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  • 参考译名《巴西园艺》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率13.40%
  • 主要研究方向农林科学-HORTICULTURE 园艺



HORTICULTURA BRASILEIRA《巴西园艺》(季刊). The journal Horticultura Brasileira, a quarterly journal, is the Official Publication of the Associação B...[显示全部]








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Instructions to authors

Scope and policy

Horticultura Brasileira is the official journal of the Brazilian Association for Horticultural Science. Horticultura Brasileira publishes papers that represent a significant contribution to the scientific and technological development of vegetable crops, medicinal and condimental herbs, and ornamental plants. Horticultura Brasileira appears quarterly and publishes in English although accepting submissions also in Portuguese and Spanish.

Papers are eligible for publication if the first author is a member of the Brazilian Association for Horticultural Science (ABH) or affiliated to a National Horticultural Association which ABH has a Reciprocity Agreement with, having its annual fee paid in any of these situations. In case the first author does not fill these conditions, papers may be still submitted. In this case, authors are requested to pay the Full Proceeding Fee as soon as the manuscript is accepted for review.

Horticultura Brasileira publishes original papers, which have not been submitted to publication elsewhere. It is implicit that authors observed ethical aspects and worked in full compliance with the copyright laws during the development of the work. From the submission up to the end of the reviewing process, partial or total submission elsewhere is forbidden. With the acceptance for publication, Horticultura Brasileira acquires full and exclusive copyright for all languages and countries. Unless Horticultura Brasileira grants special permission, no photographic or electronic reproductions, microform, and other reproduction of a similar nature may be made of the journal, of individual contributions contained therein or of extracts therefrom.

Horticultura Brasileira has the following sections:

Cover paper: address topics of current interest that, upon invitation from the Editorial Board, illustrates the cover of the jounal;

Invited paper: address topics of current interest, invited by the Editorial Board;

Letter to the Editor: sent by authors’ initiative to the Editorial Board, addressing a subject of general interest. The Editorial Board makes a preliminary assessment and may accept or reject it, as well as submit it to the reviewing process;

Research: a paper describing an original study, carried out under strict scientific methods. The reproducibility of studies should be clearly demonstrated;

Scientific Communication: communication or scientific note, reporting original field or laboratory observations or results coming from less complexes experiments, carried out under strict scientific methods. The reproducibility of studies should be clearly  demonstrated.

New Cultivar: communications or note reporting new cultivar and germplasm release. It must include information on origin, description, seed (propagation material) availability, general information and comparative data. 

Manuscript submission

Prepare your text in Word® or compatible software, in 1.5 space, font Calibri Light 12 points, and number pages and lines. Add images figures, tables and charts at the end of the text and make a single file. Format the document for A4 page, 3-cm margins. Image-resolution should be above 600 Kb. The file must not exceed 30,000 characters, including spaces. Use the online submission system (http://horticulturabrasileira.com.br/editor/index.php/HB) If further information is needed, please, follow the instructions available on line, contact the Editorial Board or refer to recently released issues.

A paper will be eligible for the reviewing process if:

- It contains each author’s ORCID code;

- It is in full compliance with these guidelines;

- It falls into the journal scope and presents a technical-scientific standard compatible with Horticultura Brasileira;

- It is accompanied by a written description of the relevance of the work (importance and distinctiveness compared to the existing literature), not longer than ten lines. Insert the text in the field “Comments to the Editor” available on line;

- It is accompanied by a written specification of each author’s contribution to the paper (consult the headline Authorship below). Include the text in the submission metadata, in the field Biostatement, available on line;

- It is accompanied by the nomination of at least two persons (name, address, email and phone), from institutions other than those authors are affiliated to, who can act as peer reviewers. Insert the text in the field "Comments to the Editor", available on line;

When accepted for reviewing, the corresponding author will receive an e-mail with instructions for paying the processing fee (R$ 120,00 US$ 50.00; E$ 45.00), when first author is affiliated to ABH or sister-associations and has no debts with it, or the Full Processing Fee (R$ 470,00; US$ 180.00; E$ 170.00) when first author is not affiliated. Before entering the reviewing process, all co-authors must have expressed their agreement-on-publishing. Processing fees are not refundable.

Paper Structure

Authors should refer to the Guide of Style & Format, available in www.horticulturabrasileira.com.br

The reviewing process

The Editorial Board carries out a preliminary evaluation of the manuscripts, looking at adherence to the journal scope and publication guidelines, technical-scientific relevance, and command of language. The Editorial Board decision (eligible, not eligible) is uploaded in the submission system. If the manuscript is adequate for reviewing, authors are requested to pay the applicable Processing Fee. Next, the manuscript is evaluated by at least two peer reviewers. As soon as we have two reviews, the manuscript is forwarded to the Scientific Editor. The Scientific Editor can either (1) recommend for publishing, (2) ask for modifications, or (3) reject it. In situations 1 and 3, the manuscript is forwarded to the Associate Editor, who holds the responsibility for the final decision. In situation 2, the manuscript returns to author(s), who produce a new version and upload it in the submission system. The Scientific Editor checks the new version and recommend it or not for publication. In both cases, the new version is evaluated by the Associate Editor, for the final decision.

The editorial board does not incorporate any changes to the manuscript without author’s approval. Once the paper is accepted, the editorial board sends an electronic copy of the formatted version to the correspondent author who should make any necessary corrections and send it back within 48 hours. In this stage, extensive corrections, in format and content are no longer accepted. Alterations, additions, deletions and editing imply in a new examination of the manuscript by the Editorial Board. Authors are held responsible for any errors and omissions present in the text they returned to the Editorial Board.


To define the manuscript authors, consider the following criteria, based  on http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/editorialpolicies#authorship:

Authors are those who participated intensively in the work and therefore can take public responsibility for the manuscript contents;

Authors are those who have made substantial contributions to the work conception or the gathering, analysis, and interpretation of data. Authors are also those who made substantial intellectual contributions in writing the manuscript or changed it decisively during the reviewing process.

The simple collection of data; provision of genotypes, seeds or other inputs; discussion about the experiments or results; as well as the general supervision or funding of the research group, alone, does not justify authorship and should be included in the Acknowledgements.

The publishing idiom

All papers are published in English. Nevertheless, manuscripts can also be submitted in Portuguese end Spanish. In these cases, when the paper is approved for publication authors can either produce a translated version or authorize the Editorial Board to forward the manuscript to translating. If the translated version provided by authors does not match the language standard required for publication, the Editorial Board will redirect the text for specialized reviewing. Authors should face all costs related to translating and idiomatic reviewing.

Page charge

Horticultura Brasileira charges R$ 65,00, US$20.00 or E$ 18.00 per page, plus US$ 20.00 or E$ 20.00 to cover the fees of international money transference.

Indexing charge

Horticultura Brasileira indexes up to 25 bibliographic references per article for free. From the 26th reference, authors are asked to pay R$ 3.50, US$ 1.00 or € 20.00 to cover the fees of international money transference. 

Other Information

Changes in address, affiliation to the Brazilian Association for Horticultura Science (ABH) and payment ABH related fees should be addressed to:

Associação Brasileira de Horticultura

a/c Roberto de Albuquerque Melo

Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE)

Rua Manoel de Medeiros s/n, Dois Irmãos,

52171-900 Recife-PE

Tel. (81) 3320 6000

(81) 9710 8745


Email: abh.ufrpe@gmail.com

Issues related to the jornal Horticultura Brasileira should be sent to:

E-mail: hortbras@gmail.com

Tel.: (61) 99621 3780

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