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2022/7/8 11:09:20  阅读:314 发布者:


德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(University of Texas at Dallas,缩写UTD,或简称为UTDallas,是位于美国得克萨斯州理查德森市(Richardson)的一所世界顶尖高等学府,世界顶尖研究型大学,美国一流公立大学,隶属于美国顶尖的得克萨斯大学系统。地理位置优越,就业形势强劲,是排名跃升最快的大学之一。


美国德克萨斯大学系统是美国高等教育体系的重要组成部分, 系统内14所学校共收到捐款250亿美元(仅次于哈佛大学),以每年高达11亿美元的研究经费位列全美第一。


Job Description

A postdoctoral research associate position is available to work on a multi-year research project, funded by the United States Department of Energy, that involves collaboration between University of Texas at Dallas and Zyvex Labs. The main objective of the project is to develop new modes of imaging, spectroscopy and lithography for the scanning tunnelling microscope, specifically for high-throughput STM-based atomically precise manufacturing.

The candidates should have a strong background in scanning tunnelling microscopy. Previous experience with UHV STM is a requirement. Experience with imaging silicon surfaces is a plus. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to participate in a host of projects, supervise graduate and undergraduate researchers, write reports and manuscripts, attend international conferences and prepare proposals.

The applicants should have (or be close to completing) a Ph.D. in experimental physics, materials science, or a closely related field. The position is available immediately and includes a competitive salary and fringe benefits package. Interested applicants should contact Dr. Reza Moheimani at Reza.Mohiemani@utdallas.edu with a detailed CV, including a list of publications, and names and contact details of three references.

Expires on September 03, 2022



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