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  • 期刊简称
  • 参考译名《拉美印第安文学杂志》
  • 核心类别
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向LITERATURE



LATIN AMERICAN INDIAN LITERATURES JOURNAL《拉美印第安文学杂志》(半年刊)。Latin American Indian Literatures Journal is a blind-refereed journal that publishes te...[显示全部]
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3、投稿地址:Dr. Mary H. Preuss,

Penn State Greater Allegheny,

4000 University Drive, McKeesport

PA 15132-7698.











LAIL Journal invites original, unpublished studies about the literature of the indigenous peoples of Latin America as well as unpublished examples of Indian literature with an introduction and commentary. Bilinear indigenous texts (indigenous language and English / Spanish) are very welcome. Submissions are blind refereed. Although papers are accepted in English or Spanish, individuals with a command of English are strongly urged to submit their papers in that language. Generally, we publish one article per number in Spanish.

1.   Five hard copies of your  paper must be submitted along with a disk in Word Perfect or Microsoft Word for an IBM compatible computer. Please double space and  use Times Roman font 12.  Staple each copy. Please do not send the pages loose or fastened with a paper clip or by other means.

2.  You are responsible for correcting all mistakes.  Please read your final paper carefully.

3. You are responsible for precision and correctness of citations and information given in your work.

4.  Follow the humanities style of  The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition.  Note the following:

A. Endnotes (no footnotes, please) should include only information not of a bibliographical nature and should be numbered consecutively throughout the study. Endnote numbers should be in superscript, for example, guardians of the forest.1 Do not use the endnote function key.

B. Within the text of the paper, references to authors and sources should include the author’s last name, year of the publication, page number(s), according to the following example:

           (Redfield 1950:26)

C. The last section of the paper will be entitled “References” and this will include only titles of articles, books, etc., that have been cited in the paper.  Note that all nouns and proper nouns and names in a title in English must be capitalized. Please check carefully to ensure that all references are included with page numbers and in the form given below.

Books: author’s last name, author’s first name. title of book in italics. Place of publication: publisher, year published.


González, Gaspar Pedro.  A Mayan Life. Rancho Palos Verdes, California: Yax Te’ Press, 1995.

                   Example for a reprint:

Redfield, Robert and Alfonso Villa Rojas. Chan Kom A Maya Village. 1934. Reprint, Prospect Heights, Illinois: Waveland Press, Inc., 1990.


Article in a book: author’s last name, author’s first name. Title of article in quotations. Title of book in italics, name of editor(s), and pages on which article appears.  Place of  publication: publisher, year of publication.


Guevara-Berger, Marcos. “ A Visit to a Bribri Shaman.” In South and MesoAmerican Native Spirituality

From the Cult of the Feathered Serpent to the Theology of Liberation, edited by Gary H. Gossen and

Miguel León-Portilla, 371-390. New York: Crossroad, 1993.

             Journal article: author’s last name, author’s first name. Title of article in double quotations. Title of journal in italics, volume number, issue number (month/part of year published) year published in parentheses: page numbers.


Burkhart, Louise M. “A Nahuatl Religious Drama.” Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 7, no. 1 (Fall 1991):152-171.

5. Quotations of one or two short sentences should be included in the text but longer ones should be set off 5 spaces in the left-hand margin.

6.  Please include a title page which states your name, title of your paper, address, phone numbers (office and home), fax number, E-mail address, and institutional affiliation.

7.  Please use the title of your paper as a header on each page, but do not put your name on the paper.

8.  If you include pictures or materials from published sources, it is your responsibility to get permission in writing to use those materials and forward them to us. We can not publish them without the appropriate authorization. Pictures / graphics must be in camera ready, 4.5" wide x 7.5" long. If they are in color, the author will be asked to pay for the additional cost over black and white.

9.   Papers, including cited references and notes, should not exceed 25 pages.

10.  LAIL Journal publishes only studies / literature directly related to Latin American Indian literatures. It does not include indigenista or other studies.

11.  Send a disk along with 1 copies of  your paper to: Dr. Mary H. Preuss, Penn State Greater Allegheny, 4000 University Drive, McKeesport, PA 15132-7698.

12. Your paper will be submitted to three referees and the decision to publish it will be determined by their evaluations.  As soon as their evaluations are completed, you will be notified of their decision. Sometimes this is a very lengthy process.

If you have any questions not answered above about the form or publication, consult The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition or contact Dr. Mary H. Preuss at the address above (see 10) or by E-mail: mhp1@psu.edu.

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