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审稿意见回复模板4(Response to reviewer)

2024/5/9 15:15:32  阅读:24 发布者:


切记:一定展现出诚意,虚心回答,point by point,不要刻意回避某些问题。




Thank you for suggesting the addition of experimental data. We have conducted the experiments as advised, and the results indeed align with the theoretical expectations.

Thank you for............We appreciate your recommendation to include supplementary experiments. The results obtained are in line with the theoretical predictions, confirming our initial hypothesis.

Thank you for............Following your suggestion, we have carried out additional experiments. The results obtained are consistent with the theoretical framework, supporting our conclusions.

Thank you for............We have conducted the recommended experiments, and the results obtained confirm the anticipated outcomes based on the theoretical assumptions. Thank you for guiding us in this direction.

Thank you for............Upon conducting the supplementary experiments as suggested, we found that the results align closely with the theoretical expectations. Your advice proved to be invaluable in strengthening our research.

Thank you for emphasizing the importance of additional experiments. The results obtained are in accordance with the theoretical predictions, further solidifying the validity of our findings.

Thank you for............We have taken your feedback into consideration and conducted the recommended experiments. The results obtained match the theoretical expectations outlined in the paper, providing robust support for our arguments.

Thank you for............The additional experiments performed as per your suggestion have yielded results that are in line with the theoretical predictions. Thank you for prompting us to further validate our findings through experimentation.

Thank you for............Based on your recommendation, we have carried out supplementary experiments. The results obtained are consistent with the theoretical framework proposed in the paper, reinforcing the validity of our research.

Thank you for............We have followed your advice and conducted the supplementary experiments. The results obtained support the theoretical expectations outlined in our study. Your guidance has been instrumental in enhancing the rigor of our research.


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