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  • 参考译名《时间序列分析期刊》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T2), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率9.40%



JOURNAL OF TIME SERIES ANALYSIS《时间序列分析期刊》(双月刊). During the last 30 years Time Series Analysis has become one of the most impo...[显示全部]














Author Guidelines

Open Access

Open Access is available to authors of primary research articles who wish to make their article available to non-subscribers on publication, or whose funding agency requires grantees to archive the final version of their article. With Open Access, the author, the author's funding agency, or the author's institution pays a fee to ensure that the article is made available to non-subscribers upon publication via Wiley Online Library, as well as deposited in the funding agency's preferred archive. For the full list of terms and conditions, see here.

Any authors wishing to send their paper Open Access will be required to complete the payment form available from our website here.

Prior to acceptance there is no requirement to inform the Editorial Office that you intend to publish your paper Open Access if you do not wish to. All Open Access articles are treated in the same way as any other article. They go through the journal's standard peer-review process and will be accepted or rejected based on their own merit.

New Article Type January 2018: Notes and Comments Section

This section of the journal publishes note-length communication papers. This is intended to facilitate the rapid dissemination of novel research ideas. Comments following up on previously published papers in the journal can also be considered for publication in this section. The subject matter of all contributions to this section should lie within the standard aims and scope of the journal. All potential contributions will be peer-reviewed but that process will be expedited to facilitate rapid dissemination. Submissions should normally be no longer than 10 pages in total. Online supporting material can be used in conjunction with articles published in this section.


1. The Journal of Time Series Analysis uses ScholarOne Manuscripts (formerly known as Manuscript Central), for online manuscript submission and peer review. The system brings with it a whole host of benefits including:

Quick and easy submission

Administration centralised and reduced

Significant decrease in peer review times

All submissions to the journal must be submitted online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jtsa. Full instructions and support are available on the site and a user ID and password can be obtained on the first visit. If you require assistance then click the Get Help Now link which appears at the top right of every ScholarOne Manuscripts page.

Book reviews, invited by either the Book Reviews Editor or the Editor-in-Chief, can also be submitted through the journals ScholarOne Manuscripts website.  Unsolicited book reviews will not be considered.

2. Papers should be typeset with all fonts embedded into the submitted document. A cover page should contain the title, author name(s) and affiliation(s), and the email address to which proofs should be sent.

3. All papers should be formatted in single column mode, using a minimum point size of 15px and with at least 1.5 line spacing. Papers should ideally be no more than 35 pages in total.

4. Submission of a paper is held to imply that it is original and unpublished work, that it has not been submitted for publication elsewhere, and that full copyright clearance has been obtained for any material quoted in it.

5. An abstract should be included. This should not exceed 200 words.

6. Please provide a list of key words (not more than six), the appropriate Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) codes as a mandatory requirement and JEL codes (optional and if necessary).

7. Footnotes should be avoided. Essential notes should be numbered in the text and grouped together at the end of the article. Diagrams and Figures, if they are considered essential, should be clearly related to the section of text to which they refer.

8. References should be set out in alphabetical order of the author's name in a list at the end of the article. They should be given in a standard form, as in the following examples:

Hannan EJ. 1969. A note on an exact test for trend and serial correlation. Econometrica 37: 485-489.

Hannan EJ, Terrell RD. 1973. Multiple equation systems with stationary errors. Econometrica 41: 299-305.

Johnson HG. 1964a. The international competitive positions of the United States and the balance of payment prospects for 1968. Rev. Economics and Statistics 46: 14-32.

Johnson HG. 1964b. Money, Trade and Economic Growth (2nd edn). London: Allen and Unwin.

References in the text of an article should be by author's name and year of publication as in these examples:

Jones (1977) in a paper on... Jones (1978c, p.25) states that... Evidence is given by Smith et al. (1974)... Further exploration of this aspect may be found in many sources (e.g. White, 1971a; Brown and Green, 1972; Jackson, 1973, ch.2).

A typescript which is well prepared in accordance with these guidelines will greatly assist the ease and speed of publication. There are several software packages available to help authors manage and format the references and footnotes in their journal article. We recommend the use of a software tool such as EndNote or Reference Manager for reference management and formatting.

EndNote reference styles can be searched for here:


Reference Manager reference styles can be searched for here:





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