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The Coleopterists Bulletin《鞘翅目动物通报》 (Email投稿)

  • 参考译名《鞘翅目动物通报》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率18.30%
  • 主要研究方向农林科学-ENTOMOLOGY昆虫学



The Coleopterists Bulletin《鞘翅目动物通报》(季刊). Founded in 1947 by Ross H. Arnett, Jr., The Coleopterists Bulletin is a refereed quarterly&nbs...[显示全部]















We are pleased you are considering publishing in The Coleopterists Bulletin. You will find that well-written, original research is often published within nine months of initial submission. Manuscripts are considered for publication as a “Regular Article” or “Scientific Note”. All manuscripts are peer reviewed. Book reviews and other contributions are published as space is available.

Authors should read the following information closely and review recently published articles prior to formatting manuscripts for submission. Feel free to contact the Managing Editor with any questions.


The Coleopterists Bulletin welcomes submission of articles advancing the knowledge of the order Coleoptera. Articles may cover any aspect of the biology of beetles from anywhere in the world, especially including their phylogenetics, taxonomy, immature stages, behavior, ecology, distribution, pest management, conservation, or use in human culture. Significant new records (i.e., new state or country records, new host records, or first collection after decades, etc.) are welcome. Generally discouraged, with exceptions made for otherwise compelling content, are: simple checklists for non-major regions (i.e., below the level of state or country); beetle pest management when either (i) the pest(s) are not identified to species, or (ii) the control method does not explicitly relate to a detailed understanding of the biology of the pest(s).

General Policies.

The following policies are in place for manuscripts submitted for publication in The Coleopterists Bulletin (Revised 23 December 2019; Federal EIN 23-7319132).

1. Authors must pay US$10 per published page (this represents less than one-quarter of the actual cost to The Coleopterists Society, which subsidizes the remaining costs).

2. Book Reviews are published gratis (please contact the Book Review Editor directly concerning submissions).

3. “Fast Track” articles are paid at US$20 per published page. These are guaranteed publication in the next issue (if not already in press) following acceptance.

4. Authors who are not members of The Coleopterists Society must pay a non-member surcharge of US$40 per article, in addition to the US$10 per published page charges. They are encouraged to join The Coleopterists Society (US$40 annual membership fee) instead.

5. Grayscale (black and white) images sent to the Managing Editor will appear in black and white in the PDF posted on BioOne. Color images will appear in grayscale in the printed journal (unless you inform the Managing Editor differently), but in color, at no extra cost, in the PDF. The cost of color figures in the printed journal is US$75 per page. Contact the Managing Editor if you have any questions.

Steps and Usual Timelines in the Publication Process.

1. The corresponding author receives an email soon after the Managing Editor receives the manuscript (generally less than three days, unless the Editor is out of the country).

Manuscripts are logged into the database.

2. The Managing Editor sends a new submission to a Review Editor for review processing (generally less than three days, unless the Editor out of the country). Regular articles are typically sent to at least two reviewers. Review Editors and Managing Editor may serve as additional reviewers.

3. The Review Editor sends the manuscript reviews to the corresponding author (usually 1–3 months after submission; you may make an inquiry with the Managing Editor if, after two months, you have not received a status report). Recommendation for acceptance with minor or major revision, or rejection, is relayed to the corresponding author with the reviews. For those manuscripts recommended for acceptance, authors should revise the manuscript and send it to the Review Editor. The Review Editor may request additional revisions or approve the revised manuscript and then send it to the Managing Editor.

4. The Managing Editor receives the approved revised manuscript and places it in the queue for final review and copyedit. Following receipt of figures and figure plates as highresolution TIF files, final review, and copyedit, final acceptance will be decided by the Managing Editor. The Managing Editor will inform the corresponding authors as to when proofs may be expected.

5. Proofs will be emailed directly from Sheridan Press (but using Managing Editor email) approximately seven weeks before the next issue (for example, links to proofs for the March issue are typically sent to authors in early February). Note: Receipt of proofs does not necessarily mean that your article will appear in the next issue. Corrected proofs should be returned to the Managing Editor as soon as possible to avoid potential delays in publication. It is critical that the author send the final corrections in the proofs by email within one week of receiving the proofs.

6. Approximate time from submission of manuscript to publication: regular page-charged articles—less than six months after final acceptance; “Fast Track” articles—less than three months after final acceptance; scientific notes and book reviews—less than six months after final acceptance.


Please submit all articles electronically to the Managing Editor (Matthew Gimmel, phalacrid@gmail.com). Please do not submit directly to the Review Editors. Initial text submissions must be in Microsoft Word or RTF format in 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins on all sides. PDF, WordPerfect, or other formats are not accepted. Do not use proportional spacing or a justified right margin. Line numbering is not necessary. Please use only a single whitespace character (not two) between sentences in a paragraph.




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