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2022/10/8 13:55:17  阅读:355 发布者:


课堂评价主要指对学生课堂学习行为、学习方式和学习表现的评价。教师应根据课堂教学目标,及时了解学生的学习过程、学习进步 和学习困难。例如,学生对学习活动是否感兴趣,学生参与学习活动 是否投入和专注,学生的思考过程和观点是否合理,学生当前的学习发展水平与学习目标之间存在哪些差距,学生有哪些学习障碍,以及障碍产生的原因等。应采取有针对性的措施,确保课堂教学目标的落实。

教师应根据学生回答问题、小组讨论、综述观点、自评互评、随堂检测等环节的具体表现,以口头、书面和肢体语言等反馈方式和量表等评价工具,评价学生对课堂任务的兴趣和投入程度、对任务的适应和完成程度、在解决问题过程中的能力和情感发展水平等,给予学生有针对性的鼓励、指导或建议,并基于学生在具体任务中的学业表 现调整下一阶段的教学目标,改进教学方式和方法,提高教学效率。


教师在启发学生思考“如何想办法化解孩子和父母的矛盾”这一活动中,先引导学生完成一些语言练习活动,然后请学生给出自己解 决问题的办法,旨在把学习推向深入,培养学生的创新意识和解决问题的能力。

(Peter's parents don't want to let him join the basketball team.)

Teacher: Now; do you have any ideas to help Peter solve the problem?

Student 1: If Peter talks to his parents and invites his parents to come and watch him play, he will solve the problem.

Teacher: That sounds like a great idea. Perhaps they can even play basketball together. Very good! Any other ideas?

Student 2: If Peter do something for his parents, such as …,he will solve the problem.

Teacher: If Peter .?

Student 2: Does.

Teacher: OK. "Does. " Can you say it again?

Student 2: If Peter does something for his parents, such as …,he will solve the problem.

Teacher: Yes, excellent! By doing so, Peter shows his love and respect for his parents. Perhaps, his parents will allow him to play basketball. Any other ideas?

Student 3: If Peter cries, he will solve the problem.

Teacher:(教师佯作哭状)"Mum, basketball.Then do you think Peter's parents will allow him to play basketball?

Students: Maybe.

Teacher: Why? Is this a good idea to solve his problem?

Student 4: Maybe not.

Student 5: I think if Peter leaves his home for two days or two months, he will solve the problem.(其他学生笑)

Teacher: Well, this is not funny at all. Look, if you leave home without

telling your parents, your parents will worry about you! Do you want your parents to worry about you?

Student 3:(学生思考了一会儿)No.

Teacher: No. Of course not. You don't want your parents to worry

about you. So, you need to think of more effective and safer ways to solve your problem.

Students continue sharing more ideas.

Teacher: Well, class. You have shared so many different ideas. Let's

work in groups again. Each group should vote for the best way to help Peter solve his problem. Also, write down your reasons.


这是一个将教、学、评融为一体的课堂教学环节。学生给出的不 同解决方案反映了学生积极思考、大胆尝试使用英语进行表达的学习 态度。教师充分发挥教学机智,一方面针对内容作出反馈,促进学生 思维的发展;另一方面针对学生的语法错误,通过调整语调和重点重 复,引导学生意识到do”用错了,并立刻作出自我纠正。教师随即 鼓励学生把正确的表达再说一遍,以评价学生是否理解并学会使用该 表达;当学生说“If Peter cries, he will solve the problem. ” 时,教师佯作哭状模拟说话的情境,体现了教师对学生建议的关注和理解;当学生说 “If Peter leaves his home for two days or two months, he will solve the problem. 时,教师及时发现学生想法中的负面因素,用追问和给建议的方式引导学生认识到自己想法中的消极因素,并放弃原有想法。





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