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  • 参考译名《透视物理学》
  • 核心类别 SSCI(2024版), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



PHYSICS IN PERSPECTIVE《透视物理学》(季刊)。Physics in Perspective seeks to bridge the gulf between physicists and non-physicists through historical a...[显示全部]












Submission guidelines

Instructions for Authors


Submission of a manuscript implies

that the work described has not been published before;

that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere;

that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work has been carried out;

that, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatically transfer the copyright to the publisher;

that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holder;

that the manuscript should be written in English.

The Editorial Process

There is no rigid page limit for articles, but overly long ones require special justification to be published. The receipt of a manuscript will be acknowledged promptly. If the Editors-in-Chief judge the manuscript to be evidently unsuitable for publication in Physics in Perspective, it will be returned to the author provided a self-addressed, stamped envelope (or international reply coupon) has been enclosed. If the Editors-in-Chief judge the manuscript to be worthy of consideration for publication in Physics in Perspective, it will be sent to one or more referees who are competent to judge it and who will remain anonymous to the author. After the manuscript has been refereed, the Editors-in-Chief will notify the author of its acceptance or rejection for publication, and if accepted, of any revisions required prior to publication.

Format of Manuscripts

General Layout:

Manuscripts should be written in a style suitable for a broad audience of readers.

All pages should be numbered consecutively, including references, tables, and figure captions.

All text, including figure captions, tables, and references, should be typed double spaced with a single font (12 point), with margins of 1 inch (2.5 cm) on all sides. The right-hand margin should be left ragged (unjustified) to facilitate readability. Quotations of more than a few lines should be indented and not enclosed in quotation marks. All special characters and diacritical marks must be included and clearly indicated. Italics should be indicated preferably as such or by underlining in the text.

Title Page:

On a separate title page, manuscripts must include a title as well as an abbreviated title that will be used as a running head (no more than 60 characters), whereby only the first word, proper nouns and acronyms should be capitalized.

Below the title, please list the names (first name, middle name (initial(s)) and last name) as well as full postal addresses of authors, clearly indicating which address relates to which author. The author to whom correspondence is to be addressed should be indicated separately. To ensure rapid publication please indicate fax number and e-mail address for fast communication.

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An abstract (one single paragraph, no more than 150 words) that enumerates the principal facts and conclusions should accompany each paper, as well as a short list of appropriate keywords.

Names and Dates:

The first time a proper name is given in the text, the full name (or initials when the full name is unknown) should be given; subsequently, only the last name needs to be given. Dates should be given in the usual form (month, day, year), for example May 5, 1968.

Figures and Tables:

Figures and tables must be referenced in the text. Figures and tables must be numbered serially with Arabic numerals and provided with concise, descriptive captions, which should be listed on a separate page or pages.

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Photographs: 300 dpi

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Font-related problems can be avoided by using one standard font, preferably Times New Roman.

Coloured illustrations can be printed by special arrangements, at the author's expense.

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Footnotes and Endnotes:

Authors should distinguish between footnotes, which are explanatory in nature, and endnotes, which are citations to the literature. Explanatory footnotes should appear in the text as sequential, raised lower-case letters (a, b, c, etc.). Endnotes should appear in the text as consecutive, raised Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). The endnotes themselves should appear in numerical order at the end of the text. The number of both footnotes and endnotes should be kept as small as possible.

Remember that Physics in Perspective is directed to a general, non-specialized audience. Endnotes, in particular, should be viewed only as a guide to the literature, and not as providing a comprehensive survey of it. A quotation from a previously published work should be acknowledged with an endnote whose number should appear in the text at the end of the quotation.

Endnotes (citations to the literature) should be in the language of first publication.

The first time a journal is cited, its full title (e. g. Physical Review) should be given; subsequently, an abbreviated title (e. g. Phys. Rev.) may be used. Both beginning and ending page numbers must be given.


Citations to books:

John M. Blatt and Victor F. Weisskopf, Theoretical Nuclear Physics (New York: Wiley, 1953), p. 27.

James Chadwick, ed., The Collected Papers of Lord Rutherford of Nelson, O.M., F.R.S. Vol. 2. Manchester (London: Allen and Unwin, 1963), pp. 83-87.

Citations to articles in journals or anthologies:

Eugene Wigner, “On the Mass Defect of Helium,” Physical Review 43 (1933), 252–57.

Philip Dee, “Some Reminiscences of the Discovery of the Neutron”, in John Hendry, ed., Cambridge Physics in the Thirties (Bristol: Hilger, 1984), pp. 46–48.

Albert Einstein, “Eine Theorie der Grundlagen der Thermodynamik,” Annalen der Physik 11 (1903), 170–87; reprinted in John Stachel, ed., The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein. Vol. 2. The Swiss Years: Writings, 1900-1909 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989), pp. 77–94.

For immediately following citations, use the form Ibid., p. 28; for others:

Blatt and Weisskopf, Nuclear Physics (ref. 28), p. 37.

Wigner, “Mass Defect” (ref. 33), p. 255.

Submission of Manuscripts

Please submit your manuscript as a word-processed document in either Word or WordPerfect format as an e-mail attachment to facilitate the refereeing process.

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