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2022/10/9 17:12:40  阅读:205 发布者:

Several PhD/PostDoc Positions in Machine Learning and Sensing

Are you up for the challenge to join us in our pursuit of our exciting goal of developing the fundamental methodology for jointly optimizing sensor systems designs and corresponding machine learning approaches to analyze the resulting data?

We are looking for talented students in the areas of sensor development, optics, computer graphics, machine learning and computer vision, who are enthusiastic to conduct fundamental research in an interdisciplinary team! We'll also have an opening for a junior group leader in form of a PostDoc!

Please contact Prof. Michael Möller, michael.moeller@uni-siegen.de, to introduce yourself and learn more about currently open positions!

We are also happy to offer a 2-year PostDoc position to excellent candidates to be involved in our research unit and at the same time build up their scientific independence and ramp up to a DFG Walter-Benjamin or Emmy Noether application (including the option to become a full PI in a possible second phase of the research unit). We embody and promote equal opportunities and particularly encourage female PostDocs to apply!!

Please contact michael.moeller@uni-siegen.de or visit our website https://www.learning2sense.de to learn more!

Finally, we also support talented students with scholarships to contribute to our research unit. Please contact michael.moeller@uni-siegen.de to learn more!

Positions will be open until filled.

Job details


Several PhD/PostDoc Positions in Machine Learning and Sensing


Learning to Sense (L2S) (University of Siegen)


Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2 Siegen, Germany

Application deadline


Job type

PhD, Postdoc


Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural Network, Big Data, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and 14 more



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