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ONCOLOGY RESEARCH《肿瘤学研究》 (Email投稿)

  • 期刊简称ONCOL RES
  • 参考译名《肿瘤学研究》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率1.10%
  • 主要研究方向医学-ONCOLOGY 肿瘤学



ONCOLOGY RESEARCH《肿瘤学研究》(一年五期). Oncology Research is committed to publishing high-quality, innovative research that is focused on the entire...[显示全部]















American Continent:

Edward Chu

Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA

Email: chueyale@yahoo.com


Asia and Pacific Rim:

Kazuo Umezawa

Aichi Medical University School of Medicine, Japan

Email: umezawa@aichi-med-u.ac.jp


European Continent:

Enrico Mini

University of Florence, Italy

Email: enrico.mini@unifi.it





Open Access: Oncology Research is an open access journal and follows rules governed by open access publications. Accepted refereed articles published in the journal will be placed on the internet and will be publicly accessible, free of charge. In order to cover the costs of the journal, authors are expected to pay a publication fee. A $50.00 non refundable submission fee is required when your manuscript is sent out for review. You will also be asked to confirm that, if your manuscript is accepted for publication, you will pay the relatively inexpensive open access fee of $600.00 for less than 5 pages, or $1,000.00 for 5–12 pages and $50.00 for each additional page over 12 when billed at proof stage. The Open Access fee entitles the corresponding author to a free PDF file of the final version.

Color Options: Your article may contain figures that should be printed in color. There is a charge for figures appearing in color. The cost is $450.00 for figures appearing in color (this fee is for unlimited figures in one article).

Types of Contributions: The Journal publishes full-length papers and short communications, in English, describing the results of original experiments in basic and clinical cancer research. Commentaries, short research editorials of between 3,000 and 5,000 words in length (12–20 typewritten pages, double-spaced) are also published. These are editorial statements intended to stimulate thought on selected topics and should not be exhaustive reviews. They can be controversial and can focus on areas subject to much activity, or draw attention to relatively neglected fields in which there are both opportunities and the need for research. Authors may present personal views on the state of the subject on which they are reporting, and give their view as to where in the near or distant future the subject may be moving. Authors are encouraged to take issue with popular dogmas. Manuscripts are published in the shortest time possible commensurate with scientific quality.

Submission Requirements: Authors should submit the original manuscript electronically via email to orsubmit@gmail.com  Send the text portion of the manuscript, including tables and figure legends, as an email attachment in Microsoft Word (IBM compatible) format. Send the figures as separate files (Microsoft Word, or as tiff or jpeg). Note that large graphic files, especially color, may need to be compressed (zipped) to send via email.

Include a cover letter, and insert “Oncology Research Submission” in the subject line of the email. The cover letter should contain the name, address, telephone, and fax number and electronic mail address of the author responsible for correspondence. Follow the General Manuscript Form guidelines below to prepare the manuscript, figures, and tables.

Manuscripts are accepted for consideration with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere except in abstract form and are not concurrently under review elsewhere. Material accepted for publication will not be released publicly prior to its appearance in the journal. Authors are notified by the appropriate editorial office if the manuscript is accepted for publication.

General Manuscript Form: Manuscripts should be typed in English, double spaced throughout with at least 3-cm margins. Please consult the most recent issue of the journal for style and format. Number all pages consecutively, beginning with the title page. Use metric units of measure; other units may be given in parentheses. Typically, only three levels of headings are recognized. The manuscript should be organized as follows.

Title Page: The title should be brief and specific. The title page should contain in the following order: title, name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s) including department institution, city, state, and country, and a suggested short title for the running head of not more than 50 characters and spaces. Also indicate the author to whom correspondence should be addressed and provide complete mailing address, telephone and fax numbers (optional), and e-mail address.

Abstract/Key Words: An abstract of 300 words or less should begin on page 2. It should contain a concise summary of the results, conclusions, and other significant points. For the purpose of subject indexing, provide four to six key words immediately following the abstract.

Text: Arrange the text with main headings of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments (and source of funding), References, Tables, Figure legends (together, and separate from the figures), and Figures (or as separate files). Use generic names of drugs. Give name, city and state, and country of the manufacturer of any chemicals, equipment, or software mentioned in the text. Define all nonstandard abbreviations the first time they appear in the text.

References: Literature cited should be prepared according to the Council of Science Editors format (citation-sequence system). This format is conveniently in Endnote and the output style is available at the following site: http://endnote.com/downloads/style/cse-style-manual-7th-ed-citation-sequence. Some examples are provided below. References in the text should be cited by superscript number separated by a comma and listed in numerical order as they appear in the text (double spaced) on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. Journal citations in the reference list should contain the following: (a) reference number (note NOT superscript); (b) surnames and initials of all authors (surnames precede initials); (c) title of article; (d) journal title abbreviated as listed in ISSN.org; (e) year; volume, inclusive pages. See the examples shown and refer to Council of Science Editors format for more examples.

Journal Article:

1. Roth CG, Gillespie-Twardy A, Marks S. Agha M, Raptis A, Hou JZ, Farah R, Lin Y, Qian Y, Pantanowitz L, Boyiadzis M. Flow cytometric evaluation of double/triple hit lymphoma. Oncol Res. 2016;23(3):137-46.


1. Weinberg RA. The biology of cancer, 2nd ed. New York (NY): Garland Science; 2014.

Book Article/Chapter:

1. Hasskarl J. Sorafenib: Targeting multiple tyrosine kinases in cancer. In: Martens UM, editor. Small molecules in oncology, 2nd ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag; 2014. p. 145-164.

Internet Source:

1. Cancer of the Colon and Rectum – SEER Stat Fact Sheets.  Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program Research Data (1973-2011). Rockville (MD): National Cancer Institute; 2014 [accessed 2014 June 30]. http://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/colorect.html

An example of an in-text citation is shown below.

Ovarian cancer is the third most common gynecological malignancy worldwide1,2.

To cite multiple sources, all numbers associated with the reference being cited should be superscript, separated by a comma, with no spaces between them.

Supplementary Material: Please note that the journal does not host supplementary material. If you wish to include supplementary material, then you will need to provide a link to a permanent hosting site of this material within the manuscript.

Tables: Tables should be numbered and cited sequentially in the text. Prepare each table as a separate page at the end of the manuscript text, after the references. Avoid very wide or long tables that would not fit a printed page. Each table should have a title, and each column in the table should have a brief heading. Define all abbreviations in the table footnote at the bottom of the table.

Figures: Figures should be numbered and cited sequentially in the text. Prepare figures to provide high quality suitable for reproduction. Avoid light lettering and shading that will not reproduce well. Figure dimensions and scaling should be suitable for reduction (if necessary) to fit column or page size. Care must be taken that letters and other symbols do not become so small that they are illegible when the figure is reduced. Complex formulas should be prepared as illustrations. After acceptance final figures should be provided in high resolution. Simple black and white figures (e.g., line graphs, bar graphs, etc.) should be 1200 dpi. Halftone and color figures (or combo figures) should be 600 dpi. Final figure files should be submitted as tiff, jpg, or eps format. Do not include the figure number as part of the figure file (e.g., do not label Figure 1, etc., as part of the figure). Do not provide color in a figure file unless the figure will be printed in color (note there is a cost for printing figures in color).  (Do not embed figures within the manuscript text. Prepare as separate files or at the end of the manuscript, after tables and figure legends.) There is a cost to reproduce figures in color. The author is required to bear the costs for the publication of color figures (costs and color authorization form will be provided at proof stage).

Figure Legends: List all figure legends sequentially on one or more pages at the end of the manuscript text, after the references, and identify all symbols used in the figures. The figure legend should be as clear as possible and should fully describe the contents of the figure. (Do not include the figure legend as part of the figure.) If the figure is from a previously published article, indicate that permission has been obtained from the original publisher.

Use of Animal- and Human-derived tissue: Please confirm within the text that the appropriate ethical and/or regulatory body approved the use of animal- or human-derived tissue (as well as informed consent for humans). With human-derived data, articles are published on the understanding that appropriate measures to protect the privacy of the individuals were undertaken.

Permissions: If data from any other source is used in tables or figures it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission to reproduce such material. Provide proof that permission has been granted from the original publisher and indicate the source.

Page Proofs/Offprints: All material accepted for publication is subject to copyediting. Authors will receive page proofs of articles before publication, along with a Contributor’s Publishing Agreement, Open Access authorization form (with the final cost based on number of printed pages) and Color Figure authorization form (if there are potential color figures), which will need to be completed and returned before the article can be processed for publication. Only minor corrections are allowed at proof stage. Author can also request an offprint order form for ordering offprints or additional journal copies.

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