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Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology《陶瓷科学与技术杂志》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《陶瓷科学与技术杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向材料科学-MATERIALS SCIENCE, CERAMICS材料科学:硅酸盐



Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology《陶瓷科学与技术杂志》(半年刊). The Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology publishes original scientific artic...[显示全部]











Guidelines for Authors

General remarks

The Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology will publish original research relating to all categories of ceramic materials. Articles on basic research as well as processing and application of ceramic materials are welcome. Papers may have either theoretical or experimental character. Submission language is English. To sustain a high standard of the journal all manuscripts will be reviewed in a double-blind peer review process by at least two international experts and the journal editors.

Only contributions that have not been submitted or printed elsewhere will be published. Once a paper has been accepted for publication, its copyright is transferred to the publisher of the Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology (Göller Verlag GmbH, Baden-Baden, Germany).

Open Access

The Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology is a fully open access journal. The article publication charge for all articles is 1300 Euros.

Open Access has many benefits for science and the general public. Free online articles are more highly cited because of their easier availability.

All articles of the Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) which allows users to copy, distribute and transmit an article, adapt the article and make commercial use of the article.

Submission process

Papers can be submitted electronically via the internet platform only. To enable online submissions, authors must first register and provide all required data like e-mail address, affiliation, etc.

The editorial management and peer review system will support authors and reviewers to process their papers online. The editors may return manuscripts which are not in accordance with the detailed instructions for manuscript preparation or that do not fit the scope of the journal prior to the reviewing process.

The journal forwards an accepted paper to Göller Verlag. When composed page proofs are available, Göller Verlag forwards them to the author for final review and to answer any editorial questions that may have resulted from editing the manuscript. The author should return the corrected page proofs as directed by Göller Verlag. If none are returned within two weeks. Göller Verlag will proceed with publication as edited.

Formal requirements

When starting the submission process, authors first need to choose between different article types e.g. Original Article, Review, etc. Afterwards authors will go through several submission steps where they enter various required or optional meta data like title, abstract, keywords, information about other authors, etc. To complete their submission, authors can upload documents in the last submission step.

Some submission items, e.g. manuscript, are required while others are optional. All items need to be uploaded separately to avoid embedded documents e.g. figures in the manuscript. Authors should also take care that the properties or the data file names of their uploaded documents do not include their names so as not to reveal their identity to the reviewers.

For further information, see details per submission item below:

Cover Page, Primary Manuscript File

The cover page of the manuscript needs to be split from the main text of the manuscript and

uploaded as the separate item “Primary Manuscript File” to ensure all information about the author(s) remains invisible to the reviewers. This item should include

· Title/subtitle

· Authors (all authors with distinct linkages to her/his affiliations)

· Affiliations (beginning with each author's superscript number)

· Corresponding Author

· Abstract




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