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  • 参考译名《台湾妇产科杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率13.80%
  • 主要研究方向医学-OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 妇产科学



TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY《台湾妇产科杂志》(双月刊). Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology is a peer-reviewed journal and&nb...[显示全部]












Guide for Authors


Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology is a peer-reviewed and open access journal publishing editorials, reviews, original articles, short communications, case reports, research letters and correspondence in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. The aims of the journal are to:

Publish cutting-edge, innovative and topical research that addresses screening, diagnosis, management and care in women's health

Deliver evidence-based information

Promote the sharing of clinical experience

Address women-related health promotion

The journal provides comprehensive coverage of topics in obstetrics & gynecology and women's health including maternal-fetal medicine, reproductive endocrinology/infertility, and gynecologic oncology.

Types of article


These are usually written by invited authors or editorial board members and are comments on recent news or articles published in the Journal.

Format guide

Word limit: 1200 words (excluding references)

References: 10 or less

Tables/Figures: 1 table and/or 1 figure

No section headings in main text

Conflicts of interest statement after the main text

Review Articles

These articles aim to provide the reader with a balanced overview of an important and topical issue in research or clinical practice. They should cover aspects of a topic in which scientific consensus exists as well as aspects that remain controversial and are the subject of ongoing scientific research, systematic review and meta-analysis. All articles and data sources reviewed should include information about the specific type of study or analysis, population, intervention, exposure, and tests or outcomes. All articles or data sources should be selected systematically for inclusion in the review and critically evaluated.

Format guide

Word limit: 4000 words (excluding abstract and references)

References: 50 or less

Abstract: up to 250 words, unstructured (i.e., no subheadings)

Conflicts of interest statement after the main text

Original Articles

These articles typically include randomized trials, intervention studies, studies of screening and diagnostic tests, laboratory and animal studies, cohort studies, cost-effectiveness analyses, case-control studies, and surveys with high response rates, which represent new and significant contributions to the field.

Section headings should be: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments (if any), and References.

The Introduction should provide a brief background to the subject of the paper, explain the importance of the study, and state a precise study question or purpose.

The Materials and methods section should describe the study design and methods (including the study setting and dates, patients/participants with inclusion and exclusion criteria, patient samples or animal specimens used, the essential features of any interventions, the main outcome measures, the laboratory methods followed, or data sources and how these were selected for the study), and state the statistical procedures employed in the research.

The Results section should comprise the study results presented in a logical sequence, supplemented by tables and/or figures. Take care that the text does not repeat data that are presented in tables and/or figures. Only emphasize and summarize the essential features of the main outcome measures, and the main results.

The Discussion section should be used to emphasize the new and important aspects of the study, placing the results in context with published literature, the implications of the findings, and the conclusions that follow from the study results.

Format guide

Word limit: 3000 words (excluding abstract and references)

References: 40 or less

Abstract: up to 300 words, structured (i.e., with the section headings Objective, Materials and methods, Results and Conclusion)

Conflicts of interest statement after the main text

Tables/Figures: no limit, but data in text should not be repeated extensively in tables or figures

Short Communications

These should be concise presentations of preliminary experimental results, instrumentation and analytical techniques, or aspects of clinical or experimental practice that are not fully investigated, verified or perfected but which may be of widespread interest or application.

Section headings should be: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments (if any), and References.

The Editors reserve the right to decide what constitutes a Short Communication.

Format guide

Word limit: 1500 words (excluding abstract and references)

References: 12 or less

Abstract: up to 150 words, structured (i.e., with the section headings Objective, Materials and methods, Results and Conclusion)

Conflicts of interest statement after the main text

Tables/Figures: 1 table and/or 1 figure

Case Reports

These are short discussions of a case or case series with unique features not previously described that make an important teaching point or scientific observation. They may describe novel techniques or use of equipment, or new information on diseases of importance. Section headings should be: Abstract, Introduction, Case Presentation, Discussion, Acknowledgments (if any), and References.

The Introduction should describe the purpose of the present report, the significance of the disease and its specificity, and briefly review the relevant literature.

The Case report should include the general data of the case, medical history, family history, chief complaint, present illness, clinical manifestation, methods of diagnosis and treatment, and outcome.

The Discussion should compare, analyze and discuss the similarities and differences between the reported case and similar cases reported in other published articles. The importance or specificity of the case should be restated when discussing the differential diagnoses. Suggest the prognosis of the disease and possibility of prevention.

Format guide

Word limit: 1500 words (excluding abstract and references)

References: 15 or less

Abstract: up to 150 words, structured (i.e., with the section headings objective, case report, conclusion))

Conflicts of interest statement after the main text

Tables/Figures: no limit, but data in text should not be repeated extensively in tables or figures

Research Letters

These include short interesting case reports that do not meet the requirement of being truly exceptional. Research Letters do not require an abstract and headings of Introduction, Case report and Discussion. The Editors reserve the right to decide what constitutes a Research Letter.

Format guide

Word limit: 500 words (excluding eferences)

References: 5 or less

Tables/Figures: 1 table and/or 1 figure

Begin with "Dear Editor"

No section headings in main text

Conflicts of interest statement after the main text


Brief constructive comments in response to previously published TJOG articles or relating to a topical subject in the field, as well as other communications of general interest are welcome. They are edited, sometimes extensively, to sharpen their focus. They may be sent for peer review at the discretion of TJOG Editors.

Correspondence should have a title, and the corresponding author's mailing and e-mail addresses.

Format guide

Word limit: 500 words (excluding references)

References: 5 or less

Tables/Figures: 1 table and/or 1 figure

Begin with "Dear Editor"

No section headings in main text

Conflicts of interest statement after the main text


Manuscript Submission

Please use only one of the two following submission methods below. Do NOT submit your manuscript using both methods.

Submission by E-mail

Manuscripts (meaning all submission items, including all text, tables, artwork, cover letter, conflicts of interest disclosures, and any other required documents/material as detailed in Section "Supporting Documents") can be submitted by e-mail to the Editorial Office at obsgyntw@seed.net.tw.

Important Information

Articles should be in Microsoft Word document format and prepared in the simplest form possible. We will add in the correct font, font size, margins and so on according to the journal’s style.

You may use automatic page numbering, but do NOT use other kinds of automatic formatting such as footnotes, headers and footers.

Put text, references, table headings and tables, and figure legends in one file.

Figures must be submitted as separate picture files, at the correct resolution and named according to the figure number, e.g., “Fig1.tif”, “Fig2.jpg”. Please see section 9.8. for more information.

Supporting documents

The following documents must be included in your submission (refer also to the Checklist that follows these author instructions). Items (1), (2) and (3) are mandatory. Items (4), (5) and (6) are required only if they are applicable to your manuscript.

Cover Letter. This must include the following information:

title of the manuscript

corresponding author details (name, e-mail, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers)

a statement that the material contained in the manuscript has not been previously published and is not being concurrently submitted elsewhere

persons who do not fulfill the requirements to be listed as authors but who nevertheless contributed to the manuscript (such as those who provided writing assistance, for example) should be disclosed

signature of the corresponding author

Authorship & Conflicts of Interest Statement. Each author's contribution to the manuscript should be listed. Any and all potential and actual conflicts of interest should also be listed (see Section 2 for more information). Please use the TJOG Authorship & Conflicts of Interest Statement. The e-mail addresses of all authors listed in the manuscript must be provided, and the corresponding author must sign the statement on behalf of all the listed authors.

Copyright Transfer Agreement. In the event that your manuscript is accepted for publication in the TJOG, you are required to transfer all copyright ownership in and relating to the work to the Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Please use the TJOG Copyright Transfer Agreement. The corresponding author must sign the agreement on behalf of all the authors listed in the manuscript.

Ethics Statement. Articles covering the use of human or animal samples in research, or human or animal experiments must be accompanied by a letter of approval from the relevant review committee or authorities. See Section 3 for more information.

Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) flow chart for randomized controlled trials submitted for publication. See Section 4 for more information.

Copyright Permission. If you have reproduced or adapted material from other copyrighted sources, the letter(s) of permission from the copyright holder(s) to reproduce or adapt the copyrighted sources must be supplied. Otherwise, such material must be removed from your manuscript.

Ethics in publishing

Please see our information on Ethics in publishing.

Studies in humans and animals

If the work involves the use of human subjects, the author should ensure that the work described has been carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for experiments involving humans. The manuscript should be in line with the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals and aim for the inclusion of representative human populations (sex, age and ethnicity) as per those recommendations. The terms sex and gender should be used correctly.

Authors should include a statement in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained for experimentation with human subjects. The privacy rights of human subjects must always be observed.

All animal experiments should comply with the ARRIVE guidelines and should be carried out in accordance with the U.K. Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act, 1986 and associated guidelines, EU Directive 2010/63/EU for animal experiments, or the National Institutes of Health guide for the care and use of Laboratory animals (NIH Publications No. 8023, revised 1978) and the authors should clearly indicate in the manuscript that such guidelines have been followed. The sex of animals must be indicated, and where appropriate, the influence (or association) of sex on the results of the study.

Ethical Approval of Studies and Informed Consent

For human or animal experimental investigations described in original articles, appropriate institutional review board or ethics committee approval is required, and such approval should be stated in the methods section of the manuscript. For those investigators who do not have formal ethics review committees, the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki should be followed (World Medical Association. Declaration of Helsinki: ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. Available at: https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects).

For work involving animals, the guidelines for their care and use that were followed should be stated in the methods section of the manuscript. For those investigators who do not have formal institutional guidelines relating to animal experiments, the European Commission Directive 86/609/EEC for animal experiments (available at http://ec.europa.eu/environment/chemicals/lab_animals/legislation_en.htm) should be followed and the same should be stated in the methods section of the manuscript.

Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest

Conflicts of interest may be financial or non-financial. Financial conflicts include financial relationships such as honoraria; educational grants; participation in speakers' bureaus; membership, employment, consultancies, stock ownership, or other equity interest; expert testimony or patent-licensing arrangements. Non-financial conflicts include personal or professional relationships, affiliations, academic competition, intellectual passion, knowledge or beliefs that might affect objectivity.

Please ensure that the name of each author listed in your manuscript appears in either Section I or Section II of the TJOG Authorship & Conflicts of Interest Statement form (an author’s name cannot appear in both Section I and Section II of the form).

Declaration of interest

All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. Examples of potential competing interests include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding. Authors must disclose any interests in two places: 1. A summary declaration of interest statement in the title page file (if double anonymized) or the manuscript file (if single anonymized). If there are no interests to declare then please state this: 'Declarations of interest: none'. 2. Detailed disclosures as part of a separate Declaration of Interest form, which forms part of the journal's official records. It is important for potential interests to be declared in both places and that the information matches. More information.

Submission declaration

Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract, a published lecture or academic thesis, see 'Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication' for more information), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, including electronically without the written consent of the copyright-holder.

Use of inclusive language

Inclusive language acknowledges diversity, conveys respect to all people, is sensitive to differences, and promotes equal opportunities. Content should make no assumptions about the beliefs or commitments of any reader; contain nothing which might imply that one individual is superior to another on the grounds of age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health condition; and use inclusive language throughout. Authors should ensure that writing is free from bias, stereotypes, slang, reference to dominant culture and/or cultural assumptions. We advise to seek gender neutrality by using plural nouns ("clinicians, patients/clients") as default/wherever possible to avoid using "he, she," or "he/she." We recommend avoiding the use of descriptors that refer to personal attributes such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health condition unless they are relevant and valid. These guidelines are meant as a point of reference to help identify appropriate language but are by no means exhaustive or definitive.

Changes to Authorship

This policy concerns the addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names in the authorship of accepted manuscripts. Before the accepted manuscript is published online, requests to add or remove an author, or to rearrange the author names, must be sent to the Journal Manager from the corresponding author of the accepted manuscript and must include: (i) the reason the name should be added or removed, or the author names rearranged; and (ii) an updated Authorship & Conflicts of Interest Statement with signatures from all authors that they agree with the addition, removal or rearrangement. In the case of addition or removal of author names, this must include confirmation from the author(s) being added or removed. Requests that are not sent by the corresponding author will be forwarded by the Journal Manager to the corresponding author, who must follow the procedures as described above.

Previous Publication or Duplicate Submission

Submitted manuscripts are considered with the understanding that they have not been published previously in print or electronic format (except in abstract or poster form) and are not under consideration in totality or in part by another publication or electronic medium.

Reporting Clinical Trials

Randomized controlled trials should be presented according to the CONSORT guidelines. At manuscript submission, authors must provide the CONSORT checklist accompanied by a flow diagram that illustrates the progress of patients through the trial, including recruitment, enrollment, randomization, withdrawal and completion, and a detailed description of the randomization procedure. The CONSORT checklist and template flow diagram can be found on http://www.consort-statement.org. TJOG has adopted the ICMJE proposal from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) that require, as a condition of consideration for publication of clinical trials, registration in a public trials registry. Purely observational studies (those in which the assignment of the medical intervention is not at the discretion of the investigator) do not require registration. Further information can be found at http://www.icmje.org.


Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete a 'Journal Publishing Agreement' (see more information on this). An e-mail will be sent to the corresponding author confirming receipt of the manuscript together with a 'Journal Publishing Agreement' form or a link to the online version of this agreement.

Author rights

As an author you (or your employer or institution) have certain rights to reuse your work. More information.

The TJOG is the official peer-reviewed publication of Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Manuscripts published in the TJOG become the permanent property of the Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology. This is a subsidized open access journal where Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology pays for the publishing costs incurred by the journal. Authors do not have to pay any Article Processing Charge or Open Access Publication Fee.

All articles will be available Open Access on ScienceDirect. Permitted (re)use is that outlined by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND) license, which states that for non-commercial purposes, others may distribute and copy the article, and include in a collective work (such as an anthology), as long as they credit the author(s) and provided they do not alter or modify the article.

Open Access

This Journal is a peer reviewed, subsidized open access journal where Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology pays for the publishing costs incurred by the Journal. Authors do not have to pay any Article Processing Charge or Open Access Publication Fee.

Elsevier supports responsible sharing

Find out how you can share your research published in Elsevier journals.

Role of the funding source

You are requested to identify who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article and to briefly describe the role of the sponsor(s), if any, in study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publication. If the funding source(s) had no such involvement then this should be stated.

Open access

Please visit our Open Access page for more information.

Language (usage and editing services)

Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). Authors who feel their English language manuscript may require editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors and to conform to correct scientific English may wish to use the English Language Editing service available from Elsevier's Author Services.




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