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  • 期刊简称
  • 参考译名《武器和服装》
  • 核心类别 AHCI(2023版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向ART



WAFFEN-UND KOSTUMKUNDE《武器和服装》(半年刊)。Die Zeitschrift wird von der Gesellschaft für Historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde e.V. herausgegeben.1897 als ...[显示全部]



















Guidelines for authors of the Journal: “Waffen- und


Please supply only complete manuscripts in German or English to the editor concerned (see below). A complete manuscript consists of:

- text of the article

- references (as endnotes)

- bibliography

- list of figures

- summary/abstract

- captions

- picture files or master copies for the pictures

1. Manuscript

Please submit your manuscript in printed and electronic form as a 3.5” floppy disk or a CD-ROM.

Smaller articles without illustrations or with only a few, small illustrations can be sent by e-mail. All texts have to be saved as readable PC-formatting for “Word for Windows”, i.e. *.doc or *.rtf- files. Automated formatting (line corrections, figure and table numbering) apart from footnotes and page numbers should be avoided.

It is not possible to significantly change the manuscript after submission. Proposed changes and corrections by the editors will be sent to the authors. The author will carry out the first correction of galley proof. The editor is generally responsible for the layout, suggestions from authors are welcome.

2. References

References are placed at the end of the manuscript (endnotes). If the reference refers to the last word or the last half or full sentence, the reference number should be placed before the punctuation mark, if it refers to the last paragraph or context, it should be placed behind the punctuation mark.

References should supply the surname of the author (more than two authors as first author followed by et al.) and the year of publication. A comma separates page numbers, i.e.:

Nockert 1997, 22f

Geijer et al. 1994, 5-27; Jarnut 1997, 119

Haussherr und Väterlein 1977, 45

Alternatively it is possible to use scientific quotation (Nockert 1997, 22). References to monographs should also contain the volume title and number, if known.

3. Bibliography

References will be listed in a separate bibliography at the end of the article. This should be done in the following manner:

GEIJER, AGNES, FRANZÉN, ANNE MARIE und NOCKERT, MARGARETA: Drottning Margaretas gyllene kjortel I Uppsala domkyrka. Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, 1994.

HAUSSHERR, RAINER und VÄTERLEIN, CHRISTIAN: "Die Zeit der Staufer. Geschichte-Kunst-Kultur. Band V Supplement: Vorträge und Forschungen." Stuttgart: Württembergisches Landesmuseum, 1977.

JARNUT, JÖRG: "Konsumvorschriften im Früh- und Hochmittelalter." In Haushalt und Familie in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit, EHLERT, TRUDE (Hrsg.), 119-128. Wiesbaden: VMA-Verlag, 1997.

NOCKERT, MARGARETA: Bockstensmannen och hans dräkt. Borås: Hallands Länsmuseer, 1997.

Please take care to spell correctly, especially when citing books or articles in other languages than your own (this includes using the appropriate special characters).

4. List of figures

A list of figures listing the sources has to be included in addition to the bibliography, e.g.:

Fig.1, 3, 5: Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg

all other illustrations. R. Paardekooper

5. Summary/Abstract

The article should be summarised in at most 1200 characters in either German or English. If there won’t be a summary in both languages, it is preferred to have an English abstract for a German article and a German summary for an English article. Translation help can be given. The journal uses the old German

spelling rules.

6. Captions

Captions should be added in a separate paragraph after the summaries. Captions consist of the consecutive numbers of the illustrations, the actual text of the caption relating to the illustration, the title of the illustration or the name of the object, origin/artist, date, residence and if necessary scale (f.ex. for

drawings of objects) and owner.

Fig. 1: Verkündigung an Maria, Konrad Witz, um 1444. Nürnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum.

Fig. 2: Hallstatt Cemetery: Grave with fibulae and beltbuckle as indicator for clothing. Ramsauertafel

XXXIV, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Prähistorische Abteilung.

Fig. 3: Ladies’ coat, Berlin 1964. New York, Private Collection.

7. Illustrations

Please submit only high quality pictures. They should generally be supplied in electronic form; preferred file formats are *.png and *.tif. If files are supplied in *.jpg format, the file should be of the highest quality (low compression). Illustrations in colour are generally possible.

The illustration files should be numbered consecutively to the illustrations. Illustrations should be referenced in brackets in the article (Fig. 5, 8-12).

It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission for the reproduction of illustrations from the owner of the copyright.

8. Spelling rules

Please avoid abbreviations. Exceptions are the journals of the “Gesellschaft für historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde”. These can be quoted according to Otto Leistner, Internationale Titelabkürzungen

(International Title Abbreviations) as follows:

ZHWK = Zeitschrift für Historische Waffenkunde (1897ff) und Zeitschrift für Historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde (N.F. 1, 1923/25ff)

WKK = Waffen und Kostümkunde. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde (1959ffl. The volume count of the WKK starts with 1, 1959).

9. Offprints

The contributions to the journal will not receive any payment. However, in recognition and as a “thank you”, authors will receive 20 offprints of their article. Further offprints, if wanted, can be ordered for a reduced price; please ask the editor for the actual price.

Journal Editor:

Dr. Alfred Geibig, Kunstsammlungen der Veste

Coburg, D-96540 Coburg

Weapons Editor:

Dr. Stefan Mäder,Schwabenstraße 35, D-79211


Costume Editors:

Prof. Dr. Annemarie Bönsch, Universität für

angewandte Kunst, Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz 2, A1010 Wien

Katrin Kania M.A., Buckenhofer Weg 54, D-91058


Date: 07.09.2005

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