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  • 期刊简称J AOAC INT
  • 参考译名《AOAC国际协会杂志》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率13.00%



JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL《AOAC国际协会杂志》(双月刊). The Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL publishes original research and studies in nine topic ...[显示全部]













Instructions to Authors

About the Journal

The Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL publishes the latest in basic and applied research in analytical sciences related to the safety, quality and integrity of foods and other products that impact health in a one health context.

The Journal is published six times yearly, presenting fully refereed contributed papers in the field of chemical and microbiological analysis, including:

Original research on new techniques and applications

Validation studies

Studies leading to method development

AOAC-approved methods



Chemists, microbiologists, nutritionists, agronomists, quality assurance/control professionals, biomedical researchers, and regulatory scientists.

Scope of the Journal

The Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL publishes in the fields of chemical, biological, and toxicological analytical chemistry for the purpose of showcasing the most precise, accurate, and sensitive methods for analysis of foods, food additives, supplements and contaminants, cosmetics, drugs, toxins, hazardous substances, pesticides, feeds, fertilizers, and the environment. For a full list of section descriptions visit the detailed list of the sections’ scopes here.

Editorial Office


David B. Schmidt


2275 Research Blvd, Ste 300

Rockville, MD 20850, USA


Editorial Office

Director of Publications

Jennifer Diatz


The complete Editorial Board members and the Journal Editors can be accessed online.

Article types

Research Article

Report on important original research relevant to the scope of Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, typically fewer than 7,500 words, 8 tables and figures combined.

Short Communication

Short communications are types of papers, briefer than full research papers, typically fewer than 2,500 words, 3 tables and figures combined.

Review Article

Provide an introduction to, and update on, recent progress in a particular field, which is accessible to a researcher not working directly in that discipline. Review papers are typically fewer than 10,000 words and less than 100 references.

Letter to Editor

The Journal publishes Letters to the Editor related to papers published in the Journal, and where appropriate, the Journal will send letters commenting on the Journal article to the author of the paper for a response, and publish the letter and the response at the same time.

Note: The suggested maximum word counts exclude the Abstract and References.

Submission Instructions

Original articles that have not been submitted for publication elsewhere should be uploaded to the online submission system at: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/aoac_jaoac

Authors are required to select the article type and the section upon manuscript submission. A detailed list of the sections’ scopes is available here.

Cover Letters

A cover letter addressed to the Editor-in-Chief should accompany all manuscripts and should explain to the Journal editor how the manuscript fits the scope of the Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL. A statement should be included of the analytical problem you addressed and the novelty and originality of the approach taken, contribution of your work to create new knowledge in the analytical sciences, and relevance of your work to advance basic or applied research and specific impact to the analytical sciences related to foods, drugs, agriculture, or the environment. A statement should be included in the cover letter by the corresponding author that all persons named as co-authors have seen and approved the manuscript prior to submission.

The Review Process

The usual review process is as follows:

Author submits manuscript online;

The Editorial Office performs initial assessment and transmits each submitted paper to appropriate Section Editor, who solicits peer reviews;

The Section Editor sends an e-mail to the author for revision in response to reviewers’ comments; editor accepts or rejects revision; and informs author and AOAC editorial office;

Articles are copy edited and typeset following the Journal style guide;

Page proofs are sent to author for final approval.

The Journal uses a single-blinded review process. After the editor receives a minimum of two reviewer responses, he/she will make a decision. The editor will send an e-mail to the corresponding author with the decision (accept, minor revision, major revision, or reject). The Editor's decision is final. The author will need to respond to the reviewers’ comments. Please respond to all reviewer comments to minimize the number of revisions required. Responses should be marked in tracked changes in the document. A separate Word document may accompany the revised article explaining the changes. The Editor accepts or rejects the revision and transmits the decision to the author and the AOAC editorial office. Refer to “Production and Publication Process”.

Review Policy

The Editorial Office or Section Editor will decline formal review of a manuscript when it is deemed to be:

Outside the scope of the Journal;

Making no contribution to the advancement of scientific knowledge when in scope;

Lacking technical or scientific merit;

Reporting only routine work (lacks novelty);

Not following the Guidelines to Authors; or

Poorly written.

Manuscript Format

Please provide the manuscript text as a Microsoft Word or as a LaTeX file.  Do NOT embed tables and figures within the text.  Tables can be uploaded as a separate document or inserted after the references in the main document with each table on a separate page. Figures should be uploaded as separate files clearly named (i.e., Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.)

Title Page

On the first page please include the title of the paper, author names with superscript numbers used to match authors to their affiliations, a list of author affiliations.


Titles should be concise and informative as titles are often used in information-retrieval systems. Avoid non-standard acronyms/abbreviations, symbols, and formulae.




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