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LANCET HIV《柳叶刀·艾滋病》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称LANCET HIV
  • 参考译名《柳叶刀·艾滋病》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率5.90%



LANCET HIV《柳叶刀·艾滋病》(月刊)。The Lancet HIV launched in autumn 2014, joining the growing collection of Lancet specialty journals. As an ...[显示全部]













Information for Authors

Types of article and manuscript requirements

Please ensure that anything you submit to The Lancet HIV follows the guidelines provided for each article type. For instructions on how to format the text of your paper, including tables, figures, panels, and references, please see our Formatting guidelines. Please note The Lancet HIV does not publish case reports.

Red section (Articles and Meta-analyses)


The Lancet HIV prioritises reports of original research that are likely to change clinical practice or thinking about HIV

We invite submission of all clinical trials, whether phase 1, 2, 3, or 4 (see Lancet 2006; 368: 827–28). For phase 1 trials, we especially encourage those of a novel substance for a novel indication, if there is a strong or unexpected beneficial or adverse response, or a novel mechanism of action

We require registration of all interventional trials, whether early or late phase, in a primary registry that participates in WHO’s International Clinical Trial Registry Platform (see Lancet 2007; 369: 1909–11) or in ClinicalTrials.gov, in accordance with ICMJE recommendations. We also encourage full public disclosure of the minimum 21-item trial registration dataset at the time of registration and before recruitment of the first participant (see Lancet 2006; 367: 1631–35). The registry must be independent of for-profit interest

Reports of trials must conform to CONSORT 2010 guidelines, and should be submitted with their protocols All reports of randomised trials should include a section entitled

Randomisation and masking, within the Methods section. Please refer to The Lancet’s formatting guidelines for randomised trials

Cluster-randomised trials must be reported according to CONSORT extended guidelines

Randomised trials that report harms must be described according to extended CONSORT guidelines

Studies of diagnostic accuracy must be reported according to STARD guidelines

Observational studies (cohort, case–control, or cross-sectional designs) must be reported according to the STROBE statement, and should be submitted with their protocols

We encourage the registration of all observational studies on a WHO-compliant registry (see Lancet 2010; 375: 348)

Genetic association studies must be reported according to STREGA guidelines

Reports of studies of global health estimates should be reported according to the GATHER statement (see Lancet 2016; 388: e19–23)

Clinical trials that report interventions using artificial intelligence must be described according to the CONSORT-AI Extension guidelines and their protocols must be described according to the SPIRIT-AI Extension guidelines

To find reporting guidelines see http://www.equator-network. org

Please be aware it is The Lancet HIV’s standard practice to commission an independent Comment to accompany all published research to add context and insight

All Articles should, as relevant:

Be up to 3500 words (4500 for randomised controlled trials) with 30 references (the word count is for the manuscript text only)

  Include an abstract (semistructured Summary), with five paragraphs (Background, Methods, Findings, Interpretation, and Funding), not exceeding 300 words. Our electronic submission system will ask you to copy and paste this section at the “Submit Abstract” stage

For randomised trials, the abstract should adhere to CONSORT extensions: abstracts (see Lancet 2008; 371: 281–83)

When reporting Kaplan-Meier survival data, at each timepoint, authors must include numbers at risk, and are encouraged to include the number of censored patients.

For intervention studies, the Summary should include the primary outcome expressed as the difference between groups with a confidence interval on that difference (absolute differences are more useful than relative ones). Secondary outcomes can be included as long as they are clearly marked as secondary and all such outcomes are reported

Use the recommended international non-proprietary name  (rINN) for drug names. Ensure that the dose, route, and frequency of administration of any drug you mention are correct


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