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Pediatrics《儿科》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《儿科》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), 高质量科技期刊(T1), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率6.00%
  • 主要研究方向医学-PEDIATRICS 儿科



Pediatrics《儿科》(月刊). Pediatrics is the official peer-reviewed journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Pediatrics publishes original re...[显示全部]
















While Features articles may be invited, submissions are welcome and any queries or proposals should be directed to the editors of their respective columns: Allison Lopez, MD (allison.lopez@ascension.org) for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; Jay Berkelhamer, MD (jberkelhamer@aap.net) for Global Health; Robert Dudas, MD (rdudas@jhmi.edu) for COMSEP; Jonathan Berken, MD (SOPTpediatrics@aap.org) for SOPT; and Jeffrey Baker, MD (jeffrey.baker@dm.duke.edu) for the AAP Gartner Pediatric History Center.




Pediatrics Author Guidelines

ediatrics is changing manuscript submission platforms. Beginning May 4, 2020, all new manuscript submissions should be submitted here. If you have any questions, please contact the editorial office.

Pediatrics is the official peer-reviewed journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Pediatrics publishes original research, clinical observations, and special feature articles in the field of pediatrics, as broadly defined. Contributions pertinent to pediatrics also include related fields such as nutrition, surgery, dentistry, public health, child health services, human genetics, basic sciences, psychology, psychiatry, education, sociology, and nursing.

Pediatrics considers unsolicited manuscripts in the following categories: reports of original research, particularly clinical research; review articles; special articles; and case reports. When preparing a manuscript for Pediatrics, authors must first determine the manuscript type and then prepare the manuscript according to the specific instructions below.

The digital edition of Pediatrics is the journal of record. Some accepted article types may also be presented in full in print, in addition to the digital edition of Pediatrics.


Acceptance Criteria

Relevance to readers is of primary importance in manuscript selection. The readership includes general and specialist pediatricians, pediatric researchers and educators, and child health policy-makers. Pediatrics receives many more high-quality manuscripts than can be accommodated in our available space. The acceptance rate is approximately 10%. An article that is thought by the editors to not be relevant to readers, outside of scope, or very unlikely to be accepted may be rejected without review. All manuscripts considered for publication are peer reviewed, including those written by members of the Editorial Board. Peer reviewers are selected by the editors. Selection is based on their expertise in the topic of the manuscript. Generally, at least 2 reviews are required before a decision is rendered. Authors can suggest reviewers who they believe should not review the manuscript but should provide a clear rationale for this request.

Authors should carefully follow instructions for manuscript preparation and ensure that the manuscript is proofread before submission. Manuscripts that do not follow the author instructions will not be considered for review. Careless preparation of a manuscript raises concerns about the quality of the work and makes acceptance less likely. Manuscripts are electronically scanned for plagiarism. Authors will be contacted if there is concern about potential plagiarism. Pediatrics follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics for concerns about plagiarism or any other manuscript-related ethical issue.

Manuscripts are judged on the importance, originality, scientific strength, clinical relevance, and clarity of content. Pediatrics does not publish manuscripts that focus only on animal research. Refer to the sections below on the particular considerations for each of the manuscript types that appear in the journal. Authors should also consider the comprehensive reporting guidelines for a wide variety of study designs that are available at http://www.equator-network.org/home/. These can be helpful in improving manuscript clarity and completeness. Note that authors submitting manuscripts describing adverse drug or medical device events or product problems should also report these to the appropriate governmental agency. Responses to a published article should be submitted as online comments. The editors will determine which comments will be published in the journal as Letters to the Editor.

After the reviews are received, the editors may take one of the following actions: Accept; Accept with Revisions; Reject with option to Resubmit; Reject, or Reject and Transfer (if authors opted to have their manuscript transferred to Hospital Pediatrics in not accepted by Pediatrics). A rejected manuscript may not be resubmitted. A manuscript may be rejected with an option to resubmit with extensive revision. The resubmitted manuscript receives an additional round of peer review (which may include new reviewers), and the manuscript may or may not be accepted. A decision of Accept with Revision indicates that the editors intend to accept the manuscript contingent on adequate response to reviewers. A decision of Accept, which is exceedingly rare on first submission, indicates that the manuscript is ready to place into production without further modification. Appeals on decisions will be considered by the editorial board on a case-by-case basis.

Publication Ethics

Authorship. An “author” is someone who has made substantive intellectual contributions to a published study. Each author is required to meet ALL FOUR of the following criteria:

Substantial contribution(s) to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; and

Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and

Final approval of the version to be published, and

Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

NOTE: Acquisition of funding, collection of data, or general supervision of the research group alone does not constitute a sufficient basis for authorship.

All persons listed as authors must meet these criteria, and all persons who meet these criteria must be listed as authors. Articles submitted with an unexpectedly large number of authors invite scrutiny by editors and reviewers for clear justification for the presence of each person on the authorship list. Pediatrics permits a statement of equal contribution for two first authors and two senior authors. On the title page, include asterisks by each name and a statement that reads: * Contributed equally as co-first authors or *Contributed equally as co-senior authors.

Decide authorship issues, including the order, before submission. Pediatrics does not allow addition or removal of authors or changes to the author order after a manuscript is submitted without explicit approval from the editors.

If published, author names and affiliations will appear as seen in the submitted manuscript Word document and the final typeset proofs. All authors must ensure that their information is correct.

Conflict of Interest and Disclosure. After a paper is accepted by Pediatrics for publication, all authors must submit conflict of interest and disclosure forms. Pediatrics adheres to the policy and uses the standardized disclosure form of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The collection of the forms is automated within the online system.

IRB Approval. All studies that involve human subjects must be approved or deemed exempt by an official institutional review board; this should be noted in the Methods section of the manuscript.

Industry Sponsorship. All industry sponsorship must be declared in the manuscript. Manuscripts in which all authors are employed by a commercial entity can raise additional scrutiny from the editorial board.

Registration of Clinical Trials. All clinical trials must be registered in a World Health organization-approved Clinical Trial registry prior to enrollment of the first subject. The registry name and registration number should be included on the title page. Reports of unregistered trials will be returned to authors without review. Publication of the results of a trial that was initiated prior to the ICMJE requirement for trial registration will be considered by the editors on a case-by-case basis.

Suspected Errors and Allegations of Misconduct. Pediatrics follows the processes outlined in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) flowcharts when investigating suspected errors and allegations of misconduct. Please be aware that all investigations are confidential. If an error has been found or misconduct has been identified, the journal will publicly acknowledge the outcome through an erratum or retraction, depending on the severity of the issue. Investigations that result in no error or misconduct being found will not be publicized.

Editorial Board Members as Authors. The journal allows editorial board members to submit articles for consideration. These articles undergo the same rigorous peer review as all other submissions. The manuscript management system automatically blinds a user with administrative access from viewing a manuscript for which they are an author, so author editorial board members cannot view the manuscript from the administrative side once it has been submitted.

Consideration of Race and Ethnicity

Race and ethnicity should be acknowledged as a social construct rather than as genetic or biological categories. The use of racial and/or ethnic categories in models and analyses, and the selection of comparison groups should be explicitly justified.  Research questions and interpretation of results should consider minority group members’ successes, the effects of racism (interpersonal, institution, or internalized), and histories of exclusion, mistreatment, and exploitation.  Research questions and interpretation of results should not focus on presumed deficits of minority group members, their individual behaviors, or perceived mistrust. 

Journal Style

All aspects of the manuscript, including the formatting of tables, illustrations, and references and grammar, punctuation, usage, and scientific writing style, should be prepared according to the most current AMA Manual of Style (http://www.amamanualofstyle.com).1

Author Listing. All authors’ names should be listed in their entirety, and should include institutional/professional affiliations and degrees held. If published, author names and affiliations will appear as seen in the submitted manuscript Word document and the final typeset proofs. All authors must ensure that their information is correct.

Authoring Groups. To include an authoring group, note the following to ensure all individuals are correctly acknowledged:

On the title page, list any study group at the end of the author listing, preceded either by "for" or "on behalf of" and followed by an asterisk, such as: "on behalf of the XXXXX Study Group*."

Add the following line: “*A complete list of study group members appears in the Acknowledgments.” (Alternatively, list these non-author contributors in an Appendix and change the statement accordingly.)

Ensure that your Acknowledgments section, placed at the end of the main text and before the References, clearly delineates group members and non-group members. For example: "Members of Study Group ABC include: Person 1, Person 2, Person 3, Person 4. We also wish to acknowledge Person 5 and Person 6 for technical editing."

Do not list the group name as an author in the online metadata section. Only authors who fulfill all four authorship criteria should be included in the online metadata, the title page, and the contributors statement page. These authors should not be included in the acknowledgments, which are reserved for thanking non-author contributors.

Titles.  Pediatrics generally follows the guidelines of the AMA Manual of Style for titles. Titles should be concise and informative, containing the key topics of the work. Declarative sentences are discouraged as they tend to overemphasize a conclusion, as are questions, which are more appropriate for editorials and commentaries. Subtitles, if used, should expand on the title; however, the title should be able to stand on its own. It is appropriate to include the study design (“Randomized Controlled Trial”; “Prospective Cohort Study”, etc.) in subtitles. The location of a study should be included only when the results are unique to that location and not generalizable. Abbreviations and acronyms should be avoided. The full title will appear on the article, the inside table of contents, and in MEDLINE. Full titles are limited to 97 characters, including spaces. Short titles must be provided as well and are limited to 55 characters, including spaces. Short titles may appear on the cover of the journal as space permits in any given issue.

Abbreviations. List and define abbreviations on the Title Page. Unusual abbreviations should be avoided. All terms to be abbreviated in the text should also be spelled out at first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. The abbreviation may appear in the text thereafter. Abbreviations may be used in the abstract if they occur 3 or more times in the abstract. Abbreviations should be avoided in tables and figures; if used they should be redefined in footnotes.

Units of Measure. Like many US-based journals, Pediatrics uses a combination of Système International (SI)2,3 and conventional units. Please see the AMA Manual of Style for details.

Proprietary Products. Authors should use nonproprietary names of drugs or devices unless mention of a trade name is pertinent to the discussion. If a proprietary product is cited, the name and location of the manufacturer must also be included.

References. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references. Citations should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. Reference style should follow that of the AMA Manual of Style, current edition. Abbreviated journal names should reflect the style of Index Medicus. Visit: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/journals. If you used reference management software (eg, EndNote) to prepare your manuscript, you must convert the file to plain text prior to submission. Please note: The generated HTML page with the References is for staff/editorial use only; please do not use Word line numbering on your references.


Iverson C, Christiansen S, Flanagin A, et al. AMA Manual of Style. 10th ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2007.

Lundberg GD. SI unit implementation: the next step. JAMA. 1988;260:73-76.

Système International conversion factors for frequently used laboratory components. JAMA. 1991;266:45-47.

Clinical Trials

A study is considered a clinical trial if it prospectively assigns human subjects (whether randomized or not) to intervention or concurrent comparison or control groups to study the cause-and-effect relationship between a medical intervention and a health outcome. Medical interventions include drugs, surgical procedures, devices, behavioral treatments, process-of-care changes, and the like.

If authors report the results of a clinical trial, they must affirm that the study has been registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov or another WHO-approved national or international registry prior to the enrollment of the first subject. Information on requirements and appropriate registries is available at www.icmje.org. The trial registry name, registration number, and date of registration must be listed on the title page. To facilitate the review, please also provide the web link to the registration on the title page. Please also provide this registration information in the main methods section of the report.

All articles reporting results of clinical trials must include the Data Sharing Statement on their Title Page.

Authors are also required to complete both pages of a CONSORT Form (flowchart and checklist) and submit these with their manuscript. In our submission system, these files appear under “Instructions and Forms.” For observational epidemiological studies, follow the appropriate STROBE checklist.

Download a CONSORT form checklist (PDF) here.

Download a CONSORT form flowchart (PDF) here.

Reuse of Data Sets

If a manuscript uses the same or similar data contained in previously published articles, the authors must state this in the cover letter (and provide citations to the related or possibly duplicative materials).

If a separate manuscript by the same authors using the same data set is under review or accepted but not yet published in another journal, the authors must state this in the cover letter and provide enough information to assure that the manuscript submitted to Pediatrics is not duplicative.

Data Sharing

The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) requires ICMJE journals to include data sharing statements in articles that report results of clinical trials.

Data sharing statements must include:

Whether deidentified participant data (including data dictionaries) will be shared

The data that will be shared

Whether additional documents will be made available

The start and end dates of data availability

Access criteria

How the data will be made available

The data sharing statement must be included on the title page of your manuscript and entered into the section provided in the manuscript management system.

If you will not be sharing your data, insert the following statement on your title page and in the manuscript submission system.

Data Sharing Statement: Deidentified individual participant data will not be made available.

If you will be sharing your data, refer to the table in the data sharing section of the ICMJE clinical trials page for examples of how to incorporate the required information into your statement, and refer to the example below.

Data Sharing Statement: Deidentified individual participant data (including data dictionaries) will be made available, in addition to study protocols, the statistical analysis plan, and the informed consent form. The data will be made available upon publication to researchers who provide a methodologically sound proposal for use in achieving the goals of the approved proposal. Proposals should be submitted to ____________[INSERT EMAIL ADDRESS OR OTHER CONTACT INFORMATION].

Open Access

Pediatrics primarily publishes under the traditional subscription model (Hybrid OA), with a 12-month embargo, but also offers Green OA and Gold OA options. You will be able to state your requirements during the manuscript submission process. If you have any questions, please reach out to the journal’s editorial staff before final submission.

Manuscript Preparation

Formatting Requirements

All submissions must adhere to the following format:

Times New Roman font, size 12, black

Title Page, Contributors' Statement Page, Abstract, Acknowledgments,

and References should be single-spaced

Only the Main Body Text should be double-spaced

Main Submission Document as a Microsoft Word file (no PDFs)

Please include line and page numbering in your Word document (excluding the References)

Do not include page headers or footers in new submissions.

Do not include footnotes within the manuscript body. Footnotes are allowed only in tables/figures.

Refer to the “Article Types” section for specific guidelines on preparing a manuscript in each category. Note in particular the requirements regarding abstracts for different categories of article.

Double-Blind Peer Review Manuscript Formatting

The journal offers the option of selecting single-blind or double-blind peer review. If selecting double-blind peer review, you must prepare your manuscript according to the following guidelines.

Upload a SEPARATE document (Word format only) containing your complete Title Page and Contributors’ Statement Page. Include ALL required Title Page and Contributors’ Statement Page information or your submission will be returned to you for correction.

When uploading your manuscript, upload the Title Page/Contributors’ Statement Page first by clicking the “Upload your title page” link.

Please make sure none of your other files have any identifying information on them, including the name of your institution. If you wish to include acknowledgments, include an Acknowledgments section on the title page (see Title Page).

In your manuscript file, remove references to the specific institution at which the study was performed and replace those mentions with generic descriptors of the setting as appropriate (eg, our 400-bed freestanding children’s hospital in the southeastern US).

Title Page

The Title Page should appear first in your manuscript document if selecting single-blind peer review, or as a separate file if selecting double-blind peer review. If you select double-blind peer review and are including acknowledgments, those should appear at the end of the Title Page file. Depending on the individual needs of a paper, may encompass more than one page.

Title pages for all submissions must include the following items (as shown in the sample Title Page):

Title (97 characters [including spaces] or fewer)

Author listing. Full names for all authors, including degrees, and institutional/professional affiliations. These affiliations should list the institution where the research presented in the article took place; if the affiliation has changed, add a note indicating the additional affiliation. If published, author names and affiliations will appear as seen in the submitted manuscript Word document and the final typeset proofs; all authors must ensure that their information is correct. Pediatrics permits a statement of equal contribution for two first authors and two senior authors; on the title page, include asterisks by each name and a statement that reads: * Contributed equally as co-first authors or * Contributed equally as co-senior authors.




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