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  • 期刊简称J DAIRY SCI
  • 参考译名《乳品科学杂志》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T1), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE《乳品科学杂志》(月刊). The official journal of the American Dairy Science Association, Journal of Dairy Science (JDS)&nb...[显示全部]









(217) 239-3339







Instructions to Authors

Journal of Dairy Science

Instructions to Authors: Style and Form

Journal Policies and Procedures

The American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®) invites scientists from the global community to submit papers for consideration to the Journal of Dairy Science (JDS). Authors need not be members of ADSA. These instructions detail editorial policies and style and form for publishing in JDS. We recommend that authors refer to these instructions, as well as the Instructions to Authors: Policies, during submission, peer review, acceptance, proof correction, and final publication phases.

Contact Information for Journal Staff

For information on the scientific content of the journal, contact the editor-in-chief, Dr. Paul J. Kononoff; phone: 402-472-6442; e-mail: pkononoff2@unl.edu.

For assistance with Scholar One (Manuscript Central)  and Manuscript Submission/Copyright forms, contact Shauna Miller, editorial assistant, Headquarters Office, 1800 S. Oak St., Suite 100, Champaign, IL 61820; phone (217) 239-3339; fax (217) 378-4083; shaunam@assochq.org.

For questions about manuscript preparation, journal style and form, and proofs, contact Louise Adam, lead technical editor, at loua@assochq.org or journals@assochq.org.

For other information, contact Susan Pollock, managing editor, Headquarters Office, American Dairy Science Association, 1800 S. Oak St., Suite 100, Champaign, IL 61820; phone (217) 356-7641; susanp@assochq.org or journals@assochq.org.

Aims and Scope

The Journal of Dairy Science publishes original research, invited review articles, and other scholarly work that relates to the production and processing of milk or milk products intended for human consumption. The journal is broadly divided into dairy foods and dairy production sections. Please refer to the complete Aims and Scope online for more detailed information of suitable topics for the Journal of Dairy Science.

Dairy Foods Sections

Bioactivity and Human Health

Chemistry and Materials Science

Dairy Product Microbiology and Safety

Food Systems and Environment

Processing and Engineering

Sensory Analysis

Dairy Production Sections

Animal Nutrition

Farm Systems and Environment

Genetics and Genomics

Health, Behavior, and Well-being


In addition to the above sections, interpretive applied summaries and recommendations may be submitted to the Dairy Industry Today section. Syntheses and applications from technical reports that contribute to solutions to problems in the dairy industry are especially solicited. Authors of reports for extension education of the nonscientist are encouraged to share their contributions with colleagues and to achieve wider circulation of their conclusions and recommendations through this section. In addition, papers that report on advances in teaching and outreach techniques are suitable for this section.

Types of Articles

Full-Length Research Papers. The majority of papers published in JDS are full-length research articles, which includes systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The journal emphasizes the importance of high-quality scientific writing and clarity in presentation of the concepts and methods, and sufficient background information that would be required for thorough understanding by scientists in other disciplines. The results published must be replicated, either by replicating treatments within experiments or by repeating experiments. Studies using commercial products should address a hypothesis-based question relevant to the biology or mechanism of action of the product.

In addition to full-length research papers, the following types of articles appear in the journal:

Invited Reviews. The journal publishes invited reviews in all scientific sections of the journal. Authors interested in writing a review should contact the Invited Reviews editor, Kerst Stelwagen (kerst.stelwagen@scilactis.co.nz) with justification for the review. Ultimately, the invitation for submissions and overseeing of the peer-review process are the responsibility of the Invited Reviews editor; authors should not submit an Invited Review without first receiving an invitation letter.

The Invited Reviews editor may also solicit reviews on topics of interest. The first 10 printed pages of an invited review are published at no cost to the author.

The journal does not publish unsolicited reviews.



Authors should submit their papers online to the journal peer-review site. Authors should upload manuscripts using the fewest files possible to facilitate review.

Detailed instructions for submitting electronically are provided online (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jds). All authors must have an account in the peerreview system and the submitting author must link all author accounts to the manuscript. Authors who are unable to submit online should contact Shauna Miller, editorial assistant (shaunam@assochq.org).


Accepted manuscripts are downloaded from ScholarOne Manuscripts to the editorial office for technical editing and composition. After technical editing, the manuscript is typeset, figures reproduced, and author proofs prepared.


Author proofs (PDF) will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author. Although the proof appears in a 2-column page format, it should be considered a galley proof; page layout may change when the article is paginated into an issue. Author proofs should be read carefully and checked against the typed manuscript, because responsibility for proofreading lies with the authors. The Comments feature in Adobe Acrobat or Reader may be used to insert changes and comments within the proof PDF.

Proof corrections should be made and returned to the technical editor within 3 days of receipt. Publication cannot proceed until proofs are returned. Contact a technical editor at journals@assochq.org if you have questions about the proof correction process.

Articles in Press

Corrected proofs will be posted weekly on the Articles in Press (AiP) site (https://www.journalofdairyscience.org/inpress) and remain there until the article is published in a monthly issue of the journal.


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