投稿要求的Cover Letter该怎么写?附全文模版+例句
2024/6/12 11:51:36 阅读:93 发布者:
投稿时提交的Cover letter,是作者写给期刊编辑的信,编辑在看完你的cover letter之后,再决定是否继续看全文。Cover Letter不会随正文一起发表。
一封优秀的cover letter,和一封好的求职信一样,让编辑眼前一亮,读完马上对你的论文产生了兴趣,愿意打开全文进一步深读。
Cover letter中包含的两个重要部分是:
1 你的论文的创新性在哪里?
最近,通过和几个学员的交流,我发现,现在有些期刊不再是要求以cover letter信件的形式提交,但是,本质上还是“投稿介绍信”。
其实就是传统Cover Letter的变体,要么要你阐明论文的亮点,要么要你说明为什么你的来稿符合该期刊的发文范围。更简短,不需要写成信件格式。
我们先来说说传统Cover letter的格式和内容包含哪些部分,毕竟大部分期刊还是要的投稿信:
完整的一封Cover letter包括:
1 介绍你自己和作者团队;
2 标题;
3 论文主要结果总结;
4 论文符合该期刊读者范围的理由;
5 论文无一稿多投和作者利益冲突声明;
6 作者署名落款。
1 过度夸大研究结果或意义;
2 过多文字美言自己或团队;
3 过多行业术语或缩写;
4 太过冗长的介绍(总体不超过一页纸)。
附Cover Letter范文全文:
Dear Dr. 主编姓名,
My name is Dr. XX. I am respectfully submitting the attached article: “论文标题” on behalf of my colleagues (Dr. A, and B) for publication in ‘目标期刊’. It is our belief that the work we have done will serve as a valuable reference for other researchers in the urban ecology discipline.
This work has not been published in any other journals. We affirm that we are the owners of this work and give permission for its publication, solely in the journal listed above. As research lead, I further affirm that I have full consent and agreement of my co-researchers in making this submission.
The submitted article summarizes research that we did on several urban ecological restoration projects within inner-city neighborhoods in medium to large cities in the Midwestern United States as well as the Great Lakes Region. Specifically, we researched the potential impacts of urban restoration or ‘greening’ projects on air quality-related health conditions.
As our research builds upon several articles previously published in the Modern Ecology Journal, we believe it will be relevant to your readers. Further, it reaches both new conclusions and introduces new questions for future research use.
I have attached the manuscript in its final form, as well as consent to publish from my colleagues. I look forward to your feedback.
Dr. 通讯姓名