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风湿病学和免疫学研究(英文)(Rheumatology and Immunology Research)(国际刊号) (官网投稿)

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《风湿病学和免疫学研究(英文)》(Rheumatology and Immunology Research)(季刊),创刊于2020年,由国家皮肤与免疫疾病临床医学研究中心主办。作为 “国家皮肤与免疫疾病临床研究中心”的官方杂志,RIR将为中国的风湿病与免疫疾病学者在国际舞台上发出中国的声音、为广大中国风湿病与免疫病学者搭建一个展示研究成果的平台,将成为扩大“国家皮肤与免疫疾病临床医学研究中心”的...[显示全部]















Rheumatology and Immunology Research



风湿免疫病医联体联盟 2021-02-02

在曾小峰教授的倡议和领导下,以国家皮肤与免疫疾病临床医学研究中心(NCRC-DID)为依托,创建了我国风湿病领域首个英文杂志---“Rheumatology and Immunology Research”(RIR)






RIR目前为季刊,接收稿件类型包括:Original articleinclude meta-analysis and systemic review)、EditorialReviewMedical ImageCase reportLetter and correspondence


• 网站:www.rir-journal.com

• 投稿系统:www.editorialmanager.com/rir






Rheumatology and Immunology Research




Author Instruction

Thank you for choosing Rheumatology and Immunology Research (RIR) as the media to publish your work.

The mission of RIR is to provide a platform to share the best research in clinical, basic and translational medicine with our physicians. We publish original research that can elucidate mechanisms of disease or improve clinical practice in rheumatology, immunology and related sciences. In addition, we will consider publishing Concise reports of original research, reviews, editorials, cases, images, letters and correspondence, recommendations and criteria in rheumatology and immunology that will be of interest to medical professionals.

We aim that, with your contribution and the efforts of the editorial board, RIR will become one of the most respected and widely read medical journals in rheumatology and immunology.


All submitted manuscripts will be submitted to a rigorous review process. The scientific novelty, importance and accuracy are evaluated at editorial, statistical and peer levels. For more details, please refer to Editorial Policy.

Before submission

Before submit your manuscript to RIR, you need to understand the journal, gain familiarity with the scope of topics and types of articles published by RIR.

l About the journal

RIR is the official journal of National Clinical Research Center for Dermatological and Rheumatologic Diseases of China (NCRC-DRD). It is committed to publish scientific work related to rheumatology and immunology from a global perspectiveparticularly from China and the Asia-Pacific area.

RIR is a peer reviewed, open-access scientific journal that focus on rheumatology and immunology aspects of clinical practice and the development of basic science. All papers will be published both online and in print. we aim to spread and teach new concepts, progress and changes in rheumatological and immunological aspects of clinical practice and basic science among health care professionals, so changes and improvement of clinical practice will finally benefit our patients.

l Scope of publications

The topics covered by RIR include rheumatological and immunological aspects of clinical practice, basic science and translational science of biomedicine.

l Types of articles

Original research, Concise report of Original research, Reviews, Editorials, Cases, Images, Letters and Correspondence, Commentary, Recommendations and Criteria.

Preparation of manuscripts for submission

It is important that to prepare your manuscript appropriately before submission. The requirement varies according to the type of article submitted. These include cover letter, title page, main text, tables and figures, supplement data and images. A cover letter is optional, but can help the editorial team in their assessment.

Cover letter

Although optional, a cover letter can provide more information to the editor about why the study is conducted and how it was designed, as well as convey the main results and, especially, suggest what the potential impact and novelty may be. The type of manuscript should be noted. In the cover letter, a sentence must state that the manuscript or part of the manuscript has not been submitted to or be currently under consideration by another journal. The cover letter should be concise and only contain the important information about the manuscript.

Title page

The title page includes:

· Manuscript title: The title should be concise and include the important information of the contents. The maximum word is 20

· Authors names: Complete given name and surname of all authors should be listed including their degrees (not more than 2 in total if have more), affiliation/ institution. If 2 authors contributed equally to the work, they can be co-first-author. The authors should declare that “Drs. AAA and BBB contributed equally to this work. For Corresponding author, the name and contact information including address, telephone number and email address should be included.


All authors listed in the manuscript must be fully qualified for authorship and take responsibility for the contents of the manuscript. A qualified author must meet ALL of the four following criteria:

· Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND

· Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND

· Final approval of the version to be published; AND

· Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. For studies that involve multi-center group, the group name may be included in the list of authors. Individual author in the group could be listed in the “Acknowledgement” section.

Those who have helped in the design and composition of the manuscript but do not meet the criteria for authorship, should be listed in the “Acknowledgement” section.

· Declarations

For each manuscript, declarations including disclosure of interest conflict and ethnical statement should be included if applicable.

Conflict of interestAuthors listed in the research articles, reviews and editorials must disclose any relationship that could be viewed as potential conflict of interest when the manuscript is submitted. The form of declaration must be submitted at the time of manuscript


Ethical statement

Authors should state the approval of the study by their institution’s ethics review board (IRB) and cite the identification number of the IRB in the manuscript if applicable. For manuscripts involving human subjects, the research must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki. For manuscripts involving animal subjects, the research must be conducted in compliance with the local or national institutional review boards.

For manuscripts that use patient related data, authors must state in a sentence that they have obtained the patients’ written informed consent form for participation in the study and for publication of their data. The consent forms must be scanned and submitted with the manuscript.

RIR reserves the right to reject manuscripts that are considered ethically inappropriate according to the editorial committee.

Informed consent

For personally identifiable images that cannot be completely de-identified, authors must submit informed consent to publish from the patient.

Funding or financial support

Any funding or financial support related to work reported in the present manuscript should be stated. The full official name of the funding agency should be given. Please include the grant number if applicable. Other benefits from commercial sources should also be indicated.

Main text of the manuscript

This is the main body of the manuscript. The components and format of the main text varies according to the types of the articles.

For original research article

Original research reports original unpublished research on clinical, basic research and translational research in rheumatology and immunology. Systematic reviews and metaanalyses are also considered as original research.

An original research article should include the following components:

· Cover letter (optional)

· Title page

· Abstract: maximum word count: 300

· Keywords: less than 5

· Main body of the article: maximum word count:4500

· Acknowledgement (if applicable)

· References: maximum of 50

· Tables and Figures: maximum of 6, combined

· Supplement/appendix


The abstract is subdivided into: Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions. The maximum word count is 300.




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