(s). Title of article. Name of journal Year;Volume:Inclusive pages. In case there is a colon (:) in the title of the article, the title after the colon should start with a capital letter if it is a full sentence and with a small letter if it is not a sentence.


- Shigehara K, Izumi K, Mizokami A, Namiki M. Testosterone deficiency and nocturia: a review. World J Mens Health 2017;35:14-21.

- Seo DH, Jeh SU, Choi SM, Kam SC, Kim SW, Yang DY, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of premature ejaculation by urologists in South Korea. World J Mens Health 2016;34:217-23.

•Book: Surname and initials of author(s). Title. Edition. City: Publisher; Year;Inclusive pages.


- Coe FL, Favus MJ, Pak CY, Yu GW, Miller HC, Kim YS, et al. Kidney stones: medical and surgical management. New York: Lippincott-Raven; 1996;85-100.

•Book chapter: Surname and initials of author(s). Title of chapter. In: Surname and initials of editor(s). Title of book. Edition. City: Publisher; Year;Inclusive pages.


- Stephenson AJ, Klein EA. Epidemiology, etiology, and prevention of prostate cancer. In: Wein AJ, Kavoussi LR, Partin AW, Peters CA, editors. Campbell-Walsh urology. 11th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2016;2543-64.

•Internet resource: Surname and initials of author(s). Title [type of medium]. Place of publication (county): Publisher; Date of publication [date of citing]. Available from: URL.


- American Cancer Society. Cancer reference information [Internet]. Atlanta (GA): American Cancer Society; c2009 [cited 2011 Mar 10]. Available from: http://www.cancer.org/docroot/CRI/CRI_0.asp.

11.Tables and Figures


Every table must have a descriptive title and an explanatory paragraph that make the data understandable without reference to the text. Each must be typed double-spaced on a separate page and numbered with Arabic numerals. Explain in footnotes all nonstandard abbreviations that are used in each table. For footnotes, use the following symbols, in this sequence: a, b, c, d, e, f, etc. Compose tables in a word-processing program; do not insert as graphic elements. Number tables with Arabic numerals in the order in which they appear in the text. Place each table on a separate page.

•Figures and figure Legends

Figures and images should be kept to a minimum and should accompany the manuscript. The preferred formats for illustrations are JPG (JPEG), GIF, and TIFF files (600 dpi or higher). Color figures can be reproduced if necessary, but the authors will be expected to contribute toward the cost of publication. Legends must accompany each illustration and should be typed on a separate page. Do not embed artwork within the text; figures should be supplied as separate files.

12.Other Rules


Spell out numbers at the beginning of a sentence. Abbreviations must be defined at first use in each of the following: text, tables, and figure legends.

•Units of measurement

Units of measurement must conform to the International System (SI) of Units: year(s), y; month(s), mo; day(s), d; hours, h; minutes, min; second(s), s; grams, g; liters, L; meters, m; sample size, n; degrees of freedom, df; standard error of the mean, SE; standard deviation, SD; probability, p.

•Names of drugs, devices, and other products

Generic names should be used. When proprietary brands are used in research, include the brand name and the name of the manufacturer in parentheses after the first mention of the generic name in the Materials and Methods section. Use any trademark (TM) and registration (®) symbols required by law.

•Gene names, symbols, and accession numbers

Authors describing genes or related structures in a manuscript should include the names and official symbols provided by the US National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) or the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee.


Similarity Check is a multipublisher initiative to screen published and submitted content for originality. To find out more about Similarity Check, visit https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/. All manuscripts submitted to WJMH are subject to screening using the iThenticate tool for textual similarity to other previously published works.


All manuscripts are subject to peer review, and accepted articles will be published in WJMH.

1.Registration for submission

Manuscripts should conform strictly to WJMH style. Manuscripts with numerous errors will be returned to the author without review. Any manuscript registered is given a registration number; this will be e-mailed to the corresponding author.


Manuscripts will be reviewed by 3 (or more) peer reviewers. The reviews will be blinded to the names of the authors and the institutions from which the manuscripts have been sent. The editors reserve the right to improve the style and, if necessary, return the manuscript for rewriting to the author. All authors who have been requested to revise their work should resubmit revised manuscripts using our online submission system. A covering letter must accompany all revised manuscripts and indicate clearly what alterations have been made in response to the reviewers’ comments. Satisfactory reasons should be given for noncompliance with any of the recommendations of the editors. Accepted manuscripts will be copyedited to make sure they conform to the journal’s style. The final version of the manuscript after copyediting will be sent back to the author only if specific queries need clarification.

3.Conclusion of review

Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication in WJMH, a certificate of publication stating that the manuscript will be published can be issued on demand by the author(s).

4.Editorial comment and reply by authors

With the decision of the editors, editorial comment can be attached to the manuscript. If the author(s) reply, the reply can also be published.


If there is an error, a correction from the author(s) can be published.


The authors should proofread and edit their accepted manuscript carefully before printing, as they can still request additional corrections at this stage. The editorial board decides whether to publish the manuscript and the order in which the manuscript is published.

7.Feedback after Publication

If the authors or readers find any errors, or contents that should be revised, it can be requested from the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board may consider erratum, corrigendum, or a retraction. If there are any revisions to the article, there will be a CrossMark description to announce the final draft. If there is a reader’s opinion on the published article with the form of Letter to the editor, it will be forwarded to the authors. The authors can reply to the reader’s letter. Letter to the editor and the author’s reply may be also published.

8.How the Journal Handle Complaints and Appeals

The policy of WJMH is primarily aimed at protecting the authors, reviewers, editors, and the publisher of the journal. If not described below, the process of handling complaints and appeals follows the guidelines of the Committee of Publication Ethics available from: https://publicationethics.org/appeals.

•Who complains or makes an appeal?

Submitters, authors, reviewers, and readers may register complaints and appeals in a variety of cases as follows: falsification, fabrication, plagiarism, duplicate publication, authorship dispute, conflict of interest, ethical treatment of animals, informed consent, bias or unfair/inappropriate competitive acts, copyright, stolen data, defamation, and legal problem. If any individuals or institutions want to inform the cases, they can send a letter via E-mail: edit@andrology.or.kr. For the complaints or appeals, concrete data with answers to all factual questions (who, when, where, what, how, why) should be provided.

•Who is responsible to resolve and handle complaints and appeals?

The Editor, Editorial Board, or Editorial Office is responsible for them. A legal consultant or ethics editor may be able to help with the decision making.

•What may be the consequence of remedy?

It depends on the type or degree of misconduct. The consequence of resolution will follow the guidelines of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).


WJMH permanently retains the copyrights to all manuscripts published in WJMH (including those submitted and approved for publication but not yet published) since January 1982. Every paper published in WJMH is freely available via our website (https://wjmh.org). Authors should complete and submit the Copyright Transfer Agreement and Checklist Form signed by all authors, available on the website (https://www.editorialmanager.com/wjmh).


Every paper published in WJMH is freely available via our website (https://wjmh.org). Articles published in WJMH are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. WJMH also follows PubMed Central’s open access policy. Deposit policy (Self-archiving policy) according to SHERPA/RoMEO (http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/) is as follows: Author cannot archive pre-print (i.e., pre-refereeing); Author can archive post-print (i.e., final draft after refereeing); and Author can archive publisher’s version/PDF. More detailed information can be found at the journal’s homepage (https://wjmh.org).


Full text of WJMH has been archived in PubMed Central (PMC) (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/2051/) from the 30(2) volume, 2012, KoreaMed Synapse (https://synapse.koreamed.org/search.php?where=jvolume&id=2074&code=2074WJMH), and Korea Citation Index (https://www.kci.go.kr/). According to the deposit policy (self-archiving policy) of SHERPA/RoMEO (http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/), authors cannot archive pre-print (i.e., pre-refereeing), but they can archive post-print (i.e., final draft post-refereeing). Authors can archive publisher’s version/PDF. WJMHprovides the electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content in the event the journal is no longer published by archiving in PMC.


This journal follows the data sharing policy described in “Data Sharing Statements for Clinical Trials: A Requirement of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)” (https://doi.org/10.3346/jkms.2017.32.7.1051). As of July 1, 2018 manuscripts submitted to ICMJE journals that report the results of interventional clinical trials must contain a data sharing statement as described below. Clinical trials that begin enrolling participants on or after January 1, 2019 must include a data sharing plan in the trial's registration. The ICMJE’s policy regarding trial registration is explained athttps://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/publishing-and-editorial-issues/clinical-trial-registration.html. If the data sharing plan changes after registration this should be reflected in the statement submitted and published with the manuscript, and updated in the registry record. More detailed information can be found at the journal’s homepage (https://wjmh.org).


A preprint can be defined as a version of a scholarly paper that precedes formal peer review and publication in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal.

WJMH allows authors to submit the preprint to the journal. It is not treated as duplicate submission or duplicate publication. WJMH recommend authors to disclose it with DOI in the letter to the editor during the submission process. Otherwise, it may be screened from the plagiarism check program — Similarity Check. Preprint submission will be processed through the same peer-review process with a usual submission. If the preprint is accepted for publication, authors are recommended to update the info at the preprint with a link to the published article in WJMH, including DOI at WJMH. It is strongly recommended that authors cite the article in WJMH instead of the preprint at their next submission to journals.


Authors whose manuscripts are finally accepted for publication in WJMH will be charged an article processing charge: 900,000 KRW for Korean authors and 700 USD for non-Korean authors, which only apply to Original Article, Review Article, and Case Report. No publication fees for Letter to the Editor or Editorial. Publication fee is waived for invited articles regardless of article types.

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