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Climate of the Past《历史气候》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称CLIM PAST
  • 参考译名《历史气候》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T1), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率14.20%



Climate of the Past《历史气候》(双月刊). Climate of the Past (CP) is a not-for-profit international scientific journal dedicated to the pub...[显示全部]














Climate of the Past


Thank you very much for your interest in submitting a manuscript. Please find your way through the manuscript preparation and file submission:

Get ready

Before submitting your manuscript for peer review, you are kindly requested to do the following:

to download the Copernicus manuscript templates for LaTeX or MS WORD, or to follow the instructions for R Markdown submissions;

to prepare your manuscript *.pdf file according to the manuscript preparation guidelines including line numbers and page numbers;

to prepare your abstract text you will paste into the file upload form and, if applicable, your supplement file as *.pdf or *.zip archive;

to read our section on files for the review process;

to ensure that your figures' colour schemes allow readers with colour vision deficiencies to correctly interpret your findings (see our guidelines for figures & tables);

to ensure that your figure files are labelled correctly with Arabic numerals (e.g. fig01, fig02), compiled as *.pdf, *.ps, *.eps, *.jpg, *.png, or *.tif files with a resolution of 300 dpi, panels are collected into one figure file, the reproduction rights have been secured, and our guidelines for figures & tables are followed;

to ensure that your maps and aerial files follow our guidelines for maps & aerials, the reproduction rights have been secured, and copyright statements or credits are included in your maps and aerials according to the regulations of the provider;

to ensure that your references follow our guidelines for references;

to agree and comply with the general terms and the article processing charges;

to agree and comply with the licence and copyright agreement;

to agree and comply with the general obligations for authors;

to register the manuscript in order to receive a link to upload the manuscript files into the online system Copernicus Office Editor. The registration also defines the manuscript subject areas and index terms as the basis for the editor assignment.

While preparing their manuscript, authors are kindly requested to consider the manuscript review criteria to meet the quality standards and to reduce the peer-review processing time. We recommend that any data set used in your manuscript is submitted to a reliable data repository and linked from your manuscript through a DOI. Please see our data policy. Please also consider other assets like software & model code or video supplements.

Prepare your assets

Once your manuscript is about to appear online you will be asked upon upload of production files to provide DOIs (digital object identifiers) for assets to your work. While a supplement is stored in the journal online library alongside your work, other assets as described below must be submitted to specialized repositories. Please consider providing at least preliminary links to such assets for the period of peer review to allow reviewers to access these essential additions.

Software and model code

Data sets

Sample availability

Video supplements & video abstracts


Files for the review process & preprint posting

After the manuscript registration, you are kindly asked to upload those files which are necessary for the peer-review process. The following files are required:

the abstract as plain text to be pasted into the upload form where requested;

the complete manuscript (title, authors, affiliations, abstract, text, tables, figures) as a *.pdf file in portrait format following the standards for sectioning and structure as given below in the manuscript composition with full first names for all authors. All pages must be numbered consecutively and line numbers must be included. Figures and tables as well as their captions must be inserted in the main text near the location of the first mention (not appended to the end of the manuscript). Maps and aerials must include the copyright statements or credits following the requirements of the provider. Should figures or tables occupy entire manuscript pages, these must follow the portrait format and page dimensions of the entire manuscript *.pdf file;

data sets, model code, video supplements, or other assets to your manuscript should be submitted to a reliable repository receiving a DOI, cited in your manuscript, and included in your reference list. Reviewers can then access these relevant sources;

a short summary as a 500-character (incl. spaces) non-technical text that may be used to promote your work to a broader audience. It should highlight your main conclusions and results, and what the implications are. If possible, please also summarize briefly why you did the research and how you did it.

Other possible review files include the following:

If you have supplementary material to your manuscript which does not meet the above-mentioned asset criteria to be hosted by a reliable repository, you can submit your supplement as a *.zip archive or single *.pdf file. The overall file size of such a supplement is limited to 50 MB. Larger supplements have to be submitted to a reliable data repository in any case receiving a DOI, cited in your manuscript, and included in your reference list.




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