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英语新课标教学案例:Save the Planet单元整体教学设计

2022/10/8 13:54:36  阅读:907 发布者:

单元主题:Save the Planet

该主题属于“人与自然”范畴,涉及“环境污染及原因,环保意 识和行为”。


本单元由一篇说明文、一段采访和一篇专题报道三个不同类型的 语篇组成。说明文介绍了 15岁男孩Jim一家发现人们在环保方面存在的问题:一是垃圾过多,二是用电过度。他们采取了一些日常环保措施,通过个人努力保护环境。采访为EllieJeremy的对话, Jeremy介绍了社区河流污染事件,包括事件发生的地点、时间、具体 情况,以及他的个人感受。专题报道讲述了两位全国植树造林模范邹连英和魏桂英面对滥砍滥伐问题,多年如一日坚持植树造林的感人事迹。

本单元的核心语言主要围绕环境污染和解决污染的措施展开,涉及对环境问题的描述,如污染问题及产生的原因(produce rubbish, waste decays, create pollution, air pollution, cut down trees)、污染造成的 影响(cause health problems and global warming, affect the climate, cause animals to move or die, cause deserts to expand),以及应对污染问题所采取的措施或建议 (recycle, reduce the waste, save energy / electricity, use low energy light bulbs, use cars less, grow vegetables, keep hens, put into different bins, plant trees, prevent deserts from getting larger, stop the climate from getting warmer)等。三个语篇涉及不同的语篇知识:第一个书面语篇以“提出问题一解决问题”为线索组织信息;第二个语篇是访谈形式的口语语篇,以问答的方式描述了事件的时间、地点、 人物、起因、经过和结果;第三个语篇是专题报道,该语篇通过描述和记叙两种方式,列举了问题和措施,介绍了人物事迹,也提出了对未来的展望(见图5)


5 Save the Planet单元主题内容框架图



create pollution, air pollution, water / noise / light pollution, dirty air / water

This causes problems.

There are still some problems to solve.

The water is / was polluted.

Land that was once covered with forest has changed greatly.


produce rubbish, waste decays, cut down trees

Some places no longer have trees because -


cause health problems and global warming, affect the climate, cause animals to move or die, cause deserts to expand

It can cause (serious health problems, sickness, cancer, etc. )...


recycle, reduce the waste, save energy / electricity, use low energy light bulbs, use cars less, grow vegetables, keep hens, put into different bins, plant trees, prevent deserts from getting larger, stop the climate from getting warmer

I / We should...

I / We decide to

lam/ We are going to-

I / We will be able to

I / We try to -

I/We need to


A lot of work is still needed to...

If more people …,it will certainly make life better for everyone.

Everyone must do something to make the world a better place.

Rivers and lakes must be protected because water is the source of life.

To protect our homeland is to protect ourselves.





1.谈论日常生活中常见的环境问题,举例阐释个人及家庭生活的日常行为对环保的重要意义, 交流个人可以参与的环保行动。

1.说明文 “Going Green(2课时)




2.设计访谈提纲,采访调查同伴所在社区的污染 现象,完成简要报告。

2.采访对话 “Our River*' 2课时)

3.讲述全国植树造林模范的英雄事迹,思考环保 行动的意义,交流个人参与环保的计划。

3.专题报道 "Tree Heroes” (2课时)

4.小组合作设计环保项目,参加班级优秀环保项 目评选。

单元项目:Project Design 2课时)


单元整体教学设计注重引导学生从单元视角展开对单元内各语篇主题意义的探究,指向预期的核心素养综合表现。本单元涉及环保主题,学生在教师指导下,通过三个语篇的学习,从“家庭一社区一社 会”三个层面,探究意义、学习语言、建构新知、解决问题,由浅入深、由近及远地了解、学习、关注、思考并参与和开展环保活动,逐步加深对环保的理解,逐渐深入思考个人在环保中的作用,结合所学在不同类型的活动中进行表达,加深对环保意义的认识,提升参与环保行动的意识。首先,学生在教师引导下,从家庭层面入手,了解面对环境问题,一个家庭可以采取的环保措施,并针对这些环境问题提出建议;在此基础上,学习转入社区层面,学生进一步了解社区生活 环境中的污染情况,感受社区环保的重要意义,提升对社区环保的责 任意识;最后,学习上升到社会层面,学生通过学习全国植树造林模范的感人事迹,思考并规划个人如何参与环保行动。在本单元的学习 过程中,学生逐步理解并加深对“环保”这一单元主题的认识,形成 “环境问题一造成影响一环保理念一环保措施”的结构化知识,并通过参与环保项目设计,形成绿色生活理念,承担环保社会责任,用所学语言有逻辑地表达和描述上述认知、态度、价值判断和行为选择, 达成本单元的核心素养综合表现,即“用所学语言阐述环境污染的问题、产生的原因、带来的影响,介绍家庭和模范人物的环保行动,作出个人环保计划,说明环境保护的重要意义和个人的责任担当“,实现课程育人的价值。

这样的单元整体教学设计解决了以往单元教学缺乏整体意识、内 容碎片化、关联不紧密的问题,有助于教师树立单元意识,开展基于单元的整体教学。本案例说明,要做好单元内容的整体分析,教师要高度关注学生的知识建构和语言学习的重心。例如,在本单元的设计中,教师针对学生需要学习和运用的核心语言进行整理和提炼,为学生基于主题意义探究开展结构化的语言学习、参与结构化的语言表达奠定了良好的基础。教师从学生学习具体语篇后在语言、文化和思维 等方面的素养表现出发,设计单元教学目标,使之可操作、可评价、 可落实。教师设计的小组合作输出活动从课堂延伸至课外,学生可以用一段时间完成作业,进一步优化和完善语言产出,并以不同形式的作品体现单元学习的阶段性成果。

本案例通过一系列循环递进和整合关联的学习活动,使学生围绕 环境污染和环境保护主题,从个人和家庭到社区,再到社会和国家,建构起一张结构化的知识网,推动学生对环保主题比较系统的理解和认识,达成预期的核心素养综合表现,实现语言学习和课程育人的有机融合。



Going Green

We hear a lot about how we should change our lives to help save our planet. Jim Barnes, 15, from Oxford, talks about what his family does every day to save the planet.

A common UK family produces more than one ton of rubbish a year. Some of this waste takes hundreds of years to decay. It also costs lots of money to keep buying new things to replace the things we throw away.

So, to help save the planet as well as save money, our family has decided to recycle everything. We collect used things, such as paper and bottles, and put them into different bins. After that we take them to a recycling centre. Finally, they are treated and can be used again. Recycling will help reduce a lot of waste. We re also going to grow our own vegetables and we already keep hens. Soon, we 11 be able to have our own eggs for breakfast.

In a year, a family like ours uses about 4,800 kW*h for such things as watching television, taking showers, using the dishwasher and the washing machine. To produce this much energy, a lot of pollution is created. This pollution can cause health problems and global warming.

Because of all this, we decided to do something to save electricity. We watch less TV and use low energy light bulbs. We stopped using the dishwasher. Mum also tries to save energy while cooking.

What's more, we try to use our car less to cut down on air pollution. My dad and our neighbours organise a carpool and they take turns driving to work. And I ride my bicycle to school. How cool is that? !


Our River

There s been an incident at a polluted local river. Ellie Watson is interviewing someone who was there.

Ellie: Hello. Are you Jeremy?

Jeremy: Yes.

Ellie: Hello. Fm Ellie Watson. Can I ask you some questions about what happened?

Jeremy: Sure, no problem.

Ellie: To start with, can you tell us when you were at the river?

Jeremy: I was there yesterday afternoon, at around three o'clock.

Ellie: Ydu were fishing, weren't you?

Jeremy: That's right. I was with my friends. We didn't catch anything though. As usual!

Ellie: What do you mean?

Jeremy: Well, there have been a lot of dead fish in the river recently.

Ellie: That doesn't sound very good.

Jeremy: No, it isn't My dad tells me not to go fishing in that river. He says we can5t eat any fish from that water.

Ellie: Mmm, that's terrible. So, what happened yesterday?

Jeremy: Well, I was fishing when this lady walked past with her dog. He jumped into the water and couldn't get out.

Ellie: So, what did you do?

Jeremy: Well, I tried to save him. He didn't like it, but I got him out of there.

Ellie: Then what happened?

Jeremy: He started to look strange.

Ellie: What do you mean?

Jeremy: He obviously wasn't well. The lady took him to the vet. The vet gave him some medicine and said the dog got sick because the water was polluted.

Ellie: So, what about you? How do you feel?

Jeremy: Well, Fve got these red spots on my arms, but other than that I'm OK.

Ellie: Oh. Those look painful. Hope they go away soon. Thanks, Jeremy.


Tree Heroes

In many parts of the world, land that was once covered with forest has changed greatly. Some of the land has become part of cities or towns. Some forested areas have become farmland while some other places no longer have any trees because they've been cut down for different reasons. This causes problems. It affects the climate, causes animals to move to other places or even die, and can cause deserts to expand.

Because so many of forests have been cut down in the last 50 years, China needs to plant trees. Although there are still problems to solve, China's tree-planting programmes are huge. China plants more trees than any other country in the world. Who are some of the heroes behind these huge numbers? Let's find out.

In Jiangxi Province, 83-year-old Zou Lianying has been planting trees on her land for almost 20 years. She knows that planting trees is good for the environment, so at the age of 64, she sold her cows and pigs, and borrowed money to open a forest farm. Her family's forest farm has more than 8 million trees covering about 4 km2. Her trees are worth around 12 million RMB but she won't cut down even one tree and still lives very simply. She believes the forest she has planted is a gift to future generations.

Near Beijing, Wei Guiying and a team of hero helpers have planted millions of trees. They have been doing this for more than 20 years. Now; 20 km2 of hills have turned green. It hasn't been easy for her. She borrowed money to pay for seedlings and is still working to pay a lot of it back. This doesn't seem to matter to her, though, as she says proudly that she's not a millionaire, but has millions of trees instead.

A lot of work is still needed to prevent deserts from getting larger and to stop the climate from getting warmer, but if more of us can be like these tree heroes, it will certainly make life better for everyone.




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