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2022/6/30 11:23:50  阅读:227 发布者:


      近期,北大-清华生命科学联合中心雷晓光教授、肖俊宇研究员与南方科技大学田瑞军教授在eLife杂志上发表了最新合作研究成果“Selective inhibition reveals the regulatory function of DYRK2 in protein synthesis and calcium entry”。该工作报道了新一代高活性、高选择性DYRK2激酶小分子抑制剂的开发,以及利用该抑制剂作为工具分子通过化学生物学手段首次揭示了该激酶对蛋白合成及钙内流的关键调控作用。

      人体双特异性酪氨酸-磷酸化调控激酶DYRKs是进化保守的激酶家族,以对其自身的酪氨酸残基和其他蛋白的丝氨酸/苏氨酸位点具有激酶活性为主要特点(Soundararajan et al., 2013)DYRKs属于丝氨酸/苏氨酸CMGC激酶家族,共有五个成员。DYRK2DYRKs家族的主要成员之一,但其生理功能尚未被完全揭示。近期研究表明双特异性酪氨酸磷酸化调控激酶2(DYRK2)是一个蛋白酶体调控激酶(Guo et al., 2016)。抑制DYRK2激酶能够显著降低蛋白酶体活性,导致小鼠异种移植模型中肿瘤细胞周期进展受阻、生长减缓(Banerjee et al., 2018)

      在前期研究中,雷晓光、肖俊宇课题组与合作者报道了DYRK2特异性小分子抑制,LDN192960 (Banerjee et al., 2019)。晶体结构解析和生化研究揭示了LDN192960 选择性抑制DYRK2的分子机制。LDN192960能够通过抑制DYRK2的活性而降低蛋白酶体活性,从而缓解三阴性乳腺癌和多发性骨髓瘤的进展,表明靶向DYRK2有望成为治疗这两种肿瘤的有效方案。虽然LDN192960对于DYRK2有较好的选择性和抑制性,但是它还可以抑制其他相关激酶,包括HaspinDYRK3



4E-BP1是转录过程的重要调节因子,已有研究表明是DYRK2的潜在底物(Wang et al., 2003)。本研究通过建立体外激酶活性体系,验证了DYRK2可以直接磷酸化4E-BP1上的多个位点(包括质谱鉴定到的位点Thr37),并且C17以剂量依赖性的方式抑制这些位点。此外,4E-BP1受多种激酶的共同调节,进一步研究表明,当C17AKTMEK抑制剂联用时,可以更高效地抑制蛋白磷酸化水平,表现出不同抑制剂之间的协同效应。总之,通过大量的体内外实验验证,结果表明4EBP1DYRK2的直接底物,并揭示了DYRK2 抑制剂与其他激酶抑制剂联合用于癌症治疗的潜在用途。

STIM1是已知的磷酸化蛋白,其磷酸化可以调控钙库操纵的钙内流过程(SOCE)(Collins et al., 2013; Pozo-Guisado et al., 2010; Pozo-Guisado et al., 2013)。本研究同样验证了DYRK2在蛋白水平、细胞内都可以有效的磷酸化STIM1,这些结果表明STIM1中可能存在多个DYRK2磷酸化位点。据此,本研究进一步通过质谱鉴定到DYRK2作用STIM1的具体位点,包括U266磷酸化蛋白组分析中确定的Ser519Ser521。为了进一步验证DYRK2STIM1的磷酸化修饰的功能,通过Co-IPFRET体系验证了DYRK2通过对STIM1的磷酸化修饰增强其与Orai1之间的结合能力,而DYRK2-D275NSTIM1-1-491以及STIM1-10M则不能,且处理C17则可以减弱STIM1Orai1的相互作用。进一步研究证明,DYRK2磷酸化可以促进STIM1寡聚,增强与Orai1的相互作用,进而诱导SOCE过程。







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Banerjee, S., Ji, C., Mayfield, J. E., Goel, A., Xiao, J., Dixon, J. E., and Guo, X. (2018). Ancient drug curcumin impedes 26S proteasome activity by direct inhibition of dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinase 2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, 8155-8160.

Banerjee, S., Wei, T., Wang, J., Lee, J. J., Gutierrez, H. L., Chapman, O., Wiley, S. E., Mayfield, J. E., Tandon, V., Juarez, E. F., et al. (2019). Inhibition of dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase 2 perturbs 26S proteasome-addicted neoplastic progression. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116, 24881-24891.

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Guo, X., Wang, X., Wang, Z., Banerjee, S., Yang, J., Huang, L., and Dixon, J. E. (2016). Site-specific proteasome phosphorylation controls cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. Nat Cell Biol 18, 202-212.

Manning, G., Whyte, D. B., Martinez, R., Hunter, T., and Sudarsanam, S. (2002). The protein kinase complement of the human genome. Science 298, 1912-1934.

Pozo-Guisado, E., Campbell, D. G., Deak, M., Alvarez-Barrientos, A., Morrice, N. A., Alvarez, I. S., Alessi, D. R., and Martin-Romero, F. J. (2010). Phosphorylation of STIM1 at ERK1/2 target sites modulates store-operated calcium entry. J Cell Sci 123, 3084-3093.

Pozo-Guisado, E., Casas-Rua, V., Tomas-Martin, P., Lopez-Guerrero, A. M., Alvarez-Barrientos, A., and Martin-Romero, F. J. (2013). Phosphorylation of STIM1 at ERK1/2 target sites regulates interaction with the microtubule plus-end binding protein EB1. J Cell Sci 126, 3170-3180.

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1. Jianyong Du, Lixia Zheng, Peng Gao, Hang Yang, Wan-Jie Yang, Fusheng Guo, Ruqi Liang, Mengying Feng, Zihao Wang, Zongwang Zhang, Linlu Bai, Ye Bu, Shijia Xing, Wen Zheng, Xuelian Wang, Li Quan, Xinli Hu, Haosen Wu, Zhixing Chen, Liangyi Chen, Ke Wei, Zhe Zhang, Xiaojun Zhu, Xiaolin Zhang, Qiang Tu, Shi-Min Zhao*, Xiaoguang Lei*, Jing-Wei Xiong* “A small-molecule cocktail promotes mammalian cardiomyocyte proliferation and heart regeneration” Cell Stem Cell 2022, 29, 545-558
2. Junxia Zhang, Ruqi Liang, Kai Wang, Wenjia Zhang, Mao Zhang, Li Jin, Peng Xie, Wen Zheng, Haibao Shang, Qingmei Hu, Jiayi Li, Gengjia Chen, Fujian Wu, Feng Lan, Lipeng Wang, Shi-Qiang Wang, Yongfeng Li, Yong Zhang, Jinghao Liu, Fengxiang Lv, Xinli Hu, Rui-Ping Xiao, Xiaoguang Lei*, Yan Zhang* “Hesperadin Is a Novel CaMKII-δ Inhibitor and Exerts Dual Functions to Both Protect Cardiac Ischemia/reperfusion Injury and Inhibit Tumor Growth” Circulation 2022, 145, 1154-1168
3. Lei Gao, Yike Zou, Xiaojing Liu, Jun Yang, Xiaoxia Du, Jin Wang, Xinshui Yu, Junping Fan, Mingxuan Jiang, Yuli Li, K. N. Houk*, Xiaoguang Lei* “Enzymatic control of endo and exo stereoselective Diels-Alder reactions with broad substrate scope” Nature Catalysis 2021, 4, 1059-1069
4. Lei Gao, Cong Su, Xiaoxia Du, Ruishan Wang, Shuming Chen, Yu Zhou, Chengwei Liu, Xiaojing Liu, Runze Tian, Liyun Zhang, Kebo Xie, She Chen, Qianqian Guo, Lanping Guo, Yoshio Hano, Manabu Shimazaki, Atsushi Minami, Hideaki Oikawa, Niu Huang, K. N. Houk, Luqi Huang*, Jungui Dai*, Xiaoguang Lei* "FAD-dependent Enzyme-Catalysed Intermolecular [4+2] Cycloaddition in Natural Product Biosynthesis" Nature Chemistry, 2020, 12, 620-628
5. Wang W, Yang J, Zhang J, Liu YX, Tian C, Qu B, Gao C, Xin P, Cheng S, Zhang W, Miao P, Li L, Zhang X, Chu J, Zuo J, Li J, Bai Y, Lei X,* Zhou JM* “An Arabidopsis Secondary Metabolite Directly Targets Expression of the Bacterial Type III Secretion System to Inhibit Bacterial Virulence” Cell Host & Microbe 2020, 27, 601–613
6. Sourav Banerjee, Tiantian Wei, Jue Wang, Jenna J. Lee, Haydee L. Gutierrez, Owen Chapman, Sandra E. Wiley, Joshua E. Mayfield, Vasudha Tandon, Edwin F. Juarez, Lukas Chavez, Ruqi Liang, Robert L. Sah, Caitlin Costello, Jill P. Mesirov, Laureano de la Vega, Kimberly L. Cooper, Jack E. Dixon*, Junyu Xiao*, and Xiaoguang Lei* “Inhibition of dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase 2 perturbs 26S proteasome-addicted neoplastic progression” Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 2019, 116, 24881-24891
7. Tan, D.; Li, Q.; Zhang, M.; Liu, C.; Ma, C.; Zhang, P.; Ding, Y.; Fan, S.; Tao, L.; Yang, B.; Li, X.; Ma, S.; Liu, J.; Feng, B.; Liu, X.; Wang, H.; He, S.; Gao, N.; Ye, K.; Dong, M.*; Lei, X.* “Trifunctional Cross-Linker for Mapping  Protein-Protein Interaction Networks and Comparing  Protein Conformational States” eLife 2016; 5:e12509
8. Dong, T.; Li, C.; Wang, X.; Dian, L.; Zhang, X.; Chen, X.; Li, L.; Cao, R.; Huang, N.; He, S. *; Lei, X.* “Ainsliadimer A selectively inhibits IKKα/β by covalently binding a conserved cysteine” Nature Commun. 2015, 6, 6522
9. Wang, G.*; Wang, X.; Yu, H.; Wei, S.; Williams, N.; Holmes, D. L.; Halfmann, R.; Naidoo, J.; Wang, L.; Li, L.; Chen, S.; Harran, P.; Lei, X.*; Wang, X.* “Small Molecule Activation of the TRAIL Receptor DR5 in Human Cancer Cells” Nature Chem. Biol. 2013, 9, 84-89
10. Sun, L.; Wang, H.; Wang, Z.; He, S.; Chen, S.; Liao, D.; Wang, L.; Yan, J.; Liu, W.; Lei, X.*; Wang, X.* “Mixed Lineage Kinase Domain-like Protein Mediates Necrosis Signaling Downstream of RIP3 Kinase” Cell 2012, 148, 213-227








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