投稿问答最小化  关闭



2024/3/13 15:43:35  阅读:33 发布者:



如:Three vital signs were recorded in the report: heart rate, respiration rate and blood pressure.


比如:The recorded vital signs were: heart rate, respiration rate and blood pressure. (不正确)


A colon signals that the information that follows is a further amplification of what was said before. The colon can also be used to introduce examples or members of the group being discussed. Example: Three vital signs were recorded in the report: heart rate, respiration rate and blood pressure. Do not place a colon after a verb, because the verb also introduces; incorrect example: The recorded vital signs were: heart rate, respiration rate and blood pressure; so the colon would be redundant. No space precedes a colon and one space follows it.


1. 用最少的文字充分表述论文的中心内容;

2. 标题中词语次序取决于文章内容的侧重点,重要的词放在开始的位置;

3.标题为句子时,动词时态用一般现在时。动词避免使用 “is”

Key points for title:

1. To express the topic of the paper with minimum words;

2. The order of words in the title depends on the emphasis of the content in the article, with the important words placed at the beginning;

3. When the title is a sentence, the verb tense is in the present simple tense. The verb “is” should be avoided.


1. 标题可以是短语或者陈述句,特别注意介词(offorwith)、代词、分词短语(using)、不定式的用法准确无误,避免产生歧义。

2. 标题第一个名词前的the一般省略。但aan不省略。

1. Title can be phrases or declarative sentences. Pay attention to the use of prepositions (of, for, with), pronouns, participial phrases (using) and infinitives to avoid ambiguity.

2. Definite article “the” is usually omitted before the first noun of a title, but indefinite article “a” or “an” is not omitted.


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