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聚集体(英文)(Aggregate)(OA期刊)(国际刊号) (官网投稿)

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《聚集体(英文)》(Aggregate)(双月刊),创刊于2020年,由华南理工大学、广东省大湾区华南理工大学聚集诱导发光高等研究院、Wiley 出版社三方合作创办,唐本忠院士担任主编。旨在成为报道聚集体科学基础和应用基础研究前沿科技成果的跨学科国际学术期刊。该期刊出版文章类型包括研究论文、综述论文、社论、重要研究亮点评述、人物介绍、一般研究评论、论说文。
















Aggregate 致力于报道出版聚集过程中的基础和应用研究的前沿科学,特别是功能材料、化学、物理、生物技术、生命科学以及应用工程等领域的重要进展,为学术界搭建一个交流思想和意见的新平台,去分享聚集体研究的新发现和新突破,讨论聚集体研究的挑战和机遇。

Aggregate 的收稿范围很广,包括但不限于材料的合成与表征、聚合物、混合物、复合物、纳米粒子、金属有机骨架、超分子自组装、刺激响应体系、清洁能源、光电子器件、光伏电池、发光材料、化学传感、生物探针、生物医学成像、诊疗、药物输送等众多前沿领域。

Aggregate 的编辑团队由一批来自世界各地、跨越不同研究领域的杰出专家组成,他们将联手把关期刊的稿件出版,为不同研究领域的作者提供公正的论文评审和快速的出版服务。

Aggregate 是一本开放获取期刊,读者可以自由访问所有已发表的文章。欢迎您向 Aggregate 投稿!





Author Guidelines


Thanks for your kind interest in Aggregate. The submissions have to consist of the contents that has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of conferences or symposiums.

The submission system will prompt you to use an ORCID ID (a unique author identifier) to help distinguish your work from that of other researchers as well as develop your personal profile in a worldwide platform.

All the submissions will be performed and processed using ScholarOne online submission system.

A cover letter should be included in the ‘Cover Letter Field’ of the ScholarOne system. The text can be entered directly into the field or uploaded as a file.

The cover letter must contain:

A statement confirming the paper has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium.

An acknowledgment that all authors have contributed significantly and in keeping with the latest guidelines of the International Committee of the Journal Editors, each author’s contribution to the paper is to be described, i.e., what role each author participated in.

A statement confirming that all authors are in agreement with the content of manuscript.

In addition, the authors should state clearly the motivation and the novelty of their research in the cover letter. The author also needs to clarify the key results and the advances compared to previous work of their manuscripts.

Once you have prepared your submission in accordance with the Guidelines, manuscripts should be submitted online at : https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/aggregate

Microsoft Word templates for

Research Article Template (MS word)

Review Template (MS word)

Guidelines for the Preparation of Figures

Guidlines for the Preparation of Graphic of Table of Contents (TOC)

Guidelines for the Preparation of Front/Inside Cover (Copyright permission form is here)


Aggregate aims to publish on a wide variety of topics that focus on the processes of aggregation of atoms, ions, molecules, oligomers, polymers, clusters, particles, gels, hybrids, composites, cells, pathogens, etc. in a broad range of areas such as chemistry, physics, materials, engineering, biology, life science and so forth. Aggregates often behave differently from, and exhibit advanced functionalities inaccessible by, single molecular species, which offers exciting possibilities to new sciences and innovations in multiple dimensions at high structural hierarchies across disciplinary boundaries.

The scope of Aggregate is broad, including but not limited to synthesis, characterization, morphology, nanoparticles, hybrids, composites, metal-organic frameworks, chirality, helicity, supramolecular self-assembly, stimuli-responsive systems, clean energy, luminescence processes, photophysical mechanisms, optoelectronic devices, photovoltaic cells, aggregation-induced emission, polarized luminescence, room-temperature phosphorescence, fluorescent probes, chemical sensing, biomedical imaging, theranostics, drug delivery, photodynamic and photothermal therapies, etc. The journal recognizes system complexity and particularly welcomes innovative multidisciplinary research with high impact.


(1) Research Article

Description: The reports of original studies within the journal scope of Aggregate. Both communication and full paper can be published under this article type.

Word Limit: No strict word limits, however, it is better to be within 5,000 words including abstract but excluding references, tables and figures.

Abstract: Within 260 words, briefly describe the contents of the research article.

References: No word limits, but the Chemistry-Material Science Reference style should be used.

Figures/tables: No number limits, but 10 figures should be sufficient. The tables and figures should be submitted together with the main text of the article, and they should be properly prepared and numbered as describing here.

Keywords: Please provide 3-6 keywords to highlight the main involving subjects of the article.

(2) Review

Description: Full review or mini review. Review gives an overview of recent progress in important fields of research, providing the readers with a guide to the relevant literature, an appreciation of the significance of the work, and an outlook into potential future directions. They can be submitted either by the invitations from the Editors or by the authors themselves; Both types will undergo the peer-review process prior to acceptance.

Word Limit: For full review: Within 15,000 words and 12 figures/tables; For mini review: Within 7,000 words and 6 figures/tables. This includes abstract but excludes references.

Abstract: Within 260 words. briefly describe the contents of the review article.

References: No word limits. but the Chemistry-Material Science Reference style should be used.

Figures/tables: Minimum 1 table/figure in the review article. The tables and figures should be submitted together with the main text of the article, and they should be properly prepared and numbered as describing here.

Keywords: Please provide 3-6 keywords to highlight the main involving subjects of the article.

Biography: Please provide the first (or co-first) and corresponding authors' biographies. The biographies should include photographs, which are 600 dpi at minimum, and 40 mm broad, 50 mm high. It is recommended to keep the biography list as short as possible.




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