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  • 参考译名《韩国化学工程杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING《韩国化学工程杂志》(月刊). It provides a global forum for the dissemination of research in chemical engineer...[显示全部]













Instructions to Authors

Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering

Korean J. Chem. Eng. is devoted to publication of research papers in all fields of chemical engineering. Korean J. Chem. Eng. aspires to publish research results of fundamental significance and unusual industrial urgency within the discipline of chemical engineering. We seek papers that meet the standards in rigor, novelty, and innovation. When a manuscript is submitted to Korean J. Chem. Eng., Editors make an initial editorial judgment regarding its suitability for the journal’s audience. If the manuscript does not meet minimum quality for publication, the submission is returned without sending it on for further processing. Titles of manuscripts may not contain the words “First” or “Novel” nor any part number or series number.

Types of Publication

Korean J. Chem. Eng. covers reports on the state-of-the-art technologies in the sections of Invited Review Articles, Journal Reviews, Research Papers, Rapid Communications, and Letters to the Editor.

INVITED REVIEW PAPERS: Editorial board invites key review papers that highlight academic or industrial progress in specific areas within the discipline of chemical engineering.

JOURNAL REVIEWS: Journal Reviews provide a snapshot of state of the art in specific areas in chemical engineering. Journal Reviews are not solicited on an invitation basis, so submission is open to all chemical engineers.

Journal Reviews are commissioned by the Editor-in-Chief through the advice of the Editors.

RESEARCH PAPERS: Full-length manuscripts that entail novel experimental or theoretical results in the field of chemical engineering must be submitted via the Korean J. Chem. Eng. submission webpage. Manuscripts should be written in the format outlined below. As Korean J. Chem. Eng.

features important research results that address a broader readership than more specialized journals, we ask authors to prepare the materials with conciseness and clarity. With that being said, manuscripts exceeding 12,000 words may be returned to the authors for shortening prior to review.

RAPID COMMUNICATIONS: Rapid communications present new experimental or theoretical content requiring rapid dissemination. Authors should clarify in the cover letter to the editor why the contribution deserves rapid publication. A rapid communication should be within three printed journal pages.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Letter to the editor may be submitted on any subject of interest to the Journal readership. Letters commenting on previously published articles will normally be sent to the authors of the previous publication for possible response prior to publication. A letter should not normally exceed 500 words on double-spaced typewritten pages.

Manuscript Submission and Formatting

SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS: Authors should submit their manuscripts directly to the online submission system at http://www.editorialmanager.com/kjce. All manuscripts are acknowledged as soon as they reach the editorial office. Authors not receiving such an acknowledgement in a reasonable time should notify the editor. By submitting a manuscript, authors agree that the copyright for their manuscript is transferred to the publisher if and when it is accepted for publication.

In what follows, guidelines for the formatting of a manuscript are listed.

Title and Authors: A title should provide quintessential novelty highlighted in the submitted manuscript. Acronyms and abbreviations are not permitted in manuscript titles, unless they are broadly familiar to readers in all disciplines of chemical engineering. Title of manuscript, list of authors, and order of authors must be the same on all pieces of the submission. All authors must be listed on the submission page with current contact information and a direct/valid e-mail address for each.

Abstract: As we value conciseness and clarity within our publication, abstracts should demonstrate the highest degree of clarity. For that reason, we recommend that length of an abstract be within 200 words.




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