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BIOSTATISTICS《生物统计学》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《生物统计学》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T2), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率0.20%



BIOSTATISTICS《生物统计学》(季刊). Biostatistics  is an online only journal publishing papers that develop innovative statistical methods with applic...[显示全部]














Information for Authors

Open Access Option for Authors

Biostatistics publishes papers that develop innovative statistical methods with applications to the understanding of human health and disease, including basic biomedical sciences. Papers should focus on methods and applications. Introduction of original methodology should be grounded in substantive problems. Authors are encouraged to present extensive supporting material, such as software or data on the journal's website as supplementary material. The editors may also require authors to use the supplementary material feature for detailed descriptions of simulation studies or other technical material as a condition of acceptance of a paper.

Papers submitted for publication in Biostatistics should satisfy at least one of the following criteria:

development of new stochastic models or statistical methodology clearly motivated by a substantive problem in health or biomedical sciences;

innovative application of statistical methodology to address a substantive problem in health or biomedical sciences;

critical review of an area of statistical methodology relevant to health or biomedical science applications, with a focus on practical utility;

case studies based on important health or biomedical sciences data.

Biostatistics also publishes shorter communications of several kinds:

Notes are short papers (generally one or two journal pages) on topics related to good biostatistical practice;

Letters are communications relating directly to papers previously published in the journal, and would typically be published together with a brief response from the authors of the paper concerned;

Software news items are announcements of new open source software implementations of methodology previously published in the journal.

This Journal takes publication ethics very seriously. If misconduct is found or suspected after the manuscript is published, the journal will investigate the matter and this may result in the article subsequently being retracted.

Reproducible Research

Our reproducible research policy is for papers in the journal to be kite-marked D if the data on which they are based are freely available, C if the authors' code is freely available, and R if both data and code are available, and our Associate Editor for Reproducibility is able to use these to reproduce the results in the paper. Data and code are published electronically on the journal's website as Supplementary Materials.

Code Availability

Authors are strongly encouraged to submit code supporting their publications. Authors should submit a link to a Github repository and to a specific example of the code on a code archiving service such as Figshare or Zenodo.

Preparation and Submission of Manuscripts

The editors of Biostatistics are committed to minimizing the time from submission to publication of excellent papers so that new methodology can influence rapidly-developing substantive specialties.

All submissions, new or revised, will be processed through the Manuscript Central online Submission system. To submit an article, you will need to log into our online submission web site.


You will first need to register by clicking on the 'Create account' button on the login screen and following the on-screen instructions. Please note that users of other Manuscript Central journals cannot use their existing login details for our submission web site, and must register separately to submit to Biostatistics.

New Submission

Please refer to instructions below on submitting files.

TeX or LaTeX files - If you have prepared your manuscript using TeX or LaTeX please create a PDF version to upload. This should be the complete manuscript (text with figures appearing at the end of a paper).

Please note that only the PDF is required on submission and LaTeX files will be requested at revision stage.

For creating manuscripts in LaTeX, Biostatistics recommends the use of its LaTeX template. Our templates are available online at Overleaf and also as a downloadable package via the links below.




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