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  • 参考译名《运动训练杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向医学-SPORT SCIENCES运动科学



JOURNAL OF ATHLETIC TRAINING《运动训练杂志》(月刊). The mission of the Journal of Athletic Training (JAT) is to advance the science and ...[显示全部]














General Information

The mission of the Journal of Athletic Training (JAT) is to advance the science and clinical practice of athletic training and sports medicine. Athletic training is a health care profession that encompasses the prevention, examination, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of emergent, acute, and chronic injuries, illnesses, and pathologic conditions in athletes and other physically active individuals.

The JAT is a publication of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA). The Journal does not charge publication fees and is fully open access and free of charge to all users. All manuscripts published in the JAT will be freely available on the NATA Journals Web site upon final production and released to PubMed Central in a timely manner.

Manuscripts submitted to the JAT are screened for suitability and adherence to the author guidelines. Submissions deemed to fall outside the scope of the JAT’s mission, to be of low priority for publication because of a failure to substantially advance the scientific understanding or clinical practice of athletic training and sports medicine, or to be noncompliant with the author guidelines will be rejected without peer review. All other submissions will be assigned to an Associate Editor and undergo double-blind peer review.


Originality and Copyright

Each author must attest that a manuscript submitted for consideration of publication by the JAT (1) contains original, unpublished material submitted solely to the JAT, (2) is not under simultaneous review by any other journal or publisher, and (3) will not be submitted elsewhere until a publication decision is rendered concerning suitability for publication by the JAT. On submission, each author must also acknowledge and accept the transfer and assignment of all copyright ownership to the NATA in the event that the work is published in JAT.

The JAT follows the redundant-publication guidelines of the Council of Science Editors. All submissions are subject to assessment using plagiarism-detection software. Authors in violation of the redundant-publication guidelines will have sanctions invoked by the Journal Committee of the NATA.


The JAT conforms to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors’ Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. Each author must be specifically identified in the published manuscript in accordance with the Uniform Requirements: ‘‘Authorship credit should be based only on (1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (3) final approval of the version to be published. Conditions (1), (2), and (3) must all be met. Acquisition of funding, the collection of data, or general supervision of the research group, by themselves, do not constitute authorship.’’ Contributors to the manuscript who do not qualify for authorship should be thanked in the “Acknowledgments” section. Each author must verify having contributed substantially to the submitted manuscript.

Financial Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest

Sources of financial support for the study must be acknowledged. Grant or contract numbers should be included whenever possible. The complete name of the funding institution, agency, or company should be given, along with the city and state in which it is located. If individual authors were the recipients of funds, their names should be listed parenthetically.

During submission, each author’s name and contact information must be provided. An e-mail will be sent to each author for verification of authorship and documentation of any conflicts of interest or financial disclosures and copyright transfer.

Protocol Registration

Registration of clinical trials in a public trials registry is required for publication in the JAT. Trials must be registered before or at the time of patient enrollment. Details related to registration requirements and processes can be found at http://www.icmje.org/about-icmje/faqs/clinicaltrials-registration/. The name of the registry, registration number for the trial, and the URL for the registered trial should be included at the bottom of the title page.

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses should be prospectively registered with PROSPERO. The registration number and associated URL of the review or meta-analysis should be included at the bottom of the title page.

Compliance with International Standards for Ethical Treatment of Human Participants and Animals in Research

Authors must comply with the standards of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors regarding the protection of research participants (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and-responsibilities/protection-ofresearch-participants.html). For experimental investigations of human or animal participants, state in the “Methods” section of the manuscript that an appropriate institutional review board approved the project. For investigations of human participants, state in the “Methods” section when and how informed consent was obtained. If informed consent was not required because the study was exempt, identify the institutional review board that approved the exemption.




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