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  • 参考译名《水生生态系统知识与管理》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向环境科学与生态学-FISHERIES渔业;MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY海洋与淡水生物学



KNOWLEDGE AND MANAGEMENT OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS《水生生态系统知识与管理》(年刊). Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (KMAE-Bulletin Français de la&nbs...[显示全部]












Instructions for authors

Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems is an open access journal with original research papers, review papers and opinion papers. The articles published in the journal are written in English. These papers contribute to a scientific understanding of freshwater ecosystems and the impact of human activities upon these systems. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems is the continuation of Bulletin français de la pêche et de la pisciculture. Crayfish and Ecology fisheries are the brand of the journal. Their scope includes economic, social, and public administration studies, in so far as they are directly concerned with the management of freshwater ecosystems and prove of general interest to freshwater specialists. Hydrobiology, ecology of plankton, periphyton, benthos, neuston and nekton, trophic food webs, bioindication, biomonitoring, bioconservation, restoration, ecological modelling and simulation topics constitute the key elements of eligible papers. Integrated studies are quite welcome when they bridge the gaps between traditional disciplines. We also consider papers dealing with new methods, measurement technologies and data analysis used in aquatic sciences.

The submitted material must be previously unpublished and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Research papers

Research papers should be concise, focused on new results and data. Review papers may be considered for publication after an agreement with the Scientific Committee (see below). The Scientific Committee maintains the option of returning to authors, before any evaluation, manuscripts that do not comply with these recommendations. Long tables and similar material may be included as electronic-only material (see section Electronic-only material below).

Review papers

Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems wishes to publish review papers dealing with up-to-date advances in hydrobiology research and current important debates about freshwater ecology, and aquatic ecosystem management, etc. Review papers may be sponsored by the Scientific Committee, or submitted on the author's own initiative. In the case of an independent submission, authors are advised to submit their project to the Scientific Committee with a few indications about the potential content prior to writing their review. The length of review papers may vary according to the importance of the material. Review manuscripts will be peer-reviewed like current research papers.

Opinion papers

Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems makes this new option available to allow fast publication of opinions, responses to published papers and any other matter of scientific debate. Opinion papers should be sent with a brief cover letter providing a few clues about the topic addressed and the debate underlying the paper. Such papers should be quite short, and follow the usual rules of the journal. They will be analysed by the Scientific Committee and a quick decision about suitability for publication will be made. Opinion papers will be published online rapidly.

Short communications

Short communications present concise information on topics within the scope of the KMAE. Abstract, key words and references are required; the remainder should be presented as continuous text. The paper must be short (3–5 printed pages; c. 2500 words) and comply with the instructions given below for any sort of communication.


Electronic submission via the online article submission and editorial system Editorial Manager® is the mode of submission for research articles, reviews and opinion papers. Editorial Manager® for Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems is available at http://www.editorialmanager.com/kmae/. Please follow the instructions displayed on the screen after accessing the website.

Contact office for further detail

Further information and requests: Editorial Office of Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, kmae@edpsciences.org.

Manuscript processing

Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems is aware that fast processing and rapid publication is a key to the diffusion of knowledge and innovation. Electronic submission and electronic management of manuscripts are used as one tool to speed up the review process. A simplified circuit for peer-reviewing allows the time period from submission to publication to be kept low. The first acceptance response will be no later than two months after submission, and online publication will take no longer than 4 months unless in-depth revision is required.

Open access

Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems and its publisher EDP Sciences are in favour of broad and easy access to all published scientific information and will favour measures taken in this direction. All papers are in open access at no cost for authors (*).

General presentation of manuscripts

The manuscripts should be double-spaced with margins of at least 3.5 cm at the top, bottom and sides. Lines must be numbered in the margins with a continuous numbering from the start of the manuscript. The manuscript should be arranged as follows: (i) title page, (ii) second page with abstract in English, title and abstract in French (if needed, the editorial office will take care of the French translation), followed by the sections (iii) introduction, (iv) materials and methods, (v) results, (vi) discussion, (vii) acknowledgments, (viii) references, (ix) tables, (x) captions of figures and (xi) figures. The language should have been edited by a native English speaker before submission.

Title page

The title page should include: title of the article, first name, middle initial(s) and surname of each author (format: "Albert EINSTEIN"), department and institution where the study was carried out, detailed postal address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the corresponding author (this author being identified by an asterisk), a short title (running head) of no more than 45 characters, including spaces, and additional keywords.




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