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The Canadian Entomologist《加拿大昆虫学家》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《加拿大昆虫学家》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率12.00%
  • 主要研究方向农林科学-ENTOMOLOGY昆虫学



The Canadian Entomologist《加拿大昆虫学家》(双月刊). Published since 1868, this peer-reviewed bimonthly publication is the official journal of the Entom...[显示全部]













The Canadian Entomologist

Instructions to Authors

Articles for publication in The Canadian Entomologist are accepted in English. A French abstract will be published upon acceptance of a manuscript if the authors provide the abstract. Manuscripts from all disciplines of entomology will be considered, unless they have been submitted simultaneously for peer review elsewhere or have been previously published in another venue. Theses, dissertations, and preprints are not considered to be previous publication.

Manuscripts must contain significant new findings of fundamental and (or) general entomological interest. Low priority is given to confirmatory studies, investigations of local interest, techniques (unless of broad application), range expansions, new records, and non-replicated experiments. Single species descriptions, without significant value-added components (e.g., richly illustrated key, phylogenetic analyses), will not be considered.

Authors should deposit voucher specimens, documenting the identity of the organisms studied, in recognised institutions and note these repositories in the body of the paper. This should be described in the methods (or supplementary material if extensive), ideally with the name of the contact person and accession number(s) for each institution to facilitate rapid relocation of voucher specimens. Information on voucher specimens is available at: http://biologicalsurvey.ca/ass...

Types of papers

Reviews (6500 – 10,000 words, not including references) should deal with topics of general interest or current importance, and should be synthetic rather than comprehensive in emphasis. Reviews will be solicited by the Editor-in-Chief. Proposal for unsolicited reviews should be emailed to the Editor-in-Chief for consideration.

Research Papers should report the results of original observations or research in any aspect of entomology. The material should not have been previously published elsewhere, except in a preliminary form (i.e. theses). Non-analytical items such as lists of specimens or bibliographies will normally not be considered.

Research Papers (6000-7500 words not including references) should report the results of original observations or research in any aspect of entomology. The material should not have been previously published elsewhere, except in a preliminary form (e.g. theses, preprints). Nonanalytical items such as lists of specimens or bibliographies will normally not be considered. Extra-long Research Papers: Research Papers longer than 7500 words (not including references) may be accepted at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. However, they may need to be published as a supplement paid for by authors or their institution. TCE would manage the review process but authors would pay for copyediting and work directly with CUP to negotiate publication costs.

Scientific Notes (650-2000 words, not including references) are concise but complete descriptions of an investigation, limited in scope, that will not be included in a later paper; therefore, they may not be used for publishing preliminary data. They should be as completely documented as a standard paper, both by reference to the literature and by description of the experimental procedures employed. An abstract is required, but other usual subheadings, such as Introduction, Discussion, etc., should not be included.

Forum (2000-4000 words) articles should be short, providing a chance for suggesting hypotheses, challenging current thinking on issues, discussing new ideas or ways of interpreting existing information, or responding to forums previously published in The Canadian Entomologist.

Submission of manuscripts for review

Manuscripts should be submitted using the ScholarOne Manuscripts system, found at the following web-site address: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tce. Manuscripts should be prepared as a Microsoft Word document in advance of logging on and uploading to the ScholarOne Manuscripts system.

All submitted manuscripts will be subjected to software-based plagiarism checks prior to full consideration for publication. Revised manuscripts may also be checked at the discretion of editors.

As required by our publisher, Cambridge University Press, corresponding authors must provide their ORCID iD during the submission process. ORCID provides a unique identifier for individual researchers that may enhance discoverability and that provides a way to keep track of your academic record.

If you don’t already have an ORCID iD, you will need to create one to submit a manuscript to The Canadian Entomologist. You can register for one directly from your user account on ScholarOne or via https://ORCID.org/register.

If you already have an ORCID iD, please use it when submitting a manuscript by linking the iD to your ScholarOne user account. To do this, simply log in to your account using your normal username and password. Edit your account by clicking on your name at the top right of the screen and from the dropdown menu, select 'E-Mail / Name'. Follow the instructions at the top of the screen to update your account.

For peer-review purposes, Figures may be embedded in the document following the list of figure captions, or Figures can be uploaded separately. Figures in a Word document should be inserted as JPEG (JPG) or GIF files. Do not insert uncompressed files (e.g., BMP, TIFF) and do not “cut” the images from other applications and “paste” them into the document, as this can result in an excessively large file. Reduced resolution is recommended for the review process. All text should use True Type fonts. Please contact the Editor-in-Chief if you are unable to submit a manuscript using ScholarOne Manuscripts.




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