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  • 期刊简称
  • 参考译名《俄罗斯历史》
  • 核心类别 AHCI(2023版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向HISTORY



N HISTORY-HISTOIRE RUSSE《俄罗斯历史》(季刊)。Russian History’s mission is the publication of original articles on the history of Russia through ...[显示全部]







Prof. Lawrence N. Langer, Editor-in-Chief Russian History

Department of History, U-2103, University of Connecticut

241 Glenbrook Road

Storrs, CT 06269, USA








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Contributions to the Journal should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief by e-mail to:


They can also be sent on CD or USB stick by postal mail to:

Prof. Lawrence N. Langer, Editor-in-Chief Russian History

Department of History, U-2103, University of Connecticut

241 Glenbrook Road

Storrs, CT 06269, USA

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In any word processor: save and send the file in RTF format or Word .doc format. Use a Unicode-friendly font such as the Brill (brill.com/about/brill-fonts). If you use other fonts: send them along with the text file.

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Manuscripts should be written in English. Spelling (British or American) should be consistent throughout. See also the note on punctuation in quotations below. Where both -ise and -ize spellings are possible, the latter should be used, e.g. in standardize, italicize, realize; but note that exercise, circumcise, compromise and many other words must be spelled with -ise.

The text must be grammatically correct and in good literary style.

Gender-inclusive language should be used; e.g. “the reader” must generally be referred to as “he or she” or “she or he” (not “he/she” or “she/he”); “humanity,” “people”, etc. should be used rather than “man” as a generic term.


For transliteration from Cyrillic, use the Library of Congress romanization table: loc.gov/catdir/cpso/roman.html.

Non-Roman Scripts and Non-English Accents

Use of Cyrillic and Greek quotations is allowed. In non-English texts, diacritical marks should be used as appropriate (e.g. in German, umlauts should always be used where required, rather than spelling with an extra “e”; however, the Ringel-ß may be rendered by “ss”). Capitalized letters in French should not be accented.


Articles should generally consist of 7500-10000 words, book reviews: 1000-2000 words, review essays 2500-4000 words. Manuscripts should be complete, including all necessary footnotes, bibliographical references, tables, et cetera.

Manuscript Structure


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files to format the text to be typeset as italics. Mark every other layout element (e.g., block quotations, tables) in the print-out. Indent paragraphs with a single tab.

Articles should be typewritten, or in the form of a clear printout from a word-processor, on A4 or American-standard white paper, double-spaced (including footnotes, which should preferably appear at the bottom of the page), and on one side of the paper only.

Abstract and Keywords

On the first article page, after the author’s name and affiliation there should be an abstract or summary of the article in not more than 250 words. Four to eight keywords should be provided and placed below the abstract.


Headings should be flush left, in bold and preferably unnumbered.


Quotations of more than four lines, which will be set as indented text in smaller type and line spacing, should not be preceded and followed by quotation marks, and should be double-spaced. British and American styles are both acceptable: British style uses single quotation marks for the first level of quotation and double quotation marks for quotations within quotations.

American style uses double quotation marks for the first level of quotation and single quotation marks for quotations within quotations. Note that in British-style quotations, punctuation appears outside the quotation marks, unless an entire sentence is being cited; in American-style quotations, punctuation appears within the quotation marks.


Notes will be typeset as footnotes rather than endnotes. A note number may be used only once: sub-numbering of notes (e.g., note 30a) is not acceptable. Footnotes should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition. Footnotes should be double-spaced.


Books must include names of publishers. If no publisher or no date of publication is known, use n.p. or n.d.

First name Last name, Title in Italics (City: Publisher, date), 25-81.

Ibid., 123-25 (use Ibid for an immediate reference to the same work).

Use a shortened title for a later reference to the same book, e.g.:

Last Name, Shortened Title, 125-26.

Op.cit and loc.cit should not be used.

Editor: First Name Last Name, Title in Italics, ed. First Name Last Name (City: Publisher, Date), 381-402

Multivolume Work

First Name Last Name, Title in Italics, 5 vols. (City: Publisher, Dates), 3: 100-104


First name Last name, “Title of article,” Journal Title in Italics 94, no. 3 (Fall 2019): 246-51.


Full Title of Archive (RGADA), and in italics f. 1609, op. 1, l. (or) ll. 6-7.

References to document numbers and their pages should read first the page followed by the number in parenthesis: ASEI, 25 (no. 6).

Pagination: do not use p. or pp. Volume numbers are followed by a colon and page.

Numbers ending in multiples of 100, use all digits: 100-102; 1200-1213

Numbers in 101 through 109, 201 through 209, etc.: 101-2, 1201-13

Citations in Text and Notes

Use the social-scientific style, in combination with a separate bibliography in the social-scientific style (see below).

References in text: (von Rad 1975: 57) (Reploh 1969; Rohrbaugh 1987: 103–19) (Dewey 1989: 1 n. 2).


Bibliography are not necessary, but when used they should follow Chicago Manual of Style.


Last Name, First Name. Title in Italics. City: Publisher, Date.

Journal Article

Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Title of Journal in Italics. 94, No. 3 (Fall 2007): 235- 84.


Illustrations and photos, should be submitted in .tiff or .jpg format, scaled at 100%, resolution at least 300 dpi (600 dpi is preferred). Number the files and clearly mark the spot where the photo should be inserted (“insert ill. 2”). Provide the captions at the very end of the article.



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