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国家级说课里常提到的Inquiry-Based Learning(探究式学习)到底是什么?

2024/9/20 11:43:37  阅读:1 发布者:

听完了十七届全国教师基本功大赛的说课,发现很多老师在说教学方法的时候都会提到Inquiry-Based Learning(探究式学习),于是老师去各个网站搜索了一下,整理了这篇笔记。

What Is Inquiry-Based Learning?


Inquiry-based learning is a student-centered teaching method that encourages students to ask questions and investigate real-world problems. In this type of learning environment, students are actively engaged in the learning process and are given the opportunity to explore their natural curiosities.

This type of learning is often hands-on and allows students to connect what they learn in the classroom and the real world.Inquiry-based learning has been shown to improve critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and creativity.

从上述这段英文定义中可以看出,Inquiry-based learning与提倡的深度学习不谋而合,深度学习重视学生在学习中的主体地位,强调教学内容要与学生的经验建立关联,通过建构新知识和深度思维,获得真实世界中解决问题的能力。

The 4 Types of Inquiry-Based Learning

1. 结构化探究方法(The Structured Inquiry Approach


2. 开放式调查方法 (The Open-Ended Inquiry Approach


3. 基于问题的探究方法 (The Problem-Based Inquiry Approach


4. 引导式探究方法 (The Guided Inquiry Approach


Benefits of Inquiry-Based Learning

1. Encourages critical thinking

Inquiry-based learning encourages students to think critically about the information they are presented with. They are asked to question the information and develop their own solutions. This type of learning helps students develop problem-solving skills and critical-thinking skills.

2. Improves problem-solving skills

Inquiry-based learning helps students develop problem-solving skills. When they are given the opportunity to explore real-world problems, they are forced to think outside the box and come up with their own solutions. This is an important skill that will help them in their future careers.

3. Encourages creativity

This concept of learning encourages creativity. When students are given the opportunity to explore a problem independently, they often come up with creative solutions. This is due to the fact that any particular way of thinking does not restrict them.

4. Improves communication skills

It also helps students improve their communication skills. When working on a problem, they often have to explain their thoughts and ideas to others. This helps them learn how to communicate effectively with others.

5. Connects learning to the real world

Inquiry-based learning helps connect learning to the real world. When students are allowed to explore problems that exist in the real world, they can see how what they are learning in the classroom is relevant. This also helps them develop a better understanding of the material.

6. Helps students understand complex topics

Inquiry-based learning can also help students understand complex topics. When they are allowed to explore these topics in a hands-on environment, they can learn about them more meaningfully.

7. Encourages engaged learning

Finally, this type of learning encourages engaged learning. When students are actively involved in the learning process, they are more likely to retain the information. This is due to the fact that they are invested in what they are doing.

因此,我们可以将Inquiry-based learning用在课堂中,如:逆向设计(课堂初始提出需要解决的真实问题,鼓励引导学生运用本节课所学去解决这个问题)/鼓励学生提出与作者不同的观点,通过探究证明自己的观点/项目式学习等。

Strategies and Tips for Implementing Inquiry-Based Learning

1. Start with a Question

The best way to start an inquiry-based lesson is by asking a question. This will get students thinking about the topic and will encourage them to ask their own questions.

2. Allow for Exploration

Once you have asked a question, allow students to explore the topic on their own. This will help them to understand the material better.

3. Encourage Discussion

Encourage students to discuss their ideas with each other. This will help them to develop a better understanding of the material.

4. Provide Resources

Be sure to provide students with resources that they can use to explore the topic. This will help them develop a better understanding.

5. Summarize What Was Learned

At the end of the lesson, be sure to summarize what was learned. This will help students to remember the information.

The Inquiry Process



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