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学术快报:Science(VOLUME 377, ISSUE 6601, 1 JUL 2022)

2022/7/7 14:08:58  阅读:398 发布者:



刊次:VOLUME 377|ISSUE 6601|1 JUL 2022

ISSN:0036-8075 / 1095-9203



An ash and gas plume rises from Hunga volcano, Tonga, on 14 January 2022. Global geophysical observations reveal that the climactic eruption that followed on 15 January produced a broad range of atmospheric waves, with pressure wave amplitudes comparable with those from the 1883 Krakatau eruption. While propagating over the worlds oceans, the remarkable atmospheric waves generated complex fast-traveling tsunamis.See articles 9, 12 and 22 for details


1 Ancient DNA reveals five streams of migration into Micronesia and matrilocality in early Pacific seafarers / DNA揭示了早期太平洋海员进入密克罗尼西亚的五种迁徙流和母系性

2 A specific circuit in the midbrain detects stress and induces restorative sleep / 中脑的一个特殊回路检测压力并诱导恢复性睡眠

3 The hiatus of the handshake / 握手的间隙

4 Stepping out of my comfort zone / 走出我的舒适区

5 Funds dwindle for NIH program for puzzling cases / NIH疑难案件项目资金减少

6 Foodmaking microbes bear marks of domestication / 食品微生物带有驯化的痕迹

7 Microglia-mediated degradation of perineuronal nets promotes pain / 小胶质细胞介导的神经束膜网降解促进疼痛

8 Soft, bioresorbable coolers for reversible conduction block of peripheral nerves / 用于周围神经可逆传导阻滞的软性可生物吸收冷却器

9 Global fast-traveling tsunamis driven by atmospheric Lamb waves on the 2022 Tonga eruption / 2022年汤加火山爆发时大气羔羊波驱动的全球快速传播海啸

10 WHO holds off on global alarm for monkeypox / 世卫组织推迟全球猴痘警报

11 In Science Journals / 在科学期刊上

12 The wave blown around the world / 风浪吹遍了世界

13 Cooling the pain / 冷却疼痛

14 Tectonic degassing drove global temperature trends since 20 Ma /构造脱气推动了全球气温趋势自20

15 Locking volatile organic molecules by subnanometer inorganic nanowire-based organogels / 亚纳米无机纳米线基有机凝胶对挥发性有机分子的锁定

16 Sea Change / 海况变化

17 In Other Journals / 在其他期刊中

18 Elucidating the causes of neurodegeneration / 阐明神经退行性变的原因

19 News at a glance / 新闻一目了然

20 Can rubrics combat gender bias in faculty hiring? / Rubrics能在教师招聘中对抗性别偏见吗?

21 The microbiome and gut homeostasis / 微生物群与肠道稳态

22 Atmospheric waves and global seismoacoustic observations of the January 2022 Hunga eruption, Tonga / 20221月汤加洪加火山爆发的大气波和全球地震声学观测

23 Conservation and divergence of cortical cell organization in human and mouse revealed by MERFISH / MERFISH显示人和小鼠皮层细胞组织的保守性和分化性

24 Zonated leucine sensing by Sestrin-mTORC1 in the liver controls the response to dietary leucine / 肝脏sestrin-mTORC1对亮氨酸的分带性感知控制对膳食亮氨酸的反应

25 A randomized trial alerting authors, with or without coauthors or editors, that research they cited in systematic reviews and guidelines has been retracted / 一项随机试验提醒作者,无论是否有合著者或编辑,他们在系统评论和指南中引用的研究已经被撤回

26 Science, health, and truth / 科学、健康与真理

27 Cenozoic evolution of deep ocean temperature from clumped isotope thermometry / 从团簇同位素测温研究深海温度的新生代演化

28 Pandemic-inspired policies / 流行病引发的政策

29 Can the Miocene climate inform the future? / 中新世的气候能告诉未来吗?

30 Pleiotropic effects of trans-regulatory mutations on fitness and gene expression / 跨调节性突变对适应度和基因表达的多效性影响

31 Sleeping off stress / 睡眠缓解压力

32 In the Balkans, researchers mobilize to protect a river / 在巴尔干半岛,研究人员动员起来保护一条河流

33 Mutations linked to neurological disease enhance self-association of low-complexity protein sequences / 与神经疾病相关的突变增强低复杂度蛋白质序列的自联想

34 Bringing inanimate matter to life / 使无生命的物质变得有生命

35 Synthetic regulatory reconstitution reveals principles of mammalian Hox cluster regulation / 合成调控重构揭示了原则哺乳动物Hox集群调控的研究

36 Hidden carbon layer sparked ancient bout of global warming / 隐藏的碳层引发了古代全球变暖



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